I am testing my import but am failing. The following csv doesnt add the email
“PatrickBell “,”[email protected]”,”shadow85″,”Patrick”,”Bell “,”Patrick Bell “,”subscriber”
“PatBellcomp”,”[email protected]”,”shadow85″,”Patrick”,”Bell “,”Pat Bell”,”subscriber”
I use the importer to batch add student details to WordPress. Is there a way to add additional columns to the csv? I also use a User Expiry plugin which allows me to give students x amount of access. It would be great if I could add that info to the csv.
Is that possible?
]]>Hello I have used this plugin to successfully import my users but users did not receive emails notification about their user being created.
I have checked the notification option Send to new users
Kindly let me know how can I fix this so that I should send email to the imported users with their credentials.
These strings use the?esc_html()?function and are not translated:
]]>Plugin exists, but will not activate. Removed and reinstalled. No change.
]]>I’m getting the following warning running this with 1.3
Warning: include(includes/notice.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in?…../public/wp-content/plugins/import-users-from-csv/import-users-from-csv.php?on line?239
Rollback to 1.2 is fine.
how does the deletion happen with csv file ?
I have a few questions about this plugin’s functionality. Please excuse me if I missed this information in the forum.
I’m planning to import 1,200 new users from a .csv spreadsheet. Should I do that in one go or break it into smaller sections? I wondered if the system could handle adding that many tables simultaneously.
These are all brand-new users without a pre-existing password associated with their account. I planned to use the password nag to get them to set their own on their first login, as featured in the screenshot below. However, I don’t see the checkbox to enable that feature on my installation. How do I enable that setting?
Finally, if I don’t specify passwords when uploading these new users, does the system generate them randomly? I’m just curious how it deals with all the new entries.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my inquiry and for developing this plugin. I greatly appreciate your time.
I am trying to import a bunch of users, its working fine except I need to add them to a specific ‘group’ as set up by the Groups plugin: https://docs.itthinx.com/document/groups/
I have tried various column headers to import that data – groups_member, groups, group, group_ID, none of these work. What custom field name do I need to put in to import that detail please?
]]>Hello, when attempting to update a custom field from another plugin, the import process is successful, but it doesn’t alter the field’s input.
]]>Before trying to change all my users, I wanted to try one.
Just the update of two meta fields of an existing user.
CSV is:
The upload failed and the lof file was empty.
NB also tried to make the id a string, but didn’t work either.
]]>I am in the process of migrating from Leaky Paywall to PM Pro, and I am trying to update all current users to PM Pro levels. How do I do it safely so users don’t need to reset their password? Should I leave the “user_pass” field blank on the CSV file? This is the guide I am using: https://www.paidmembershipspro.com/add-ons/pmpro-import-users-csv/ Thanks!
]]>When I import users, it sends email to all the imported users, and to the admin-mail (one email for each user), regardless of what I do.
Thats a lot of emails and I don’t want it, and I don’t want the users to have these email. My isp think I am a spammer:)
Is that possible? Am I doing something wrong?
]]>I am exporting user data from NetSuite and I want to import it into WordPress. Can this do custom field mapping? And, how many imports can I do at one time? We have roughly 100,000 users.
]]>This is a great plugin, simple and efficient.
Perhaps there’s an issue with importing some latin characteres.
I have some custom fields as checkboxes. All works fine except when there’s some accented word.
So i have something like :
a:3:{i:0;s:4:”Word”;i:1;s:16:”Word with Acénté”;i:2;s:7:”another”}
Nothing inputs any of those fields. (other data inputs normally).
I also tried using html entity (ó).
Without that accent, everything goes fine.
]]>Hi, how to use WP-CLI to import users?
I have been using your “Import Users from CSV” plugin on my WordPress site, and I have been trying to translate the “Choose file” and “No file chosen” texts on the file upload field. However, I have not been successful in finding the location of these texts to translate them using the Loco Translate plugin.
I have searched through the code and the entire file system, but I cannot find the location of these texts. I have also tried several solutions found online, but none of them have worked.
Could you please advise me on how to translate these texts? Is there a specific function or file that I need to modify? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and assistance.
What happens if there are multiple users with the same email in my CSV import?
Does WordPress throw an error as it does when manually adding a user who tries to use an existing email? Or does the plugin import them OK with the same email?
Also, what happens with a user_name that is more than the 60 character limit in WordPress? Will this plugin truncate the user_name?
