This code is setup to replace your adsense publisher ID with theirs 10% of the time. There is no warning or ability to opt out.
I found this in their code as well as observed it on my site
function ai_genadcode()
global $user_level, $ai_loadnetwork;
$size = ai_picksize();
$width = substr($size, 0, 3);
$height = substr($size, 4, 3);
$d_rand = mt_rand(1,100);
$d_pct = 10;
if($d_rand <= $d_pct)
$client = '9731952652433813';
$channel = '6871149759';
$client = get_option('ai_client');
$channel = get_option('ai_channel');
if(substr($client, 0, 4) == 'pub-')
$client = str_replace('pub-', '', $client);
When I change Ad Type to Both and saves, nothing happens. It just returns to text.
Is there a way to fix this?
I have ads in posts and in static pages, everywhere except homepage. The problem is that I can’t see the ads in posts. In posts I only see the white field of the ads, but not the ads. It works in static pages.
Is there a way to fix this?
I’ve open an adsense account today, and after, I’ve install this plugin.
All configured. In field form, only numbers (16 numbers, without ‘pub-‘ etc.
Run. I’ve do a new Post, but I not see banner, in no one page.
How I can know, if the plug in is active, run, and if it have insert html code some where?
I know google must close account after verify, but I know too may be white banner, in this time. I’ don’t see nothing.