If you stumbled across this topic, it’s definitely because you’re trying to import external images. Try the WP External Images plugin, which makes importing images into WordPress easy.
]]>This plugin used to be awesome, but doesn’t seem to work anymore. I’m using it in a multisite environment and, while the settings are displaying, the edit post pages do not detect external linked images, despite being there. Has the plugin been abandoned? Hope not, because it was very helpful indeed.
]]>The plugin skips over .jpeg files (but gets .jpg).
It’d be great if you could cover both variations.
]]>Is there a way to import image not to uploads folder but uploads/author_name/ folder pls?
]]>I’m getting this PHP notice when I go to the plugin’s page in the backend
Notice: Undefined variable: posts_to_fix in /vagrant/public/wp-content/plugins/import-external-images/import-external-images.php on line 469
See it here at this screenshot as well: https://i.imgur.com/DWzgBdIl.png
This is a very useful and nice plug-in but it is not working with this kind of links pointing to an image:
Could you please fix this little issue?
Great work, thank you!
Would be nice if the plugin makers say when they stop giving support.
]]>Every image on every post gives me this error: No images imported – you might want to check whether they still exist!
I’m working with:
Import External Images version 1.4
All images are coming from a wordpress.com blog an example of the src is files.wordpress.com/2012/01/the-general-it.jpg
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
]]>I tried today to import images via this plugin and at the beginning it seemed works, but then it was showing all the time that importing but nothing was done, so far from all my posts’ photos, only imported 3 posts’ photos. I keep refreshing the page as was written in instruction
]]>When editing a post, you click the import button and click update and it works. then when i go back to edit the same post again, make some changes, click update i get this error:
Notice: Undefined index: import_external_images_nonce in /wp-content/plugins/import-external-images/import-external-images.php on line 160
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /wp-content/plugins/import-external-images/import-external-images.php:160) in /wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1167
After the image has been imported, going back to the same post breaks when updating.
]]>Hi. I am trying to import images from my main site to a subdomain of the same site.
Example: from https://www.yaaranetzer.co.il/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/IMG_2064.JPG
to somesubdomain.yaaranetzer.co.il/wp-content/uploads/../../IMG_2064.JPG
(developing a new installation and theme)
Import external images does not importing those images with the message:
“No images imported – you might want to check whether they still exist!”
I suspect it is set to not label images on the same domain as “external”, even non a different subdomain.
How can I get around this? Any easy code changes to enable same domain images to be imported?
Is it possible to save images from this location:
<img src="https://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1CRkVMpXXXXc7XFXXq6xXFXXXN/227663532/HTB1CRkVMpXXXXc7XFXXq6xXFXXXN.jpg?size=119494&height=843&width=790&hash=0af85aee7814ee069e2b30a84f866601" alt="TB2ePyBfVXXXXcfXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!760729633" /><ol>
From all posts/products ?
]]>I have SS linked images that end in .jpg that this plugin is not importing. Does anyone know of another plugin that works better or a solution to this issue? I have almost 8,000 images left to import on a very large blog.
Is anyone available to hire to get the import to work?
]]>I attempted to import a picture I have on Google Photos with the provided sharing link and the plug in doesn’t find the image.
]]>Hi, I’m trying to use the plugin to import images from facebook like this one:
As you can see, it’s not a proper .jpg file. It’s a query result.
The plugin thus doesn’t detect it as an image to be imported.
Is there any way this could be fixed? Thank you!
]]>As the title says. The images were all inside a table in my content.
My source links look like this:
<td><img src=”https://www.external-domain.tld/files/Image/fenster/iglo-energy/farben/7.jpg” alt=”” /></td>
Odd problem. Most images will import fine, but, occasionally they will show up as needing to be imported, but don’t when ‘update’ is pressed. The image url doesn’t change and the image still shows as needing to be imported.
The image also shows up in the settings page, and when the import button is pressed, this error is given:
No images imported – you might want to check whether they still exist!
The only thing which I can see might be an issue is most (not all) of the images have spaces in the file name (substituted for %20).
Thoughts anyone?
]]>Could you perhaps give some pointers what to edit in the plugin files so I can import external images in custom post type (Woocommerce products)? Thanks! Nick
]]>Hi, I can’t import photos from my posts. I get an error ” No images imported – you might want to check whether they still exist!”. But photos were found during the scanning.
in post’s page, the photo is highlighted by the plugin, but again I can’t import it.
