Fix the \wp-content\plugins\indeed-api\indeed-api.php line 197
The url to https for the plugin to work
]]>Hiii …
I want to Retrieve Job type as a search result by using indeed api … i tried alot but failed i need help urgent please …
I have installed the plugin and configured with my Indeed Publisher ID.
I have edited the header.php with:
<?php wp_enqueue_script(“jquery”); ?>
<?php wp_head(); ?>
<script type=”text/javascript”
src=”<?php bloginfo(“template_url”); ?>/js/yourScript.js”></script>
What I have to do now?
]]>I’m using this, but sort is date doesn’t work.
All jobs are not sorted by date.
My question: was this always so or is this something from the past weeks?
And are there people who don’t have this issue?
So, am i the only one with this problem?
Is there a way to customize the “what” and “where” fields in the search boxes within the shortcodes provided?
I would be interested in creating 2 posts, one that would automatically be set to Chicago and the other to Los Angeles………is this possible to do?
]]>Is there a way to have the job open in a new tab?
]]>I love this plug in, but I want to be able to see the API URL so I can link directly to specific searches.
For example, if a search is done for Administrative Assistants in Los Angeles, CA, I want to be able to generate a link for this search. When someone else clicks on the link, I want them to be directed to the job board with that search already loaded.
How can I do this?
]]>I love the plugin, but am having some issues with the jquery in <head>. I have placed the following script into <head>:
<script type="text/javascript"
This does not fix the search box – when people enter their search terms, the list of jobs does not change from the entire universe of jobs.
Can you tell me exactly how to bring wp_enqueue_script("jquery");
into header.php?
How can I add an option to select a specific country on the selection screen?
]]>I’ve been looking for a long time for a plug-in that will allow me to easily add an Indeed xml request to a pag or post and hope that this one will do it for me. Here is what Indeed has given me:
Sample format of an xml request:
How do I insert that into the post and have it show the jobs available? I have the plug-in up and running – great job – but need some help in adding the request. thanks, Chief