After an hour of hacking around I’ve got images working again on the plugin.
Until the plugin is updated (maybe never it seems) although not ideal you need to edit the plugin directly.
Edit import-tweets-as-posts.php and make the following changes
1) Find $tweet_api_url where it is declared and add a new line below with .=”&tweet_mode=extended”;
This variable is actually declared twice in the code within the same if/else statement. So you probably want to add this new line twice below each declaration.
2) Find the line: $tweet_text = $tweet->text;
Change it to: $tweet_text = $tweet->full_text;
ANd thats it, it *SHOULD* now work again importing images, it did for me ??
Does the plugin support multisite installations? Thanks
]]>Hi there!
I get a Fatal Error when visiting the settings page of the plugin due to the deprecated usage of do_settings_fields
on line 191 of itap-settings.php
The method do_settings_fields
now requires a second argument specifying the section whose fields you want to show.
Thanks for your time!
]]>The API must have been altered a few weeks ago (approximately 10 Oct 2016) as images are no longer imported.
I checked the log and the plugin has the following errors:
[01-Nov-2016 16:48:24 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$retweeted_status in /Users/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/import-tweets-as-posts/import-tweets-as-posts.php on line 231
[01-Nov-2016 16:48:24 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$media in /Users/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/import-tweets-as-posts/import-tweets-as-posts.php on line 306
In my mind this plugin is the best of its type avaialble so it would be great if it could be updated.
I tried to import tweets from a user account and it worked. However, I’m trying to adjust the tweets to filter with a hashtag so I’m using the “Search Query” feature. I’ve put “%23sydney” into the search string box to try and get every post with the hashtag “sydney”.
Im not getting any posts at all now.
After dealing with an issue with EWWW Image Optimizer stalling out and going back and forth with the developer, we narrowed the issue down to the session_start() call in Import Tweets.
As far as we can tell, there is no reason to have that call in the plugin — it is never used elsewhere in the code. In addition, that call is never closed so any other plugin trying to use that call will have to wait for any async transfers to finish (which in the case of Import Tweets there are none).
Do you really need the session_start() call at all? Or can you use session_write_close() to close it when done? Maybe we are missing something but as more and more plugins move to async processes, this will become more of an issue.
]]>Excellent plugin easy to setup and configure.
I think an option to select whether or not to import images would be great, my Twitter feed doesn’t have many images but I include RTs and its imported lots of images but I don’t use the image for this particular application.
First of all, I would like to say thank you to the author for developing such a good product and allowing us to enjoy it for free while supporting it on here. You have done some amazing work with this plugin!
I have some questions on how to do some adjustments to the code to have the following happen:
1. I need my tweets to appear under my portfolio instead of my posts section – so change the post-type. I installed a plugin that changes the post-type of posts after they have been created and all looks well. So now I need your plugin to record the tweet as a portfolio item (i think my post-type for portfolio items is: x-portfolio [as per the X Theme]).
2. I also need to know how to automatically set tags and category attributes to all tweets as a standard. For instance, my tweets are going to be Quotes and I need all my tweets to fall under the Quotes category of my portfolio and maybe have a tag “quote” or maybe even go the extra mile and capture the hashtags from the tweet and add them as tags onto the portfolio (post) item.
3.I would also like to adjust the title and actual content – i.e. not just limiting the char length, but for instance, I would like to remove the twitter URL from the title itself. I saw you have a $tweet_url – where/how do I turn it off? Also if I wanted to remove all hashtags from the title of the post, how can I do this?
I appreciate I have a lot of questions and you have no obligation to answer them, but I would be really thankful if you or anyone else can help.
]]>Just installed your plugin. Everything works a treat except for images. All I get in the post the URL to the tweet. The image is being loaded into the media library.
Please can you advise.
]]>Hi Chandan,
Thanks for the plugin, it’s really useful! ??
I’m having a small issue, and maybe you can help.
Every time the plugin is importing a Tweet and post it on my WordPress blog, it’s automatically using my Admin account as default.
For security matter, I would prefer to use another account with a lower role (like Editor or Author).
Is there a way to do that?
Thanks in advance for your help ??
]]>Hi I am using your plugin here and its been really successful so far.
Unfortunately a few days ago the images that are imported along with the tweets appear in the uploads folder but they have a filesize of zero kb and obviously aren’t displaying. eg
Any ideas what this could be? is it possibly something to do with Curl?
]]>Like the plugin if it would quit duplicating each post. Tried changing setting. But no luck. Every tweet becomes two blog posts. .
