I don’t expect that there are any reasons why IA shouldn’t work great, as usual, on WordPress 6.7, but I’d still love to hear from anyone who already upgraded. Is everything OK?
I just wanted to let you know that the creation of the file iawp-click-config.php
inside the plugins folder is causing problems for WordPress installations without a writeable plugins folder (the similar problem occurred with the temp folder some time ago). I think you cannot rely on the fact that all WordPress installations have write access to a plugins folder. For example, I personally manage a number of WordPress sites using wp-cli
, so I don’t have these folders writable for the web server process owner. Unfortunately, this new feature has caused issues with Independent Analytics and a few other plugins on all of my sites. I hope you can find a better solution than a self-modifying plugin in its folder, as it will probably break again on some sites with every update. Thank you very much!
Michal Krause
That’s how the analytics site looks right now since the last update.
we are not able to setup date range 21.10.2024 – 27.10.2024 in IA Pro!
If I click on date 21.10.2024, IA give me date 20.10.2024
If I click od date 27.10.2024, IA give me date 26.10.2024.
IA Pro ?2.8.9, Woocommerce 8.9.3, WP 6.5.3
]]>My address is located in Australia, but it is recognized as being in Canada. Additionally, the Cloudflare IP addresses detection are incorrect.
don’t know if I’m right but it seems that IA only logs default WP post types (pages, posts etc). In my case there are dynamically created pages (eg search results) which are not logged.
Don’t know if it’s a PRO feature or not. In that case, will PRO be able to log pages that are created based on user selections (eg post filters) which create their own permalink?
https://mysite/category-books (created by custom filter)
and NOT
https://mysite/category/books (default WP taxonomy)
]]>Each time I link to a post on my facebook page, there is an immediate surge of FB bots (usually 7) showing up in the statistics, making them globally unusable.
Is there a way to exclude them?
we have a lot of Google CPC, but in Campain report (PRO version) we see only other CPC source. No Google here. And yes in this time shedule we had a lot of Google CPC orders. (we see this in GA4, in main Woocommerce analytics)
What should we have checked?
We bought 10x your plugin for better analytics (than GA4, Woo analytics), but now We don’t know if we will return the money now. Because we have this big issue in Campain report.
Thank you for your help
]]>Hello, we just bought 10x your plugin, because we need Woo data.
We have issuge with “main” PAGE report – when we add Woocommerce data (order, conversion) in Toggle Columns setup, this new setup can′t be saved to this PAGE report. ….. only create new report, but we want all our setups to have saved in one main report.
Could you please help us? Thank you
Way is:
Plugin – Analytics menu -> PAGES
Toggle Columns – save WooCommerce setup of Choose stats to display
-> after close Analytics and open PAGES again, this Toggle Columns Woo setup isn′t here (inst saved).
I’m managing a WP Multisite instalation and just installed IA. I activated it at network level and a Independent Analytics item was added to the bottom of my sidebar. However, when I click it, I recieve the mesage “Cannot load independent-analytics.”.
When I do that, the sidebar at site level doesn’t change, but a link to the IA-panel appears at the IA plugin in plugins list. When I click it, I recieve the same mesage that is showed at network level. The same happen when I click “Open Control Panel” in the IA-widget on site panel.
If I activate the plugin just at site level, all works normally. The IA-panel item is added to the side bar under the site panel and I can access it. The error is showed only if the plugin is activate at network level.
Also, the track is still happening. It’s just the panel that is not reachable.
I already tried to deactivate/reactivate and uninstall/reinstall the plugin, but nothing had change. I installed WP Debugging to see something in the logs, but no log was created.
The prints are in the folder below.
]]>We have the same problem as Felipe. I see his topic is marked as ‘resolved’, so I started a new one. Our stats show 0 visitors.
We have the exact samen problem on keukenendesign.nl: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kwogrytz012p09lkmherg/Scherm-afbeelding-2024-10-02-om-14.10.15.png?rlkey=3432e8dnxc5zrybtdx5mt7q8c&st=bikkbc4p&dl=0
Independent analytics allows us to view visitors within a specific date range. To do this, both a start and end date must be selected from the calendar view. However, screen readers present both the start and end dates on a single line, making it difficult to select a date. I can only navigate this using NVDA’s object navigation feature. Additionally, the previous/next month buttons are unlabeled. Could you work on resolving these issues?
