How i can connect my gravity forms to keap but with subaccounts not master account?
]]>I am trying to add a new Infusionsoft Feed but when I select the form I want, it just does the spinning wheel like it’s processing but never actually completes.
]]>I’ve been using this plugin for so many years and it still works even though it hasn’t been updated by the developer. Please let me know how to donate. The company I work for would be willing to donate more if an update is released for the current version of WP. We do not want to be creating a new Zap on Zapier every time we create a new form on Gravity Forms.
Hey Guys,
We’re in the process of trying to combine multiple forms in to one and have some questions about using “Default Field Values” in specific field types.
For a quick overview, we’re trying to setup one form that will be present on all of the products on the site. On that form we hope to have a hidden field that pulls in the product name. Based on the product name, we’d like specific tags to be applied to the users account in Infusionsoft.
The issue we’re running in to is that the Infusionsoft feed plugin only allows conditional tagging based on the field types: dropdown, checkbox, or multiple choice
We can create a hidden field of any of those types, however, when I attempt to set the “Default Field Value” of any of those fields to “{embed_post:post_title}” (The merge tag that works in other field types), it does not pull in the post/page title, but just displays {embed_post:post_title} in the entry, resulting in that conditional tag not firing.
Is there a way we can set a conditional tag to fire based on any other fields, or are we restricted to those three types?
]]>I put this comment in a different post thread then realized I should start a new one, sorry for causing any confusion!
I’m having a problem for which I could use some help, this plugin is now giving this error (although it doesn’t seem to be preventing GF form submission):
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in [mysite]/wp-content/plugins/infusionsoft/Infusionsoft/ on line 2623
For anyone who doesn’t have the same version of this plugin that I do (version 1.5.12) here is lines 2622 and 2623, to help you find the same section that is causing this error:
// first error check: xml not well formed
if(!xml_parse($parser, $data, count($data)))
My best guess is that it’s a PHP compatibility error, our site host forced us to update our PHP version to 7.3 and our WP to 5.3.2, so I’m guessing it’s that the plugin hasn’t been updated in so long it uses a much older version of PHP.
Any suggestion at all as to how I can modify my file (referenced in the error message) to fix this would be MUCH appreciated, I’m not a coder but very capable of following instructions!
@justinhandley I hope this isn’t inappropriate but I’m tagging you since you mentioned taking over this plugin. ??
]]>Hi There – we have used this plugin for quite some time. Since it was abandoned, we have updated it to work with Oauth, fixed many bugs, and improved the overall user interface. We have also made it work with Infusionsoft cookies so that gravity forms can be used to initiate page tracking actions in Infusionsoft / Keap.
I would like to request that you give me ownership of the plugin so we can release our latest updates (all non-breaking updates) and get this excellent plugin back into action.
]]>Hey everyone, this plugin is certifiably dead. No one is updating it, and it fails consistently with newer version of Infusionsoft AND Gravity Forms.
There are NEW solutions if you need forms integrated with Infusionsoft.
To name a few.
We are having issues with contact not being created when a form is completed without an email address. Patient Email address field is currently not mandatory and so the form will still be completed, problem is that the contact record is not being created in Infusionsoft.
Is this a known issue? What would be the workaround this?
]]>I recently received an email from Infusionsoft notifying that they are updating their version of TLS from 1.0 to 1.2 in order to stay HIPPA compliant (effective March 26, 2018).
Specifically it says “This means that any integration using 1.0 will stop working on March 26, 2018”
Can anyone tell me if this plugin will be impacted? I am assuming it must use some sort of SSL protocol to connect with our Infusionsoft account and transmit form data, but I have no idea what protocol it uses, and didn’t see any clues in browsing the code, but since I am not a coder it could easily escape my notice.
Any help or advice would be much appreciated!
]]>Hi there,
One of the drawbacks of using the “Infusionsoft Gravity Forms add-on” is it doesn’t seem to easily track Infusionsoft Referral Partner tracking due to the “Tag” only feature.