]]>Dear Chandan,
after upgrade to WP 4.3.1. I’m not able to see any tweets. I was trying to deactivate / activate plugin, also delete and reinstall. I tried to run cron task manually. There is also nothing in php-error.log. I had also recreated APP in twitter with no luck.
Any other ideas please?
Thank you,.
Would you consider adding some filters to your plugin? It would be nice if we could have a filter before the line
$insert_id = wp_insert_post($data);
That way I could write a function to do, say for example, extract the hash tags from the tweet and save them as post tags.
Maybe one after
foreach($tweets as $tweet){
so that I/we can work with the variable $tweet.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Some of users have faced almost same issues when it comes to not importing tweets properly. I might contribute kind of clues because I faced nearly same issues before and solved it.
Could I have UNIX Cron job URL? like this, for instances
Thanks for your nice works
]]>Right now have the Tweets Post Type set to tweet and I have a bunch of tweets listed on All Tweets but tweets aren’t showing on my site.
]]>You should not do this to import Tweet IDs :
$tweet_id = abs((int)$tweet->id);
It fails to import very long tweet ids
just do this :
$tweet_id = $tweet->id_str;
Hi I just installed this plugin.
I works fine except when the search string is long, it can’t pull data it seems. I have tested it with the twitter site too. so it appears to be a limitation on twitter end. Is there a way for the plugin to execute searches by retrieving the search filters from a predefined list and then running them one by one?
thx in advance.
I have installed your plugin on my website:
I have given it all the settings required.
However no tweets appear as posts.
Can you help.
Also, I would like to get tweets of different twitter accounts.
How and where can I specify the twitter username to read their tweets?
Thanks for the plugin.
For some reason it’s not working. I’ve installed the plugin, and copy-pasted all the requires keys and tokens from twitter.
My first thought is that could the issue be with local setup / MAMP?
Where should I start to debug? I didin’t get any errors when using define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
Thank you!
]]>I know this was covered in an earlier post somewhere, but how would I set the importer to use the date as the post title?
Right now it basically just posts the tweet as the title, then the tweet in the body. Would rather have the date in the title.
Thanks, and excellent work! ??
]]>Hi Chandan,
Thanks for such a great plugin.
I am bit confused with the search query set up.
See my screenshot:
Is this the way to set if I want to use the search term “education” or any other way?
This is not fetching any tweet to post as wordpress post.
Please give a clearcut example how it should be with an image so that this clears the doubt of everyone now.
]]>Hi Chandan
Thanks for creating this plugin.
When tweets are imported into my WordPress site, the whole tweet looks to be displayed as the post title.
This prevents any links in the original tweet from working until you click through to the dedicated post page.
Ideally either the links in the title would work, or I could find a way to display the whole content of the tweet on the main page, ruling out the need to click through to the dedicated post page…which is a bit of a drag for the user.
Any suggestions?
Many thanks
]]>When using the Tweet post type, every time the plugin imports tweets it creates new posts of tweets already imported. This will occur over and over till I disable the plugin. Any help on this will be most appreciated.
]]>Would it be possible to add an alternative if you want to include RT tweets or not in Search Query mode?
Just like “Display RT User Name before Screen Name” Yes/no
I’ve styled how I want a post to look like when it is from twitter, but currently when the tweets are pulled they automatically are assigned the default ‘Standard’ format. Is there a way/ could you make an option to change the format of the post?
First I would like to thank you for your nice extension ??
I have 2 questions :
– How can I get inside the Tweet/Post a clickable link to the tweet or the RT that was imported ? I was able to find a few answers in the forum, but I did not understand where I am supposed to insert the code (?)
– I was able to modify the code to remove ‘comment_status’ => ‘closed’, how could I make sure that each time I update your plugin I will not lose this modification ?
Thanks again for your time
Hi Chandan
Another small detail but one that has an effect is that when the tweet is posted, it inserts the @ symbol and then the tweeters “Name” rather than the “Username” i.e. @username. So the link ends up being incorrect.
You can see an example here
Clicking on the @link results in going to a twitter account that was not the source of the tweet.
Would it be possible to fix that one when you have time?
Thanks ??
Great plugin. Could you please tell me if there is functionality to allow links within tweet content to work? for reference – the tweets contain plain text links.
]]>Hi Chandan
Is there a way to limit the characters in the post title? The title on my posts is the full tweet text repeated.
Using the “Text before Tweets Post Title” does not prevent this it just adds a prefix.
I would like to be able to control the title better if that is possible?
Thank you