Hello. I’m interested in finding out if the plugin has been updated to meet the requirements of Google Consent Mode v2. Could you please provide information on any necessary changes that have been implemented? Thank you.
]]>Hej! Sedan g?rdagens uppdatering s? visas knappen f?r “godk?nn enbart n?dv?ndiga kakor” bara om man v?ljer att visa n?gon av de frivilliga omr?dena (statistik eller marknadsf?ring), annars s? synd enbart “godk?nn alla kakor”.
Det ?r f?rvisso logiskt, f?r om man inte visat stat eller mf-sektionen, s? b?r det ju bara finnas n?dv?ndiga kakor och d? kan man ju lika v?l godk?nna alla kakor och det blir ur ett rent logiskt perspektiv obsolet att ha tv? knappar som egentligen g?r samma sak.
Ur ett anv?ndarperspektiv (om en anv?ndare har intresse eller kunskap om integritet och gdpr), s? blir detta dock f?rvirrande, eftersom man d? f?rst m?ste unders?ka att alla kakor defacto ?r n?dv?ndiga innan man godk?nner. Det ger lite av en k?nsla av de cookie-banners som f?rmedlar att man m?ste godk?nna alla kakor f?r att bli av med bannern, eller bara s?ger “jag f?rst?r”…
]]>Hej! Jag har en site som beh?ver en cookie-banner, d?r Matomo k?rs utan kakor med default tracking code. F?ljande h?nder:
Jag har ?terskapat fenomenet p? min hemsida (se l?nken).
]]>Hej! Finns det en l?nk d?r anv?ndaren enkelt kan ?terkalla sitt samtycke till cookie eller justera sina inst?llningar efter att samtycke givits?
Tack f?r ett utm?rkt och l?ttanv?nt plugin! Jag har b?rjat anv?nda Matomo Analytics ist f?r GA. Hur jag g?r f?r att blockera Matomos cookies, som ju s?tts direkt fr?n hemsidan?
Mvh, Anna
Vi har en inb?ddad Googlekalender p? hemsidan. F?r att inneh?llet i kalendern ska vara synlig m?ste cookies godk?nnas. Trots att alla cookies godk?nns i er plugin s? visas inte inneh?llet i kalendern. ?R det n?gon inst?llning som vi missat?
Please note that after activating your plugin (v3.2.0) on WP v5.9.2, the Divi Theme Visual Builder (v4.14.9) stopped working.
You get an infinite page loading loop.
After deactivating your plugin, everything works again.
could you please help me to answer following questions for the GDPR. I really dont know what to write here.
– How do we use cookies?
– Cookies we use.
For Cookies we use i have written the following but dont know if this is right.
Cookies we use
We use first and third party cookies. We use technical reasons, “essential” or “strictly necessary” cookies. Other cookies also enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance the experience. Third parties serve cookies through our websites for advertising, analytics and other purposes.
But for the question How do we use cookies, i dont know any unswer.
best regards
]]>Hello, is there are reason why a rel=”nofollow” attribute gets added inside the link tag for privacy policy page? My privacy policy page is on the same website so I don’t understand why a rel=”nofollow” is needed.
]]>Using the Ilmenite Cookie Consent plugin, I am experiencing the cookie consent message appearing on every page of my website after consenting to all cookies.
I’ve gone through setting but am unable to figure out why this is happening.
Do I need to add some code regarding expiry?
]]>Hi again
I have deleted this plugin and cleared all my cache and browser.—–It will not stop showing on my mobile site…..
the pop up does not show on desktop. Also, after removing some wording in the banner customizer it does not show proper wording consent on mobile. Please take a look
I’m seeing this in the logs while I’m debugging another issue on a site:
ilcc_has_preferences ... class-consent.php on line 11
It’s only an annoyance rather than critical, but could that be wrapped with an isset() to keep the debug logs a bit tidier?
Your function Ilmenite_Cookie_Consent::get_black_and_whitelist() returns some JS that’s wrapped in out script tags, which is causing a doing_it_wrong error/notice:
Do not pass script tags to wp_add_inline_script
The notification goes away if you comment-out the open and close script tags at the start and end of get_black_and_whitelist()
]]>Jag hittade precis en l?sning ??
]]>(First: Thank you for a great plugin. Just the perfect amount of styling and easy to override. And apologies if this is an obvious question, but I couldn’t find any documentation answering it, so I thought I should just ask. )
How long is the cookie set for by default? I.e. Does the visitor have to consent to cookies every visit, or is it set for a period of time (30 days) before the same consent question is asked again?
Or… I am missing something in setting up the cookie correctly? It seems to me that it’s behaving similar to a session cookie now?
]]>How can i change the Text and The Design?
I have Set
// Don’t load ‘Ilmenite Cookie Consent’ stylesheets
define( ‘ILCC_DEV_MODE’, true );
in my wp-config file when the plugin was not active
but nothing happend…
I Want to change the font size and the bgcolor…
I dont know how i have to use the filters
(there is a filter available ?ilcc_consent_text‘.)
Im newbee in WordPress…
can u help me
The accept button is not correctly translated into spanish. It displays “Accepto” and it′s “Acepto”.
Also the button displays over the text not letting to read the link for the cookies policy page.
]]>When i insert url to my cookie policy simply don’t work
you can see this screenshot: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7588358/Screenshot%202017-01-14%2012.49.18.png
Hi there,
First off, many thanks for this plugin and for making it available in a few non-English languages. I’ve spotted a few mistakes in the German version – to whom can I forward the corrections, or is it possible to access the text and change it on my website only?
]]>It can automatically hide cookie bar after delay (1 minutes), or if the users scrolls?
Jag anv?nder Ilmenite Cookie Consent p? https://smyckenforalla.se och har nu sedan jag flyttade butiken till Cloudways hosting konstaterat att den skapar error.
I loggfilen f?r Apache st?r f?ljande: [Mon Jul 27 16:03:11 2015] [error] [client] PHP Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class ‘Ilmenite_Cookie_Consent’ does not have a method ‘plugin_updater’ in /home/27622-20785.cloudwaysapps.com/bsvesdzxtu/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 496.
?r detta n?got ni k?nner till? Detta fel generas konstant s? det ?r inte en enskild h?ndelse.
Med v?nlig h?lsning
Stefan Johansson