Is there a way to trick Image Wall into showing images from WooCommerce product pages? Filtering those by product category or tag would be really great as well.
]]>First of all, amazing plug-in! Big thanks for your work
In a clean installation of wordpress 5.5 (no optimizer plugins and such) the imagewall does not work properly. It will display the first batch of images, but then not load more when scrolling.
Using the inspect function I found that there is a Javascript error:
Unable to get property ‘apply’ of undefined or null reference
It is triggered in jquery.infinitescroll.js: Line (793,12)
My guess is that this causes the issue. It seems WordPress 5.5 made some major changes to JQuery, could that be the reason?
EDIT: How I solved the issue
I found a way to get the plugin to work.
1) Install “jQuery Manager for WordPress” plugin and go to “settings”
2) In the JQuery Migrate settings choose “Query-Migrate-Version 1.4.1”
Hope this might help someone! Needless to say, on your own risk. Not sure what sideeffects this may have, but for me it gets the imagewall to work.
]]>Hello, very nice plugin. Wondering if there is a way to limit how many images will appear on the wall? Don’t necessarily want it to show every single image on the site, maybe have it load something like 50 images and then stop. Is that possible?
]]>Hi there.
I’ve just noticed that your plugin has stopped working on my page, some time in the last few weeks. Maybe a conflict with my theme, or the latest WP/PHP ?
I changed the 2 options in the settings panel and re-saved, but this hasn’t helped.
– The image re-generation schedule
– The Calculation method
I can see that *something* is happening on the page – I see a few thumbs pop up now, and ‘Loading More Images’, but then the thumbs disappear (previously, before re-saving the options, it only displayed the “end of the internet” message on scrolldown).
Thanks for any help & advice. ??
Hello, Script looks good and I was keen to try it but no joy.
My URL is
Code added to page is [image_wall] ( I tried a couple of variations – no success )
I am running Photon which I read in your FAQ was a likely issue.
Any fix / easy work around (while keeping photon :))?
Thank you,
]]>Since the last update of WP 4.4, doesn’t work at all, with Twenty Thirteen or Twenty Fourteen.
]]>I have just installed the plugin and the images are displayed in a single column probably in medium size (all same size) and no grid (collage). Any idea what’s the problem? Thanks.
]]>Love this plugin – But is there a way to speed up the loading? In particular, it would be cool to have the images load in the background instead of having to scroll down and then wait…
All of my images are fully optimized. Is there a way to tweak the loading or make the images load faster? The image wall website’s pictures load a lot quicker than my site…
I love this plugin and will make a donation for beer money
]]>This is really amazing. Can you tell me if it’s possible to have users create their own image wall, too? Perhaps even for users to be able to pin a jpeg of their finished walls to show what they’ve created?
Thank you.
I hope you are well and thanks for a great plugin.
How do I display images only from my posts and pages using either the short-code or css for the child theme function?
Also, how do I exclude certain images from those? Can we choose just to display the featured image?
Thanks in advance.
Love this plug-in using it on my site
One question only is it possible to limit the number of displayed images
Not to bothered what ones just want to limit the number to say 25 so it doesn’t just keep expanding my site is unique in that there will be 100’s of posts that will be feeding this plug in unless I can cap it
Many Thanks
]]>Probably I shouldn’t be asking here but i’m giving this a shot. I’ve made a website where i would upload 1 image in each post. Now i’ve got over 3000 and putting them in a page (for each category) will be really unefficient as then i’ll have to update it manually every time i make a new post. So I was wondering if there’s a way to create 1 page and make it grab all the image posts inside a category and make a gallery out of that. The reason for this is that this way it’s easier for mobile users to surf the site.
Thanks in advance
]]>I’m seeing images that I’ve removed from a post also included in the wall.
Is there a reason that all images from any revision of a single post are also captured by the image wall?
or is it possible to only include the current post images?
]]>Is it possible to have the images displayed by chronological order? My file system is structured based on post date.
]]>Hi there,
One more thing. It looks like the plugin chooses the first image from the post, not the featured image. Is there a way to make it use the featured image?
]]>Here’s my shortcode:
[image_wall image_sizes=’thumbnail, medium’ column_width=” batch_size=’20’ buffer_pixels=’200′ support_author=’false’ move_to_end=’false’ column_proportion_restrictions=’2.0′ open_links_in_new_window=’true’ include_categories=’food-porn’ exclude_categories=” include_tags=” exclude_tags=” include_pages=’true’ background_color=’white’ gutter_pixels=’8′ corner_radius=’0′]
I have multiple posts in the Food Porn category (slug: ‘food-porn’), but when I view the page, the ‘loading more images’ pop up appears, disappears, and reappears for a while then finally one image linking to a random page appears. Any idea how to fix?
Thank you!
]]>Hi there, cool plug-in.
I wanted to segment my image walls by the topic so for example Bedroom, Kitchen, etc.
I tried assigning a ‘Kitchen (All)’ and ‘Bedroom(All)’ category using the ‘Media Library Categories’ plug-in and using the shortcode:
[image_wall include_categories=”Bedroom(All)” exclude_categories=”Uncategorized, Kitchen (All)” background_color=”grey”]
All of the images in my media library are still showing up.
I tried making a post with only Bedroom items and categorizing it as “Bedroom(All)” but all images are still showing up.
