I can’t see the option to export data from the hidden fields. I can only choose normal fields to map. I can’t find the option for mapping the hidden fields.
]]>When I send data to pipedrive I can only create a new “contact”. How do I create a new “deal”?
I already have the premium version, but there is no way to create “deals”.
I have added an optional checkbox field which will allow users to consent to receiving marketing comms. I have added the ‘Marketing status’ field into my Pipedrive Feed for my form and set the value to ‘no_consent’ if the front-end checkbox is not checked and ‘subscribed’ if it is. Despite this, the log is showing that every submission is sending as ‘no_consent’, even when the checkbox is ticket and ‘marketing status’ value is showing as ‘subscribed’.
Any ideas on how to get this working properly?
]]>in spite of this setting: screencapture
the log shows:
any idea why? i thought maybe it had to do with il8n differences…
everything else works, contact is added, etc.
is the campaigns add-on required for the status to be subscribed?
]]>Hi, is it possible to attach a file, uploaded via CF7, to a contact in pipedrive with the others data sent?
Im getting the following error ‘Required suites missing’ when adding Pipedrive account.
I wonder whether I can submit to PipeDrive a value I add before a pipe when I create my contact form.
For example in my contact form I have this:
[select owner include_blank exclusive “Owner1|[email protected]” “Owner2|[email protected]”]
Now I want to create a note in a deal and put Owner1 or Owner2
When using Contact Form 7 and sending an email message with the values I would use this [_raw_{owner}], but it seems that it doesn’t seem to work with your plugin.
Can you help?
I have only contact object in my plugtin interface.
After customer add form ont the site, I need to add order to pipedrive, but I don’t have this options.
I want that whenever the form is filled, a field enters a pidrive with the url of the web, it is that I need to determine from which source the person comes.
On my forms I set a Pipedrive owner for the people who request the file
All the fields are correctly sent to Pipedrive except the owner
has everyone had this issue and knows how to solve it?
Thank you
]]>I’m having trouble adding a Pipedrive account, this error is returning “cURL error 35: Peer reports incompatible or unsupported protocol version.” and the account has the status of disconnected.