Posts were uploaded via a xml file exported from Squarespace
]]>When running the importer in the Media screen or on an individual post, nothing happens. I get a No images imported – you might want to check whether they still exist! message.
Has anyone been able to make this work with images coming from Squarespace (or anywhere else for that matter)?
]]>I have one huge long post with lots of external images (on wordpres.com).
When I go to Media Library – Import, I only get the following message
Process all posts
We didn't find any external images to import. You're all set!
How do I force the plugin to actually recognize the external images in my published post?
]]>Such a great idea for a plugin! I am seeing that this only scans the “post” post type though. You’ll need to change all occurrences of the get_posts() function to something like the following:
$post_types = get_post_types(array( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false));
$post_types = array_merge($post_types, array("post", "page"));
$posts = new WP_Query( array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, "post_type" => $post_types ) );
$count = 0;
if ( $posts->have_posts() ) {
while ( $posts->have_posts() ) { $posts->the_post();
$images = external_image_get_img_tags (get_the_ID());
if( !empty( $images ) ) {
$posts_to_fix[$count]['title'] = get_the_title();
$posts_to_fix[$count]['images'] = $images;
$posts_to_fix[$count]['id'] = get_the_ID();
I’m desparate!
Have a last minute client whose current blog will close down on oct. 1st.
I have nothing but trouble with that site (due to timeout on export and huge problems with import). Now I have managed to take posts in bit by bit BUT .. Naturally the image links still point to the current server, where they will be gone on the 1.st.
When I try using this plugin to grab the images and store locally, either it only grabs the first image or – when I choose large file in all options, instead of full – then some of the characters (? ? ?) look really weird.
I saw another had similar problem in the support page, but the hack there, does NOT work on mine, Then I only get the forst image and no other inages, and no text either. it all disapears, apart from the first image.
Please help me… I don’t know what to do anymore.
Text changees from:
“Min familie og jeg kender til det mest hyggeligste picnic sted t?t p? hvor vi bor. Det ligger et lille stykke inde i skoven t?t p? vandet. I g?r bl?ste der dersv?rre en del, s? vi valgte at sl? os ned p? en mark et par f? meter fra stranden med den smukkeste udsigt ud over havet.”
to this:
“Min familie og jeg kender til det mest hyggeligste picnic sted t?|t p?¥ hvor vi bor. Det ligger et lille stykke inde i skoven t?|t p?¥ vandet. I g?¥r bl?|ste der dersv?|rre en del, s?¥ vi valgte at sl?¥ os ned p?¥ en mark et par f?¥ meter fra stranden med den smukkeste udsigt ud over havet.”
have screenshots if needed….
]]>There are external images without extension, ex:
<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/wZnQkEzOf85jsvE_u9QwA5w1UETMZ7Tv-w25K4KUIOA=w950-h633-no" alt="image" />
and the plugin skip this images.
]]>This is a great plugin in need of a lot of updates. Would you be willing to publish it to GitHub and allow others to collaborate on it?
]]>I clicked on “Import Images Now”, the list of available images disappears and nothing else happens. Any ideas?
]]>I have discovered that if the linked images on my blog are on a secure site, the images won’t import. Any chance this plugin will get updated?
]]>Fix to also find images with a secure URL…
File import-external-images.php
Change Line 304:
if ( $uri != '' && preg_match( '/^http:\/\//' , $uri ) ) {
if ( $uri != '' && preg_match( '/^https?:\/\//' , $uri ) ) {
First of all, this plugin is great, it saves a lot of time! TX
Im running into some troubles.
Sometimes my server cant handle the addition of 20gif images at a time, can you consider to put a box to enter the number of images to upload at a time, so in case that the images or (gif in my case) are very big, we can put 10, or 5, so the php got more time to save, or do they thing(im not very technical)
tx a lot!
I used your plugin last night to import the images from my old blogspot blog that weren’t imported when I imported the posts a few years ago. I’m doing this because I am using a new theme that depends upon featured images for related images.
I discovered today that the related images are working properly because the imported images are too small…smaller than the original images in the blogspot posts. As well, I have two images in my media library for each one that was in my old blog, one with 0 at the end of the name (and just before the .jpg) and one with 1.
It’s creating a mess with the related images as I have it set for the first image in the post to be used, and the importer seems to be making that the one that is too small.
Wondering if you know what went wrong with my import and how I can fix it?
Thanks so much!