Rating: 5 stars
Please add these functions. $ post_content. = "\ n \ n <a target = \" _ blank \ "rel = \" nofollow \ "href = '". esc_url ($ bookmark ['uri']). "'>". $ post_title. '</a>';
A PHP redirect function would of course also be good.
PS, I’m currently trying to expand the plugin with automatic screenshots and an extended description.
]]>Rating: 1 star
Saying the format is not allowed!!!!!!!!
]]>Rating: 4 stars
I think this plugin is really usefull. But when I tried to import the bookmarks, it was returning an empty array from the netscape bookmark parser.
If you want make it work, change line 85 from this
$lines = explode("\n", $this->sanitizeString($bookmarkString));
to this
//$lines = explode("\n", $this->sanitizeString($bookmarkString));
$lines = preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $bookmarkString);
on vendor/netscape-bookmark-parser/NetscapeBookmarkParser.php