We have affiliates/referral partners who want to drive their email subscribers to the form page URL (see below), but because Gravity Form uses Tags, the cookied information doesn’t get sent over to Infusionsoft after a referral visitor clicks the Infusionsoft Referral Tracking link and opts in the web form on
As a result, we stopped using Gravity Forms and embeded an Infusionsoft web form in order to send the Referral Partner tracking information to Infusionsoft.
However, this setup is not ideal. We love how Gravity Forms makes it easy for us to create new lead magnets quickly with little hassle, but we can’t use it if it doesn’t share the Referral Partner tracking info to Infusionsoft.
Do you know a solution for using Gravity Forms with Infusionsoft’s Referral Partner tracking?
Are we missing a key element in Gravity Forms that allows us to send Referral Partner tracking to Infusionsoft using Gravity Forms, or is it a missing feature that requires us to use Infusionsoft’s web form?
]]>We have various Infusionsoft feeds set up with entry tags and conditional entry tags, however, even when the logic matches and should add these conditional tags, none of them are ever added.
Please look into this.
I am using the IS plugin.
I am setting a criteria to add tags depending on certain criteria. However, it seems no matter the option someone selects, all tags are added rather than it applying a tag based on the answer.
It seems that the tags are ‘and’ rather than ‘or’.
Please advise.
]]>Issue 1: Looks like this plugin no longer displays the the form’s field names when choosing mapping. It shows a bunch of blanks.
Issues 2: I had correct mapping set up before, so I looked in chrome’s developer tools and saw, that yes, one of the blanks is still selected in mapping, but it is working incorrectly. Example: I used to have form field:phone number mapped to infusionsoft:phone number. when the form is filled out, it adds the phone number as the contact’s last name. I went in the check the settings, that when I noticed issue #1.
Please help! We need this working!
]]>Installed plugin and connected to API easily. However, when I fill in the form, the information is not shared with InfusionSoft. Thoughts on how to correct?
[Form Entry Data] => Array
[id] => 1276
[form_id] => 21
[date_created] => 2017-10-15 02:05:20
[is_starred] => 0
[is_read] => 0
[ip] =>
[source_url] =>
[post_id] =>
[currency] => USD
[payment_status] =>
[payment_date] =>
[transaction_id] =>
[payment_amount] =>
[payment_method] =>
[is_fulfilled] =>
[created_by] => 1
[transaction_type] =>
[user_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13) AppleWebKit/605.1.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.1 Safari/605.1.8
[status] => active
[1.3] => Dairen
[1.6] => Wilcox
[2] =>
[4.1] => Parent
[6] => [“4 to 6”]
[7] => 1
[8] => 2
[9] => peanuts
[11] => I’d like to be able to help my child deal with morning school prep stress
[1.2] =>
[1.4] =>
[1.8] =>
[4.2] =>
[Infusionsoft Feed Meta Data] => Array
[id] => 1
[form_id] => 21
[is_active] => 1
[meta] => Array
[contact_object_name] =>
[field_map] => Array
[Email] => 2
[FirstName] => 1.3
[LastName] => 1.6
[groupId] => Array
[0] => 120
[1] => 122
[optin_enabled] => 1
[optin_field_id] => 4
[optin_operator] => is
[optin_value] => Parent
[tag_optin_enabled] =>
[tag_optin_field_id] =>
[tag_optin_operator] =>
[tag_optin_tags] =>
[tag_optin_value] =>
[Infusionsoft Posted Merge Data] => Array
[Email] =>
[FirstName] => Dairen
[LastName] => Wilcox
[groupId] => Array
[0] => 120
[1] => 122
[Posted Data ($_POST)] => Array
[input_1_3] => Dairen
[input_1_6] => Wilcox
[input_2] =>
[input_4_1] => Parent
[input_6] => Array
[0] => 4 to 6
[input_7] => 1
[input_8] => 2
[input_9] => peanuts
[input_11] => I\’d like to be able to help my child deal with morning school prep stress
[is_submit_21] => 1
[gform_submit] => 21
[gform_unique_id] =>
[state_21] => WyJbXSIsImJiNGJkMDhmMGNlMDNiNzNkOTY5YWQyYWMyNTg2ZDg4Il0=
[gform_target_page_number_21] => 0
[gform_source_page_number_21] => 1
[gform_field_values] =>
[Contact ID] => 3720
[Adding Tags] => Array
[0] => Array
[Non-Conditional Tags] => Array
[0] => 120
[1] => 122
I was using this plugin and was working great but is now breaking redirects on both installs. I can’t show you the live example now because I need the forms live but I was using on this form:
And was getting what is below. Gravity suggested deactivating you plugin and it work.
