obserwujemy nast?puj?cy problem.
( 1 ) Skonfigurowali?my wysy?k? maili poprzez SMTP
( 2 ) W??czyli?my plugin imoje
( 3 ) po w??czeniu pluginu, maile systemowe nie wychodz? / s? blokowane
( 4 ) po wy??czeniu pluginu, maile znowu s? wysy?ane
WordPress: 6.6.1
WooCommerce: 9.2.3
SMTP Mailer : 1.1.15
W razie potrzeby mo?emy udost?pni? ?rodowisko testowe.
Ponadto wtyczka sypie Warningami. B?dziemy wdzi?czni za pomoc.
We are observing the following issue:
( 1 ) We configured email sending via SMTP.
( 2 ) We enabled the imoje plugin.
( 3 ) After enabling the plugin, among other things, system emails are not being sent / are being blocked.
( 4 ) After disabling the plugin, emails are being sent again.
WordPress: 6.6.1
WooCommerce: 9.2.3
SMTP Mailer: 1.1.15
If necessary, we can provide a test environment.
Additionally, the plugin is throwing warnings. We would be grateful for your help.
Warning include_once(/home/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory
1 Plugin: imoje
Warning include_once(): Failed opening '/home/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/alt/php81/usr/share/pear:/opt/alt/php81/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php')
After installing and activating the plugin in a Local by WP Engine instance I got a fatal error.
PHP 8.1.23
WP 6.5.3
imoje 4.6.0
[27-May-2024 14:28:56 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class ComposerAutoloaderInit20238b54c7f11e178375fb4176f96fe0, because the name is already in use in /app/public/wp-content/plugins/imoje/includes/libs/Payment-core/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 5
]]>2024-05-27T14:30:14+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot declare class ComposerAutoloaderInit20238b54c7f11e178375fb4176f96fe0, because the name is already in use CONTEXT: {“error”:{“type”:64,”file”:”\/app\/public\/wp-content\/plugins\/imoje\/includes\/libs\/Payment-core\/vendor\/composer\/autoload_real.php”,”line”:5},”backtrace”:[{“file”:”\/app\/public\/wp-content\/plugins\/woocommerce\/includes\/class-woocommerce.php”,”line”:348,”function”:”critical”,”class”:”WC_Logger”,”type”:”->”},{“function”:”log_errors”,”class”:”WooCommerce”,”type”:”->”}]}
woocommerce log
Czy wtyczka zosta?a przetestowana z WordPressem 6.5.2? Wersja 4.3.0 wskazuje na to, ?e jest kompatybilna do wersji: 6.4.4
]]>Ostrze?enie: Wtyczka nie zosta?a przetestowana z aktualnie u?ywan? wersj? WordPressa.
Dzień dobry,
Po aktualizacji WordPress do 6.4 imoje wywali?o b??d krytyczny 2023-11-07T21:03:08+00:00 CRITICAL Cannot redeclare get_options() (previously declared in /home/…/public_html/wp-includes/option.php:357)
/home/…./public_html/wp-content/plugins/imoje/woocommerce-imoje.php w linii 354
B?d? wdzi?czna za pomoc. Dzi?kuj?.
Po ostatniej aktualizacji wordpress, po op?aceniu zamówienia poprzez imoje, status p?atno?ci nie zmienia si? z “oczekuj?ce na p?atno??”. Po up?ywie czasu, przechodzi na “anulowano”
jak naprawi? ten problem?
After client completes his payment, the order status does not change to Processing.
The notification url has been properly set in imoje settings.