The label and placeholder text strings which i have placed for all languages are not translated in Front-end for Gravity Complex Type fields. Like, Name, Address…
Yubaraj Rai
When you submit a form made with Gravity form and all the text translated, there are some fields that aren’t translated.
The form is Ok, but the message after submit and the email template no.
Any idea of what can be happening?
I’ve discovered a bug where required fields that are conditionally shown (eg: textbox that only displays if “other” is selected in dropdown) are not properly validated when the form is being translated. Basically, if the form is displayed in the primary language validation works correctly, but if the translation is active, the field still has the small star indicating required, but the form is able to be submitted without the textbox being populated.
Let me know if this makes sense.
just installed, activated and boom, crash.
With debug enabled I found this error:
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in …/plugins/integrate-gravity-forms-polylang/class_GF_PLL.php on line 74