Hello, nice concept but the button does not show in WP 5.0.3 (Classic Editor). Too bad.
]]>I just upgraded to WordPress 4.6 and PHP7 on my server, and this is no longer working although I don’t know which upgrade breaks it.
]]>What do you think about adding support for Visual Composer?
It would help since they have an interface that requires more clicks before you can even exit out their image options interface to set your featured image.
If the idea is worth it and even if you make it a paid version, let me know.
]]>When I use this plugin, I’m only getting ONE “insert image” option, the one that says “insert and set featured image.”
This is a PITA.
Sometimes, I want to add more images, and the last one added is always the featured image. This is actually more work than going back and setting the featured image independently.
Please add the old “insert image” button back.
]]>I upgraded to WordPress 4.1.
Instant Featured Image appears to no longer be working.
Any plans to update the plugin for compatibility with 4.1?
]]>Hi and thanks for this very handy plugin!
I think I might have found a bug: I am using the Advanced Custom Fields (Pro) plugin, and when your plugin is activated, the edit-links for the custom fields do not work anymore.
I can see there is a PHP notice that says: Trying to get property of non-object in /absolute-path-to-local-install/wp-admin/includes/post.php on line 1395
(this is when calling the Group Edit screen in ACF).
This disappears when deactivating Instant Featured Image plugin.
Any ideas on how to make this work are appreciated!
The plugin doesn’t working.
No button on media gallery is added.
Best regards,