What would be the best way to achieve this?
]]>After updating to WordPress 3.9 has anyone else seen that the wall images disappear but the linking / hyperlinks continue to work if you hover over or click?
]]>Hi, my wall creates with spaces where an image should be.
The thumbs are different sizes but you can clearly see that an image could fit in the spaces. (NSFW)
We love your plugin and use it on many client sites.
Since the upgrade to WP 3.7.1 it seems to put more load on the MySQL database than before. Thus slowing the display.
Perhaps you could upgrade this plugin for WP 3.7.1 and maybe doing so will make it fast as before?
mahalo for your consideration.
Many thanks.
Team JingleSPOT
Seems like the only way to not have specific images show up is to block the posts they’re attached to? No way to block images from specific pages?
Would be easier if one could block a specific image using it’s ID number.
]]>A really great plugin, tho i cant get it to work right.
i have used many codes from your site and options from users on these threads.
regardless is only displays one single strip , top to bottom.
i would really love to achieve the same as Nomads demo wall
I was wondering if you could help?
Image Wall refuses to load and I’m not sure why;
My thumbnails are set to: 150×150
My Medium images are set to 300×300
My short-code is as follows:
[image_wall image_sizes=’thumbnail, medium’ batch_size=’300′ buffer_pixels=’2000′ support_author=’false’ move_to_end=’false’ column_proportion_restrictions=’2.0′ open_links_in_new_window=’false’ include_tags=’school-news’ include_pages=’false’ background_color=’black’ gutter_pixels=’4′ corner_radius=’4′]
I can’t give you a link to the page as it is on a local, portable, server specific to me ??
I am basically having the same problem as a previous user whereby;
It displays a just a thin black line or box.
So the script is firing, it’s just not pulling anything in :/
Any help would be greatly appreciated
]]>Hi Parakoos,
This is a great looking plugin and I’d like to use it with an add_filter( 'the_content', ...
to stop changes from the admin side breaking things. Its pulling the images for the wall in but not styling correctly, its not below the footer and the wall background remains the bar at the top of the wall. Is this possible?
The site isn’t live yet but my code is ..
/* add image wall plugin to the bottom of the home page */
function add_imagewall_plugin_to_home_page( $content ) {
if ( is_front_page() ) {
$custom_content = "[image_wall background_color='#58514E' include_categories='featured' move_to_end='true' column_width='200' include_categories='Featured, home_image_wall' include_pages='false']";
$custom_content .= $content;
return $custom_content;
} else {
return $content;
add_filter( 'the_content', 'add_imagewall_plugin_to_home_page' );
Thanks for your work with this.
]]>Hi – I’ve added and deleted ImageWall 3 times because I haven’t been successful in getting it to work on my site. I keep coming back to it because I love it and I’m stubborn. =)
I have read through every post I can find re: troubleshooting, but I’m not having any luck with what I’ve tried so far.
The shortcode I have added to my Blog Page is:
[image_wall image_sizes=”medium , large” column_proportion_restrictions=”2.0″ support_author=”hidden” include_pages=”false” move_to_end=”false”]
My media settings are:
Thumbnail: 200 x 200
Medium: 300 x 300
Large: 400 x 400
(I admit to being a little lost on the ideal media settings)
I have three test-posts up. Each image is attached to the corresponding post page. Each image appears to have large enough dimensions to meet the media parameters (in width but not height – could that be the problem?).
I have tried adjusting my media settings. I re-loaded the three test images to my library to make sure they would work under the changed settings.
Each image was added to each post with the add ‘featured image’ section. I also tried adding each image to the post with a “insert media” option, but that resulted in double-images (and no wall).
I tried changing the “move to end” to true but nothing happened so I changed it back to false (I don’t want the footer to show above my wall if I can help it).
Any suggestions? I’m sure this is user-error but I can’t think of anything else to try. Thanks so much!
]]>Without a doubt this is a great plugin and I gave it 5 stars, but I am running into a problem on the 2013 default wordpress theme. It has take my sidebar widgets and put them at the bottom of the page. Image Wall wants to keep scrolling down when I (or users) try to scroll down to get to the widgets in the footer. This was actually funny for the first 200-300 posts cuz eventually it would run out of images to show, but I have sites with over 1000 that will continue to grow. Perhaps a Max_Images_to_Display=”200″ or something would be a useful feature? Also an option for no randomizing and just forward or reverse posted order would be nice. Thanks Parakoos! p.s. seems to work fine in 3.6
]]>Lovely, lovely plugin. Got it to (kind of) work here:
Three questions:
1. The images are correct, but the links are not. Most of the images link to a single article.
2. I only have 13 published posts but 16 items are showing.
3. I was wondering if there was a way to show the posts in descending order of publication?
Thank you!!!
]]>Trying to manage filters of posts by tags via include or exclude. The result I get is that it only pulls the first post of any given tag label.
[image_wall include_tag=”example” include_pages=”false”]
Help. I love this plugin, it is EXACTLY what we need but we can’t get it to work unless it’s grabbing all content on site with no filtering. ??
I’m using your plugin here:
How can I link each image to an external website?
]]>Hi parakoos
Sorry for being so picky about this great plugin, but a new update has become available but I cannot find the changelog for it – v2.11
Can you please advise ?