“Admin-only Form Debugging
[Form Entry Data] => Array
[id] => 10
[form_id] => 1
[date_created] => 2017-10-09 17:41:41
[is_starred] => 0
[is_read] => 0
[ip] =>
[source_url] =>
[post_id] =>
[currency] => USD
[payment_status] =>
[payment_date] =>
[transaction_id] =>
[payment_amount] =>
[payment_method] =>
[is_fulfilled] =>
[created_by] => 1
[transaction_type] =>
[user_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36
[status] => active
[1.3] => Brad
[1.6] => Schenck
[2] =>
[3] => (305) 793-6964
[4.4] => Assisting with in-person training
[4.5] => Developing a single online training session
[1.2] =>
[1.4] =>
[1.8] =>
[4.1] =>
[4.2] =>
[4.3] =>
[4.6] =>
[5] =>
[Infusionsoft Feed Meta Data] => Array
[id] => 1
[form_id] => 1
[is_active] => 1
[meta] => Array
[contact_object_name] =>
[field_map] => Array
[Email] => 2
[FirstName] => 1.3
[LastName] => 1.6
[Phone1] => 3
[_TrainingdevelopmentWhattrainerwoulddevelop] => 5
[groupId] => 5
[optin_enabled] =>
[optin_value] =>
[optin_operator] =>
[optin_field_id] =>
[tag_optin_enabled] =>
[tag_optin_field_id] =>
[tag_optin_operator] =>
[tag_optin_tags] =>
[tag_optin_value] =>
[Infusionsoft Posted Merge Data] => Array
[Email] =>
[FirstName] => Brad
[LastName] => Schenck
[Phone1] => (305) 793-6964
[_TrainingdevelopmentWhattrainerwoulddevelop] =>
[groupId] => 5
[Posted Data ($_POST)] => Array
[input_1_3] => Brad
[input_1_6] => Schenck
[input_2] =>
[input_3] => (305) 793-6964
[input_4_4] => Assisting with in-person training
[input_4_5] => Developing a single online training session
[input_5] =>
[is_submit_1] => 1
[gform_submit] => 1
[gform_unique_id] =>
[gform_target_page_number_1] => 0
[gform_source_page_number_1] => 1
[gform_field_values] =>
[Contact ID] => 158
[Adding Tags] => Array
[0] => Array
[Non-Conditional Tags] => Array
[0] => 5
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home2/bradaschenck/public_html/ in /home2/bradaschenck/public_html/ on line 190”
]]>When form is completed, the data are not transferred to Infusionsoft with this form only (tried the other forms and able to map it). At first, tags are not applied then eventually the data are not transferred/updated at all. Re-create the same set up for Infusionsoft mapping 3 times still not able to update Infusionsoft record. Contacted the Gravity form support but said I should ask the plug-in developer support. Gravity form was able to send notifications upon completion of form. The problem is with the data trasnfer to Infusionsoft even it is mapped correctly
]]>Hey. I’m seeing a lot of SPAM entries getting marked as such in my GravityForms entries still getting entered into Infusionsoft. SPAM GravityForms entries should not be entered into Infusionsoft until marked as “Not SPAM”.
