I seem to be getting the error below when I try to activate the plugin. It did work a few months back but I changed server and the website had a fault on it which was the plugin. That confused me so I deleted the directory. Now I installed it again this is what I get? I love the plugin, it is great, just can’t figure out the error haha!
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/sites/afpst.co.uk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/inline-tweets/inline-tweets.php on line 150
I look forward to your response.
]]>Is ther any way we can show the image added to the tweet by clicking on the tweet or a button.
]]>Tried to install, but didn’t work. Has the animated gif icon on the post page where it looks like it is meant to be connecting, but nothing appears.
Page where I am trying it is https://www.auscommerce.com.au/resource-inside-retail/
Its a nice idea for a script, hope it hasn’t been abandoned by author.
]]>I’ve not tried this plugin before above WordPress version 3.8.5.
Just tried to install on a site with WordPress 4.0.1 and the following error was shown. I can’t install it.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/++++++/public_html/++++++/wp-content/plugins/inline-tweets/inline-tweets.php on line 150
triggers fatal error…
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/prgdevki/public_html/wp-content/plugins/inline-tweets/inline-tweets.php on line 150
]]>Hey guys
My tweets are showing up if I go to the https version of my site. However, if I visit the http version – I just get the never ending load for my tweets.
Check out my site here: https://tinyurl.com/k9zeraw
Looking forward to figuring out what’s up, thanks so much!
I filled in all the necessary data, but no tweets are shown.
It just sais ‘missing user’.
On https://www.paardenfotoworkshop.nl/
This is what I entered in the settings:
This is the shortocde on the homepage:
What am I doing wrong?
I am using inline tweets for a website, and it works fine, but only in my XAMPP environment (development).
When doing the same trick on the test system, I get autheontication errors. Before that I got a message that curl was missing. Are there other dependencies, which are not installed in the othter environment?
Best regards,
Ramon Bos
Hi… I love your plugin, but I’m having trouble caching the tweets… keep getting the Twitter error message (exceeded my quota).
I also frequently have to refresh a page in order to get the tweet to display (the “loading” gif shows instead).
I’m currently using W3TC with “object cache” activated, but I’ve tried others as well without much luck.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance…
Hi there,
I can not get the Tweets to work. It only displays
. @ Jan 01
The @ is clickable and links to my Twitter account.
What am i doing wrong?
Please could you confirm if there’s a PHP function that can be called from a template that will achieve the same as [tweet]latest:twitter_user:count[/tweet]?
I recently installed the “Inline tweets” plugin to my WP site. I worked awesome for some days. However, starting today, I noticed I wasn’t getting the tweets displayed, the “loading” dots never going away.
When I checked the JSON response received from the server, found the following:
<b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/home/ciomex/public_html/wptest/wp-content/plugins/inline-tweets/inline-tweets.php</b> on line <b>69</b>
<b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/home/ciomex/public_html/wptest/wp-content/plugins/inline-tweets/inline-tweets.php</b> on line <b>74</b>
<b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/home/ciomex/public_html/wptest/wp-content/plugins/inline-tweets/inline-tweets.php</b> on line <b>79</b>
<b>Warning</b>: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/ciomex/public_html/wptest/wp-content/plugins/inline-tweets/inline-tweets.php:69) in <b>/home/ciomex/public_html/wptest/wp-content/plugins/inline-tweets/inline-tweets.php</b> on line <b>130</b>
{“url”:”https:\/\/api.twitter.com\/1\/statuses\/user_timeline.json?include_entities=true&include_rts=true&screen_name=IBM_Informix&count=3″,”cache_handle”:”inline_tweets_latest_IBM_Informix_3″,”from_cache”:false,”html”:”<ul class=\”inline_tweets_ul\”><li class=\”inline_tweet inline_tweets_li\”>@<\/a> <span class=\”inline_tweets_timestamp\”>Jan 01<\/span><\/li><\/ul>”}
Any advise on how to fix this?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi mdjekic
Hope you can help me. I’m using this for the first time and pulling in 2 tweets and when loading the tweets i’m getting the message as follows
“Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 150 requests per hour.”
This is mostly likely a twitter cap but obviously as you have had a lot of downloads 150 per hour between us all isn’t really going to be of much use. Hopefully you can find a way around this
Many Thanks
]]>Mr. Michael Albers wrote on Twitter:
“Hello Milos, I just tried your plugin “Inline tweets”. Looks promising. Too bad only one specific tweet is possible per post”
So, I’ve checked it out and – it’s true, there’s a bug that prevents all inline tweets from being shown. I’m going to fix this today and release an update.