This block is really cool, and does appear to be very lightweight. My only concern is that the scripts are loaded on every page. The scripts should only be loaded on pages where the block is used. Maybe because I’m not using an FSE/block theme? For now, I’ll have to dequeue or use something else. Thanks for building this plugin either way, it’s very useful ??
]]>Hello, thanks for this great simple pluggin (without any Elementorish caterpilar).
In the back office preview the label SPAN.icv__label is INSIDE it’s clipped DIV.icv__wrapper
In the front office, it’s before. Then it’s not clipped as it’s shown in the backoffice.
Plus, once it will be inside, the label will need an extra style white-space:nowrap
Thanks in advance
]]>Hi there,
it would be great if you could add the possibility to add a caption to the block. Either as a simple field with some formatting options for bold text etc or as innerblocks where we can use the native paragraph block.