I have two job pages on my website. Is there any way to list Canada and another US on the same page?
]]>Are there predefined roles for this plugin? I would like to give individuals with “editor” role to manage Indeed Job Importer.
]]>Hello! Apparently Indeed no longer offers a Publisher ID. Is there a way to use the plug-in without a Publisher ID?
]]>how can i incorporate the template macros in my theme. for examply i want addition of macro {job_company} with the title of the post in theme.
how i can do it in theme.
I recently added the Indeed plugin to our website so that our job listings are available. Everything looks fine, except when you click on a Indeed job posting I get a Warning / text notification at the top of the job postings saying something about the Jetpack plugin. The warning disappears if I disable the Jetpack plugin, but then our site is open to spam.
“Warning: log10() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given in /home/randrhea/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/modules/shortlinks.php on line 26”
That’s the message that appears at the top of the page.
Example page:
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Is it possible to schedule automatic import from the server’s cron job?
I ask this question because it only works when I import manually.
Thank you.
]]>I’ve imported several jobs from Indeed however when viewing the job description it’s only displaying a very limited of information on the job, like the first sentence. Is there a way to import the full job description from Indeed?
I have the jobs from Indeed importing into my site with Astoudify Jobify theme and its working. But now I only want jobs with certain key words / phrases in their ads ie “visa sponsorship”. How do I do that?
]]>I am using the Indeed Job Importer.
But I only want to import job listings that my company added to Indeed.
My company indeed page is: https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Talent-Solutions-Group-Inc
Can I configure this plugin to only import the jobs we post under our Indeed publisher account?
]]>I’ve double checked my Publisher ID, I’ve copied and pasted the Campaign name. I’m looking to create a post for each job in indeed. It creates a random amount of job titles as posts but with random names -ex: Police Officer etc. Is there a keyword I’m missing or why is it using pre generated Job titles and information.
]]>Hi, plugin looks great! would that be possible to add Poland?
]]>What could be the cause? Only manual works for me.
]]>Anyway to setup new jobs email alerts with your plugin?
]]>Hello ‘
I Create a Indeed Job Importer Successfully . & create Post Done. But How To show Post on A page .
Any Short Code To Past in page ???
How To Show jobs???
Hi Shambhu,
Is there a way to make the feed_company part of the post title?
]]>I just installed the plugin but I don’t see any code or shortcode to put into my editor….
I created a Publisher account at Indeed, but can only get Jobroll as html code, not a Publisher Id.
How to get the Publisher Id, please?
Thank you.
I’m keen to know if Indeed Job Importer works with the following Job board by minimaltheme – https://themeforest.net/item/jobboard-responsive-job-resume-market-wordpress-theme/9321086
If not could job board importer be modified to work with the above theme.
“fetch now” gives “0” results.
Please help !
]]>Jobs not being imported. Even “fetch now” gives “0” results. Please help !
]]>Hi all,
I run a job agency WP site specializing in tech. I have used Indeed, for other “indeed jobroll sites” and I would like a “page” on my site (0nly a 5 page site) to display specific tech jobs to a page that “current openings” or other names page – maybe even a sidebar on the main page – I use Jetpack to make the site responsive and I may have access to an indeed publishers ID – If I need it but the main purpose it to create new, relevant content, that will assist with SEO and also make my site more relevant to job seekers within certain specific niches. Can this be easily done by this plugin or do I need to do a lot more work – or?
Thank you in advance – Dr.
]]>I’ve tried inactivating and activating but the cron suddenly stopped on my jobs.
WP-cron is working for other plugins just not the indeed importer.
How do I hook the cron back into operation?
Hi there,
I just added the indeed importer plugin and have been trying to get jobs imported to my website since without any luck.
As suggested in previous posts I have double checked the publisher ID, tried with other keywords but still nothing. When I click the fetch now, results remains at zero.
Do you know how to fix this issue? This plugin is the exact one I need for my website.
Thank you,
I’m having some issues with Google’s PageSpeed Insights and some other sites with the following and was wondering if someone could assist please.
Leveraging Caching:
https://ca.indeed.com/ads/jobroll-widget-v3.js (expiration not specified)
Is there a code for this?
This was done and got a positive results using [https://varvy.com/tools/gzip/], but Google still doesn’t like it. Can someone please help with the code for this?
Compressing https://ca.indeed.com/ads/jobroll-widget-v3.js could save 626B (50% reduction).
I add this code in .htaccess, I know something is missing but I’m not sure how to write the code for Indeed jobroll:
‘<ifModule mod_gzip.c>
mod_gzip_on Yes
mod_gzip_dechunk Yes
mod_gzip_item_include file .(html?|txt|css|js|php|pl)$
mod_gzip_item_include handler ^cgi-script$
mod_gzip_item_include mime ^text/.*
mod_gzip_item_include mime ^application/x-javascript.*
mod_gzip_item_exclude mime ^image/.*
mod_gzip_item_exclude rspheader ^Content-Encoding:.*gzip.*
Is this relate to this plugin, I could not find any documentation on it.
Site: Bilingualize.com
I appreciate your help !
Indeed is quoting search phrases (e.g. “investment banker”). When I save a quoted phrase in the plugin it gives back a slash only the quoted phrase is deleted. Is there a way to make quoted phrases work?
P.S: To search in the job post title only write: title:(YOURsearchterm)
]]>How to resolve? “Warning: set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/indeed-job-importer/indeed-job-importer.php on line 10”
I am looking to use this as a possible solution for a clients website. They have an human resources employee who uses Indeed to post job listings for their company. On their wordpress website they want a careers page and that the top they want a plugin or widget to dynamically pull the job listing titles that they created on indeed. Only the job title would appear on their site as a link that would link directly to the indeed job listing page on the indeed website. Would your plugin work?
My developer was only able to find on to import the job listings, but it doesn’t deleted ones that are no longer active so old ones remain on the page. Here is a link to how it is currently functioning: https://www.mapteam.loliogd.com/careers/
You will see the job listing for Maintenance Technician. This is still on there, however it is a closed job listing. Is there anyway to just show open job listings? Here is a link to the company’s active job listings: https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Mid–atlantic-Packaging/jobs.
Any help or feedback would be greatly appreciated. I’m a designer, not a programmer so it would be interesting to know if this is feasible.
Jobs appear via fetch link but not by auto import (set to every hour).
Do I need to adjust anything else in WordPress to get this working?
I notice there a couple of inactive plugins that come with WordPress called “WP-Cron Control” and “Cron Schedules” – do I need to do anything with these?
Any help would be excellent. Thank you!
]]>Great plugin!
I need to limit the search radius when using a postcode for location.
Please advise how/if I can do this.
The plugin used to auto post job postings onto our job board, it has since stopped. It only post now when we manually tell it to fetch the postings. Any suggestions to help me fix this.
Thank you for your time.