Hi, suddenly the plug-in stopped to show the products.
Here a link where products were displayed
I notice that
Test the Connection (If you make changes save first) doesn’t works.
I managed to get the plugin to work but it only shows one letter for the product name.
Any idea how to fix this?
Also is it possible to only show products that are currently in stock?
]]>I have problems since I have two more discounted items in the plugin, however when you enter prestashop the discounts mentioned do not appear, only the one for one item. currently disable the option to see discounts in wordpress to avoid misunderstandings with customers
]]>Hello, I am using your plugins and I like it a lot, but I need to know if it is possible that each time the page opens, different products of the same category will be seen. Since they always look the same and I would like to show the variety I have. I am pending thanks
]]>Hi Imacreste I see Baz post and I want help you in italian translate this wonderful plugin.
Thanks again for hard work. I hope this plugin add many devel people.
Best regards
I ask for you can devel this function. I see only first product with
[imacprestashop_categorias_ws language = ‘0’ categoria_id = ’11’ num_productos =’ 8 ‘show_idioma =’ ‘]
Is possible use order function?
]]>Hi Imacreste as a thank you for assistance with the pound symbol issue have translated module into English here:
Hope that helps
Best regards
I have a problem with the plugin,
It works fine, but in the product description it only shows me one character.
Is there a way to fix it?
]]>Hi have been tring this on a test server and all seems to be going OK apart from one thing.
Currency format for Euro places the currency symbol after the price, whereas Currency format places symbol before the price. i.e £25.99
I have successfully changed the price format & currency from Euro and a , separator to £ and a . separator in some places but still having an issue where the default values are used from the hard coded option…
It seems to need changing in the following:
if ($dto!=”){
$txt_dto=number_format($dto, 2, ‘.’, ”).” £”;
Can you show me how to get the £ in front?
Best regards
I noticed a strange behavior with the price when I use the product shortcode : [imacprestashop_productos_ws productos='4']
The product has a price of 3.00 EUR (inc. VAT).
There is a fixed offer (1.20 EUR) for an order of 20 or more products.
The render of the product in the page is:
3.00 EUR
1.8 EUR (-1.20 EUR)
instead to get only: 3.00 EUR
If I use the category shortcode to show the same product:
[imacPrestashop_categorias cant_productos="3" categoria="2"]
The price is right: 3.00 EUR (only showed)
What do you think?
I have followed the instructions exactly, but it does not show our Prestashop products.
We use WordPress 5.2.2 and Prestashop
Would you please help us find a solution? Thanks in advance!