after migrating my site the plugin does not work anymore.
Every hotspot said this
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘pins_more_option’ in /var/www/clients/client3/web57/web/wp-content/plugins/devvn-image-hotspot/admin/inc/add_shortcode_devvn_ihotspot.php on line 23
Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /var/www/clients/client3/web57/web/wp-content/plugins/devvn-image-hotspot/admin/inc/add_shortcode_devvn_ihotspot.php on line 23
How can i fix it?
great plugin. i love it really.
Since the last WordPress-Update I have a little problem.
I do the following:
1) Create a post
2) Press the “Insert Media” button
3) Select one picture
4) in right-hand sidebar press “Edit image”
Now I get the “edit image”-modal. But the “Add image hotspot” button is duplicated and unfortunately does not work.
it works very well in the media database.
The loop is not working in my client site. can any one help me for that. The first popup will appear and when click the forward or previous arrow its display first and last one and the popup closed after that.
this is very excellent Plugin. I’m missing only a Link in the rows of the media library with a popup or so. Because with many images this would be faster.