I purchased this plugin and it was really handy but after recent changes in WordPress, it stopped working properly. I lost around 2 days to figure our WordPress 5.7 upgrade problems. When I was working on classic editor, image resizing, table resizing, table/cell/row properties, crayon syntax highlighting, and many more were not working. I disabled and enabled all plugins and even my theme on stage environment and finally, I found that One press elevator was the root cause of these problems. I wanted to inform you if you face a similar problem. In this way, maybe you will not lose time like me. I hope these problems will be fixed.
I’m using a licensed release of Onepress Image elevator… is there some developer to update plugin ?
]]>Hello, I tried copying images from webp and it does not work.
Webp is becoming a popular image format on the web, would be great to have support for it.
]]>Doesn’t seem to work with Elementor.
Using Elementor, you have to go to the Media Library modal window everytime you want to insert an image. You can’t paste an image at this point, apparently.
If you could modify your plugin so that when you go to Media Lbirary modal window and paste, then that would be a pretty easy fix, I would think.
]]>I posted the problem already to stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49356361/wordpress-uncaught-typeerror-cannot-read-property-processpastedcontent-of-und
Thanks for excellent plugin.
Why OnePress Image Elevator doesn’t work then i edit posts on frontend in TinyMCE? How i can plug it for front?
]]>Anyway to default images to be Centered? And also add Amazon S3 support when using the Offload S3 plugin?
]]>If I record a GIF with ShareX (or similar software) and copy to my clipboard, will this work?
]]>Feature Request: Thumbnail generation
it s possible to generate thumbnails on the fly, and display the thumbnail, with the original as part of imageset?
Or the ability to popup the original image (i can add external script if i know where to add it
]]>Tested with Chrome (51.0.2704) and Edge (38.14393)
When i paste an image from web page it is pasted into WordPress page two times, one pointing to original site and one (below) correctly added to WordPress media database.
Can you help me?
If I copy paste an image into the editor in FireFox it works great.
if I copy/paste an image into Chrome I get a missing image icon in the browser but the image is added to the media library.
If I copy/paste an image into Edge it just doesn’t do anything.
Any suggestions?
Several people have mentioned wanting to remove the “nag” button.
You may be able to do this by adding the following to your theme’s functions.php file, adding in any custom post types you may be using (in this example: cd_listing, articles). That being said, the paid version is cheap enough!
//removes “preview & view” options from the new post and post edit admin screens
//Enter any post type you would like to remove the “view and preview” buttons from “custom post type, post, page
function posttype_admin_css() {
global $post_type;
$post_types = array( 'post',
if ( in_array($post_type, $post_types) )
echo '<style type="text/css">.button.imgevr-get-premium, #post-preview, #view-post-btn{display: none;}</style>';
add_action( 'admin_head-post-new.php', 'posttype_admin_css' );
add_action( 'admin_head-post.php', 'posttype_admin_css' );
Everytime I insert a picture it will be embedded with http instead of https. It seems that it is hardcoded in the Plugin.
I’m accessing my blog admin interface with https and have a CSP active. Thats why I’ve recognized this. My CSP config deny http image loading.
I would be greate if this can be checked and fixed.
BR Chris
]]>Seems like this stopped working with one of the recent updates to wordpress.
]]>Sorry, the file for renaming has been not found on your server – this appears when I try to rename file, just copied to TinyMCE.
All other functions working normally. My ver – 2.5.7, WP – 4.4.1
May be other plug conflict? A have “Filenames to latin” plugin installed, for sanitize Cyrillic, German, French, Polish, Spanish, Hungarian, Czech, Greek, Swedish and other filenames to latin during upload.
When I copy an image from a website, it pastes into the editor, but it does not load and save onto the server, and is not visible in the media library. Is there a way to force the image to load?
]]>Hello, there,
Great and extremely useful plugin! Is it possible to be able to save the images that are pasted in JPG instead of PNG? PNGs are so much bigger most of the time!
Hello. I like the idea behind the plugin, but is it still being maintained?
]]>Hi Guys,
this plugin is exactly what I am looking for. Unfortunately, I have lots of troubles getting it activated properly on multi site (latest WordPress).
1. First I installed the plugin and activated it on one sub-site only, which worked right away. Great.
2. I activated the 1 week premium trial.
3. Then I tried to activate it for another subsite and even though it was activated (menu item appeared in plugins) it wouldn’t show the button in Tiny MCE and copy and paste also didn’t work. Now it worked for one sub-site but not another. Not so great.
4. I tried to use Network Activate, but I had the same issue, it only worked for the 1st sub-site, but not any of the others.
5. I deinstalled the plugin, reinstalled it and activated it via Network Activate. Now it worked for all sites. Great.
6. A message appears saying the plugin needs to be updated because it has the wrong assembly (I did activate the 1 week premium trial in step 2. If I now try to update the plugin an error message appears saying:
Downloading update from https://api.byonepress.com/1.1/….
An error occurred while updating OnePress Image Elevator: Download failed. Unauthorized
Here is what I would like to do:
1. Activate for all sites
2. Eventually upgrade to premium
Thanks for help!
I want to use your cool plugin with the plugin Anspress. How would I go about doing that? Right now the button does not show up under the ask question or question page. It does however work as intended when making a new post or blog.
Are Erlandsen
When hovering a link, as expected, browsers produce an automatic tooltip displaying the title attribute of the link.
This traditional browser-generated tooltip overlays the plugin-generated “thumbnail” tooltip which is a bit of a nuisance in that it blocks a portion of the “thumbnail”.
Not sure how z-index behaves with automatic browser tooltips but might be worth exploring how to modify the overlaying of the two tooltips via CSS.
]]>Hi! After upgrade to 2.5.0 I cannot paste anything. I’m using Chrome.
Thanks for your help.
]]>I often get “connection timeout” problem when pasting images.
]]>Will this bring images locally into the media library that are pasted, or referenced in pasted code? I have a client with online content that would like to post into the editor and have the images that are referenced brought locally to this site as the target site will be removed in the near future? There is a plugin “cache images” that does this after the fact, but it would be nice to do in-line.
]]>Why this plugin does not provide image dimensions which is bad fore SEO. Please, update the plugin so that it can paste images and provide their sizes.
]]>I updated wp to 3.9 installed IE and nothing. Maybe all images are broken in my WP install now though, I installed image elevator because the image paste that I was using ceased to work.
Have you confirmed IE works in WP 3.9?
]]>Trying to perform a simple copy – paste from word doc into 3.8.1 WP.
What does this error message mean?
We use a quiz plugin (WatuPRO) which includes a wordpress editor. Image Elevator doesn’t load due to an error. We can’t use it. We tried to use it with a basic editor code (https://omfgitsnater.com/2012/11/using-the-wordpress-editor-in-your-own-plugins-and-themes/), but it didn’t work that way either. In the wordpress page and post menus it works well. Could you please help us with this problem?
Thank you in advance,
/wp-admin/jquery-1.10.2.min.map not found