Is it possible to change the email that is sent to new users after they have been imported using the import from css plugin?
It may be obvious but I can’t see here to do that.
i’d found the solution at :
it’s work for me.
]]>Will this plugin work for subsites on a multisite install?
]]>Trying to ue the plugin to migrate off joomla. Created the import using the example.csv file. It takes 5 minutes to load 30 users and then I get a Error: 404.
Can’t figure out what I am doing wrong.
I imported the csv file, something like this:
The English and numeric parts can be imported into WordPress, but not the traditional Chinese parts.
Please tell me how to fix it. Thank you!
]]>I have a closed User Group with the following column headers:
Username, Name, Email, Role, Posts, Last Login, First Name, Last Name, Membership Number.
As far as I can see the Name Column is the addition of the First Name and Last Name columns with a space between. The Last Login column is not used. The Membership Number Column is vital. The password column is not shown.
I have some 545 members to enter using a .csv file in which all details except Posts and Last Login, but including password, are shown.
However how do I match those column headers with the headers shown in the sample file “user_login”,”user_email”,”user_pass”,”first_name”,”last_name”,”display_name”,”role”,”custom_usermeta_1″,”custom_usermeta_2″?
I match Username to user_login, Email to user_email, Password to user_pass, First Name to first_name, Last Name to last_name, but what do I match Membership Number to?
When I try to upload the details appropriately matched with Membership Number to custom_usermeta_1 I get an error message, but when I click on the link I cannot find the error message, so I have no idea what I am doing wrong.
I would greatly appreciate some assistance. I am a relative newbie but am trying to avoid having to make 545 odd individual entries!
Thanks, David
I am making a website in Japan.
Do you allow the plug-in named ‘Import Users from CSV’ to be used on commercial websites?
I am waiting for a reply.
Thank you very much.
I’m experiencing an error when this plugin is active and I create a new user. The user is still created, but the page loads and error afterwards.
WordPress version 5.9.2
Current theme: Woffice (version 4.1.9)
Current plugin: WP Activity Log for bbPress (version 1.0.3)
PHP version 7.3.33
Error Details
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 136 of the file (website)/wp-content/plugins/wp-security-audit-log-add-on-for-bbpress/wp-security-audit-log/custom-sensors/BBPressUserSensor.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method WpSecurityAuditLog::IsMultisite() in (website)/wp-content/plugins/wp-security-audit-log-add-on-for-bbpress/wp-security-audit-log/custom-sensors/BBPressUserSensor.php:136
Stack trace:
#0 (website)/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): WSAL_Sensors_BBPressUserSensor->event_user_role_changed(2785, 'administrator', '')
#1 (website)/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(331): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
#2 (website)/wp-includes/plugin.php(474): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#3 (website)/wp-includes/class-wp-user.php(629): do_action('set_user_role', 2785, 'administrator', Array)
#4 (website)/wp-includes/user.php(2265): WP_User->set_role('administrator')
#5 (website)/wp-admin/includes/user.php(229): wp_insert_user(Array)
#6 (website)/wp-admin/use
After succesfully creating new users with the plugin, unfortinately none of them are able to login unless I generate a new password for the user in the admin dashboard (with my admin account). When I try to login as a newly created user, I receive the error:
ERROR: The username or password you entered is incorrect. Lost your password?
How can I fix this?
I’ve successfully used this plugin before to add 500 – 1000 users to a site, but I’m now getting a 504 bad gateway message when trying to add 130 users to the same site (having deleted the previous users).
The server supplier is coming back with this message:
PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 180 seconds exceeded in /var/www/vhosts/thisisadomain.com/httpdocs/wp/wp-includes/class-phpass.php
While it looks as though some of users are adding, I haven’t got all of them, and as the page redirects to a 504 page, I can’t download the log file to see which are missing and why.
Any advice would be welcomed!
]]>So I’ve used this plugin to migrate users in from a csv that I created to match the plugins template (export).
The issue is that the get_the_author_meta(‘ID’) is now my ID for these profiles.
Is there any way to change the author_meta id after import?
I’m using a plugin that doesn’t like it the way it is to display an ACF from that users profile of a gallery, and it won’t draw in the gallery for any posts that show my ID instead of those created by wp registration or wpforms registration which gives the same author_meta id as the user id.
Even if I have to manually change it, it’s only 40 users so I’d be fine with that.
Thank you!