Not sure exactly when this started (it was within the last few weeks), but the plugin is no longer loading the list of Keap landing pages. The “Loading Landing Page Data” area just spins…
Anyone else having this issue? Perhaps Keap or the plugin developer needs to look into this…?
]]>Hi there,
This plugin seems to have stopped working.
It cannot load the page data. It has this error message ‘There was an issue fetching landing page data.’
It cannot detect when I am logged into Keap. When I press the ‘Log In’ button in the plugin settings it takes me to Keap where I login, but this has no effect inside of WordPress. When I press the ‘Retry’ button the page refreshes, but nothing changes in WordPress.
I wanted to post a Loom video here of me doing all that, but that reveals my email address which I don’t want to post publicly.
Many thanks in advance for your assistance,
]]>content and plugin error when i try to create a page as my landing page and i can not edit some button and also the template still so strange. have some staff can help me and help me fix that
]]>Using Version 1.3.
The “Name Your Landing Page” field is not populating in the browser title bar (it shows the slug URL instead), and the favicon icon is also not being displayed (it just shows a world icon instead).
The actual Infusionsoft Landing page URL (not the slug) shows everything correctly, just not when using the slug created in the plugin.
The slug displays the content of the landing page correctly, and has all the functionality of the landing page.
Slugs created before this update continue to work and show the correct information in the title bar.
I have found this issue on Chrome, Firefox and MS Edge (I haven’t tested Safari)
Anyone else having this issue? and can this issue be resolved?
Thanks, Philip
]]>The 1.2 update installed perfectly without errors.
However when I wanted to put in a new page and link to my Infusionsoft Landing Page the option on the screen to paste the landing page was simply not there! So, I cannot add additional landing pages to my site
On another site without the 1.2 update and still using version 1.1, the option to put in the url is there as always.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem? If so, did you find a solution?
If not, does anyone happed to have the original 1.1 version in a zip file that they would share?
Thanks, Ed
]]>I created a landing page in Infusionsoft and I have the Infusionsoft Landing Page Plugin, but it is not loading the page I created.
]]>None of the options work, not even redirecting to the campaign.
Is this plugin still active?
]]>Hello Team,
I have used your plugin, I have tried many time to update this plugin and updated successfully but after updated this plugin given error like this –>
/wp-content/plugins/memberium2/lib71 admin.php file is corrupted.
after that my admin not working could you help me please regarding my issue please.
Many thanks
]]>We’re using this plugin to get our Infusionsoft landing page URL to be accessible at
Our issue is that when someone goes to that address, if they don’t specify HTTPS, the page defaults to unsecure.
And even if they do enter, Chrome says “Your connection to this site is not fully secure”.
The whole website is secured by HTTPS using “Full” SSL encryption through Cloudflare and a Let’sEncrypt certificate implemented. Additionally, we set up Cloudflare redirects to point any unsecure (HTTP) pages to HTTPS.
WP Version: 4.9.9
Plugin Version: 1.0
Hi, i have a doubt, my sql database is huge and looking at it, i found severals rows with ILPPageCache name on it, does this name belongs to you?? is it safe to delete it??
Please let me know
]]>To track a specific landingpage using Facebook Pixel i see that I can paste in Javascript tracking code on the last page of the landingpage builder in infusion. Good, but where on my facebook page do I get that code?
]]>The page seem to be working properly, however on the tab title shows “Nothing Found for Theminorityreport”.
My understanding is that I only have to enter the slug and the Infusionsoft Landing Page. Am I missing something?
]]>Plugin Version 1.0
WordPress 4.9.4
I am using a landing page
Type is “Embed”
The page is showing correctly, *but* the title is “Nothing found for zzz” (zzz being the capitalized slug)
If I disable “All in One SEO” ( the title is showing correctly.
All the best,
plugin v1.0.0
wp v4.9.4
I set a Landing Page with these parameters:
When I click on the link, the target page (ya250…) the page loads the HTML; it does NOT load the CSS. I get a completely un-styled page.
Changing the method option to “redirect” from “embed” works correctly.