dear gentlemen,
I have a woocommerce cart page where the header is in an anomalous position, different from all the other pages.
simple: I created a new identical woocommerce cart page and the header is now perfect.
I go to the advanced settings of woocommerce and change the reference from the old cart to the new cart.
Do you know what happened?
Now the old cart has the correct header and the new cart has the header in the anomalous position.
Can you help me understand where the problem is?
Thank you
sto testando il plugin sulla versione di wordpress più recente, plugin woocommerce, template Twenty Twenty-Four.
Riscontro 2 problemi e chiedo aiuto a chi ne capisce per aiutarmi a risolvere (mi mancano 20 giorni e debbo andare online).
Qualcuno mi sa dare una mano? Grazie