Rating: 5 stars
The first “Badge Sale” plugin, which is working correctly and easily! Super, perfect! Thanks for it! ??
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Strings ‘d’ and ‘days’ are hardcoded in .js files.
Hours, minutes, and seconds are displayed without leading zero. Please find below a suggested fix. I edited the do_it()
function and added an utility function pad()
function pad(num, size){ return ('00' + num).substr(-size); }
function do_it() {
var days = component(timestamp, 24 * 60 * 60),
hours = component(timestamp, 60 * 60) % 24,
minutes = component(timestamp, 60) % 60,
seconds = component(timestamp, 1) % 60;
if ( curr.hasClass('isb_scheduled_compact') ) {
$div.html( ( days !== 0 ? days + '<span>gg</span>' : '' ) + pad(hours) + ':' + pad(minutes) + ':' + pad(seconds));
else {
$div.html( ( days !== 0 ? days + ' giorni, ' : '' ) + pad(hours) + ':' + pad(minutes) + ':' + pad(seconds));
Rating: 1 star
Whit the free version you can set only the “default badge” for every product and you can chose only 2 type (1 christmass, 1 normal). 4 colours. And 2 positions.
Nothing at all if you think that your theme give you already a badge and with this plugin you override it.
The description is not right. It’s not understable what is free and what is pro. Anyway it’ all pro.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
How can tranlate it?
]]>Rating: 1 star
The free version is very poor, not worth it.
]]>Rating: 4 stars
As previous review says, this plugin definitely has potential, but is extremely limited in free versions. Although $19 is “nothing” there should be a more balanced set of features.
Premium works fine.
There is however a few things that is needed to be a 5 star.
It should be possible to add badge or banner manually without being bound by defined sales periods. E.g. how long is the badge “New” shown after adding the product? I want it to be shown for weeks, maybe months.
Support for customised badges for products with variations.
The possibility to customise special badge message with text colour, and ribbon as special badge.
Considering the price this is by far the best single site solution for badges to woocommerce.
Looking forward to next version.
Rating: 2 stars
This plugin has potential, but the free version is too limited and is worse than the built in badge. In fact I’d say that the free version doesn’t improve the sale badge at all, but actually makes it worse and more confusing.
If the developer could give at least an option of a couple of badges in the free version it would be worth updating the review, but the way it is it isn’t an improvement.