]]>Hi !
I’m getting 404 errors from GSC on all sites where the Independent Analytics extension is installed.
The slug is as follows: /wp-json/iawp/search
It’s annoying and damaging to get a 404 error. How can I correct the problem?
Thanks a lot!
WP system says that the 2 last updates (2.8.6 and 2.8.5) aren’t compatible with the WP version I am using (6.6.2). In your plugin screen, it is writen Compatible until ?:?6.5.5
Is it a bug?
Thank you )
]]>Hello, I have just started using this plugin, every thing was fine apart from the “view duartion” for users who leave without opening another page/ visit only one page ie
View duration is shown if a visitor visits more than one page
View duartion is not shown if a visitor visits only one page
I tested it my self using my phone and laptop.
What is causing such???
]]>Hello, after the latest update, my main dashboard is showing 0 visitors in the daily graphic. The plugin is working and counting if I see only the stats, but the last two days the visual are displaying this: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yit5caldrdkpgrxfwi6d8/2024.09-IA-Dashboard.png?rlkey=9d7z9sbpsuafvyavy0jkr8o8y&st=wlcbde9m&dl=0
And now is not counting the current day as usual. Only change when an entire day pass.
Any thoughts? Thanks.
The plugin is working and tracking visitors (these can be seen on the main WordPress dashboard as well as in the status bar on individual pages). However the plugin’s dashboard is completely blank with no information visible. I’ve cleared the cache in two different ways and changed all the settings that seem relevant, but nothing is working.
]]>I know that I have multiple views from Vancouver but they are not showing as Vancouver but rather Toronto. Is there a geolocation setting that i am missing?
I’m running Meta (Facebook & Instagram) campaigns. When you upload an ad Meta’s system a series of bots to checkout your landing page.
Is there an option to exclude gathering statistics for these bots visits in Independent Analytics?
]]>Well, well, well, that is a pretty sweet balance between being useful, simple and effective. Good job.
Can you say anything about the approximated database size? How efficient are visits stored? What is the database footprint with say 100,000 visits per month. Is Independent Analytics suitable for a website with that amount of traffic?
]]>When I go to Download Report > Downlaod CSV, I get a working CSV file.
But when I go to Download Report > Download PDF, I get a PDF that contains nothing but stripes.
Does anyone know why this happens or how to fix it?
]]>My domain was moved by the host to another server (better performing, he says), with another IP. Now, in Independent Analytics I can only see the graph, without any date in the columns below and only for the default settings. If I choose other time interval settings (e.g. yesterday, last week, etc.), a continuous search results.
Can anyone tell me how accurate is the traffic from this plugin compared to Google Analytics? When I look at my Google Analytics it is off by literally thousands? Is this normal? The Google Analytics is less than the plugin by several thousand.
]]>hi there,
I’ve just installed this for the first time, so just working out what’s what with it.
Obviously, I don’t want to track the webmaster whilst he is working on the site, so should the server IP and the IP the webmaster is coming from be added to the ignore list?
]]>I use Independent Plugin on my WordPress website since a few days. All seems OK.
I see that this URL is accessible on my website:
code: “rest_no_route”
status: 404
Google Search Console seems not happy with this page.
Thank you for your help.
]]>Hi, when choosing “Last Week”, “This Week” or “Last 7 Days” views, the data columns for “Views” & “View Duration” can’t be sorted properly (up or down). It seems to work fine for the default “Last 30 Days”.
This is an excellent plugin, but with one drawback.
I’ve got around 500 blog posts on my website, and in the Analytics Dashboard, I can never get the ‘Blog Posts’ to show up.
Everything else works fine – it’s just this blog posts thing that is letting the side down.
And so to my feature request:
Would it be feasible to limit the ‘blog posts’ to 10 rows per page rather than the 50 posts per page that it’s set at now?
Or indeed is this possible already, without the request?
Thanks for any info.
]]>I just got off chat with my host. He said it looks like Independent Analytics is aggressively crawling the site and not terminating previous connections so its exceeding the max user connections allowed (which is 300). This is a newer site, ecommerce but I’m only getting about 800 visitors a month. I am not running any emails campaigns. Everything is up to date. Built with Elementor Pro, Hello Theme and Woo. Here’s the error log. Please help. Thanks!
