saya baru saja buwat template wp namun baru tampilan saja
pertanyaan saya, bagaimana saya bisa merubah image / gambar yang terdapat di box image yang berjumlah 4 itu melalui admin
apa yang harus saya lakukan??
mohon bantuanya
]]>I uploaded the images both ways, and I have a little black box in my posts with filenames in the lower corner. The forum for this plugin hasn’t been replied to in 6 months, with many other people having similar problems to me.
I’d check the forum before downloading this.
]]>Has anyone found a way to delete images from the slideshow?
]]>I have shortcode [combogallery id=2] as the only thing on a page. The page is called Portfolio. When I click on the link for that page, the font changes for all of the links in the navigation. When I take the shortcode out… no change in font. Please advise how I might work around that issue. Thanks, CP
]]>freezes my slideshow in custom community pro and pictures don’t load correctly.. just broken.
]]>Hello, i was trying to change the default value of thumbnail Image display in Image Gallery with Slideshow plugin but i can’t able to figure out where it needs to set. Can anyone help on this ?
Default value on the settings-> 170by170px.
]]>This wwas exactly the kind of gallery with thumbnails I was searching for, and it might be great if only it would upload images. It says they have uploaded, but they haven’t. Shucks. Back to the search…
]]>Hello, i am having problems displaying the images on site i have loaded the images into gallery and i have the gallery rim, or screen, with no image, the only thing i didnt change was the root. since iam using wordpress i shouldnt have to, but i tried changing anyways and nothing , any help would be appreciated . the plug in is image-gallery-with-slideshow
]]>The plugin doesn’t works with the 3.3.1 version. Problems with multiple uploads and showing images.
]]>The plugin seems to be working when generating the gallery code in the page/post, but the images are not shown cause they don’t exist.
I think that the issue is at the image uploader. I’ve tried to update single and several images and any of the options really works (they show an OK message but there is no images uploaded in the server).
]]>In the ‘Add Gallery’ section, typing a name into the field prompts the following error:
“Gallery has not been added properly”
]]>I can add a single slideshow to a page and its fine. but anytime I add second slideshow to the same page its messed up. The images are stacked one on the other and there is a /ajax-loader.gif on top of them shows the problem.
any help would be appreciated.
]]>Hi i just install the plugin!
but the MENU for upload images is not working
i clic it and nothing happend
please help
i just have option to create albums, i have 2 created but cannot put image on it
in settings i change all and give “galeria: in folder option
]]>How can I put 2 users to control this plugin–>
]]>I’m not much of a programmer, but I might have fixed this issue. I took a look at the file “upload-file.php” in this plugin and lines 28-31 look like this:
$value_org = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfilename']['tmp_name'], $file_original);
$value_thumb = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfilename']['tmp_name'], $file_thumbnail);
$value_thumb = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfilename']['tmp_name'], $file_slideshow);
$value_thumbslide = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfilename']['tmp_name'], $file_slideshowthumb);
You can see that 29 and 30 are BOTH setting a value for thumb.
I changed line 30 to read
$value_slide = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfilename']['tmp_name'], $file_slideshow);
and now the gallery seems to work.
And thumbnails appear in the back end as well.
I hope this helps some other poor soul struggling with this.
: )
]]>This plugin didn’t work for me. It beats me to understand why would the plugin’s author not address the blank/empty/no-show images issue, as I can see so many people have had here. Either do that or remove your plugin from here.
It’s such a waist of time!
]]>only the first 6 photos are running in the slideshow.. is it normal?
thank you
]]>Hello, I’m using Image Gallery with Slideshow v1.5.2 and the images are not uploaded.
Here is what I did :
– go to Add Gallery / Image
– single image upload
– upload an image
– “Image successfully added”
I checked :
– there is no images displayed
– all the uploads subfolders are empty on the FTP
I tried to change the permissions (777), but it didn’t work.
I tried to install the plugin with the dashboard (it didn’t work), so I uninstalled it and reinstalled it by downloading the zip (didn’t work).
Another thing : whatever I did, I couldn’t upload more than one image at the time with the multiple upload option.
I hope it will help you to correct the problem.
]]>I have set all the right file permissions yet it wont upload the files to the folder!! any ideas!?
]]>The create album does not work. I create an album and it says Album was not created properly
]]>I installed this plugin, and no matter what I do, I get a 404 error. I clicked on “Add Gallery/Images”, entered the name of the gallery, clicked the “Add gallery” button, and it gives me a 404 error. I went to the “Gallery with Slideshow” page, tried to edit or delete the gallery I just created (so I guess it did create the gallery, even though it gave me a 404 error), and both Edit and Delete give me a 404 error. I can’t use this plugin at all. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
]]>When I click on a thumbnail, the lightbox with the picture shows up behind the page, but on top of the background, almost like it’s behind the table or something. Can’t see the picture that loads at all, I’m using the the theme “Delicate”, if that helps. Any help would be great!
Thank you,
]]>I can’t upload images
]]>Hello, i was trying to use Image gallery with slide show but i am facing the problem with thumbnails they are showing the name. any help on that ?
]]>The images are not showing in the gallery after uploading. I can see where the images are stored in the /plugins/image-gallery-with-slideshow/uploads/original but none are in the “slideshow” “slideshowthumb” or “thumnail” folders. So maybe that’s the problem?
]]>I have the Image Gallery with Slideshow v1.3
when I want to upload an image, it says: image successfully added,
and the image will be come in the gallery directory,
but in fact there is no image in the upload folders, and it will not be appeared in the posts
also i have this note on “Add Gallery / Image” :
To view the Gallery Images and Slide Show, at first set the “front end setting” option
I dont know what to do with this,
thank you for your help
]]>The height of the slideshow is not in proportion to the width.
]]>I just installed Image Gallery with Slideshow v1.3. The slideshow box appears, with blank thumbnails and blank images. I’ve already tried changing the zoom level (after reading another post) and the slideshow is on my website, not my local machine. See
What else should I try?
]]>I can’t add galleries for my photos…
any help would be awsome :O