]]>I’m using this on a client’s site. We changed which IS app we connected to and while the tag list now shows the tags from the new IS app, the custom fields are still the ones from the old app. How can I force these to update?
]]>We have an external form and wish to use it to create entries in Gravity Forms via the GF API. Will the Infusionsoft add-on detect that an entry was created by the API and pass the data on to IS, or does the form have to be submitted from Gravity Forms?
]]>All of our form entries usually sync across to Infusionsoft without any problem. We had one today though that did not. The entries before and after it synced.
This particular entry is also in there 5 times. I’m not sure if the person submitted 5 times in quick succession or whether there is some other reason.
Anyone seen similar?
]]>This is one for the wishlist: right now, tagging applies immediately after the Gravity Form has been submitted. What would be awesome would be to be able to defer those tags based on payment status – particularly with off-site payment methods like PayPal.
Right now, a user can get tagged in Infusion soft as, say, ‘Paid’ as soon as the form is submitted – even if the payment has not come back as ‘confirmed’ from PayPal.
Would be great to fix that. Thanks!
]]>I have attempted to refresh using this setting many times: but I am still missing 6 – 8 fields that are in Infusionsoft but don’t show up in the choices for mapping.
]]>When emails are sent to InfusionSoft, they are showing up as “non-marketable”. I spoke to Infusionsoft and they said this is a GF setting. Has anyone solved this issue?
]]>When setting up a form with a list field
When mapping the fields with Infusionsoft, the field headings which form the list columns only comes in as ‘Attendee” and not broken down into the respective columns (First Name, Lastname etc). This is of no use if I want the information going in to IS – and is the whole point of the integration. So for each entry I want to put Firstname, last name etc into their respective fields in IS – at the moment they just say Attendee!
Please advise….
]]>9 of the 10 gravity forms hang on white screen after submission. Happens on multiple browsers. deactiviated plugins, and its still broken. Tried logging like the last user who had this problem and its still broken. Anyone?…………..Anyone?
We would like to add a Gravity Forms multi-select field to a form.
Then, we want that data imported into Infusionsoft as tags.
What is the best way to do that?
I have two forms one is a simple one page form mapping across to IS through a hidden email field and a multi-page form which is also mapping to IS the same way.
My problem is that the majority of the form is mapping perfectly across but the last few fields will not.
So to calrify 90% of the form is mapping across fine but the last 4 fields or so are not.
Two of the fields are Yes/No fields which I never seem to have much luck with anyway but the other 3-4 fields are text which I never have a problem with.
I did map these fields to other fields that are working on the form and the information passed across with no issues. I even created a new form on another website and the text fields mapped fine.
Has anyone else had this issue?
]]>We are using the Gravity Forms Infusionsoft Add-On plugin and are having a hard time with the tag selector. It seems that the tags become unselected, but not always. I’ll set the tag and go set the tags in a few other feeds. When I return to look at the ones I’ve set, more often than not, the tags we chose are no longer checked.
Any ideas as to what may be causing this?
We increased max_input_vars to 3000 and memory to 512M, so there shouldn’t be any issues there.
@zack, I emailed this question to you, obviously better to reply here so it might benefit others.
]]>I am getting a fault code == 12 from the xmlrpc client. The exception being thrown is Invalid Parameter. The specific error message is:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught [InvalidParameter]Duplicate call to addWithDupCheck detected\n Attempted: 1 time(s). thrown in /nas/content/live/blebootcamp/wp-content/plugins/infusionsoft/Infusionsoft/App.php on line 99, referer: xxx
The xml from the xmlrpcmsg is as follows and is valid. I don’t understand why I’m getting this error. Any insight would be appreciated:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<string />
<string />
I would like to know how to set up the form so that the details are not submitted as an entry unless the PayPal payment is completed and paid in full.
Currently When the Buy Now button is clicked on you are directed to PayPal and the entry is submitted at the same time.
If you click on back without processing payment the entry is still submitted.