]]>2024-07-12T00:53:57+00:00Critical Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1203] User scandide_wp_dqzhk already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connectors/Connector.php:53 Additional context{ "error": { "type": 1, "file": "/home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connection.php", "line": 589 }, "backtrace": [ "", "#0 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connectors/Connector.php(53): PDO->__construct()", "#1 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connectors/Connector.php(34): IAWPSCOPED\Illuminate\Database\Connectors\Connector->createPdoConnection()", "#2 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connectors/MySqlConnector.php(22): IAWPSCOPED\Illuminate\Database\Connectors\Connector->createConnection()", "#3 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connectors/ConnectionFactory.php(157): IAWPSCOPED\Illuminate\Database\Connectors\MySqlConnector->connect()", "#4 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connection.php(884): IAWPSCOPED\Illuminate\Database\Connectors\ConnectionFactory->IAWPSCOPED\Illuminate\Database\Connectors\{closure}()", "#5 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connection.php(444): IAWPSCOPED\Illuminate\Database\Connection->getPdo()", "#6 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connection.php(587): IAWPSCOPED\Illuminate\Database\Connection->IAWPSCOPED\Illuminate\Database\{closure}()", "#7 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connection.php(561): IAWPSCOPED\Illuminate\Database\Connection->runQueryCallback()", "#8 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connection.php(449): IAWPSCOPED\Illuminate\Database\Connection->run()", "#9 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Query/Builder.php(2471): IAWPSCOPED\Illuminate\Database\Connection->affectingStatement()", "#10 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/IAWP/Models/Visitor.php(102): IAWPSCOPED\Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder->insertOrIgnore()", "#11 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/IAWP/Models/Visitor.php(36): IAWP\Models\Visitor->fetch_visitor_id()", "#12 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/IAWP/Models/Visitor.php(113): IAWP\Models\Visitor->__construct()", "#13 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/IAWP/REST_API.php(124): IAWP\Models\Visitor::fetch_current_visitor()", "#14 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(1230): IAWP\REST_API->track_view()", "#15 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(1063): WP_REST_Server->respond_to_request()", "#16 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php(439): WP_REST_Server->dispatch()", "#17 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-includes/rest-api.php(428): WP_REST_Server->serve_request()", "#18 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): rest_api_loaded()", "#19 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters()", "#20 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-includes/plugin.php(565): WP_Hook->do_action()", "#21 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-includes/class-wp.php(418): do_action_ref_array()", "#22 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-includes/class-wp.php(813): WP->parse_request()", "#23 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-includes/functions.php(1336): WP->main()", "#24 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-blog-header.php(16): wp()", "#25 /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/index.php(17): require('/home/scandide/...')", "#26 {main}", "", "Next IAWPSCOPED\Illuminate\Database\QueryException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1203] User scandide_wp_dqzhk already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections (SQL: insert ignore into
) values (be77fff5488aa91ccdf69ec59609fc61)) in /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connection.php:589", "" ] }2024-07-12T00:53:58+00:00Critical Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1203] User scandide_wp_dqzhk already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connectors/Connector.php:53 Additional context2024-07-12T00:56:55+00:00Critical Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1203] User scandide_wp_dqzhk already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connectors/Connector.php:53 Additional context2024-07-12T00:57:04+00:00Critical Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1203] User scandide_wp_dqzhk already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connectors/Connector.php:53 Additional context2024-07-12T00:58:38+00:00Critical Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1203] User scandide_wp_dqzhk already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connectors/Connector.php:53 Additional context2024-07-12T00:58:50+00:00Critical Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1203] User scandide_wp_dqzhk already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /home/scandide/panaeoluscoop.com/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics/vendor/illuminate/database/Connectors/Connector.php:53 Additional context
I’ve been really happy with your plugin; it’s worked seamlessly and hasn’t slowed down my site at all. However, since the latest update on July 2nd, I’ve noticed that nothing is being logged, every day shows 0 views/visitors.
Could you help me figure out what went wrong?
Thanks, Thomas
]]>Hallo, when the Independent Analytics Plugin is active,
the Product page in wp-admin has a size problem.
With activated Plugin it looks like this:
When the Independet Analytics pplugin is deavtivated, it looks as it should:
I hope you can fix that in the next update ??