When using this plugin with WP_DEBUG enabled, I get the PHP notice:
PHP Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead.
The issue is caused in /path/to//iframe-embed-for-youtube/iframe-embed-for-youtube.php method iefy_settings()
It’s an easy fix. Replace
add_options_page('IFRAME Embed For YouTube', 'IFRAME Embed For YouTube', 9, basename(__FILE__), 'iefy_settings_page');
add_options_page('IFRAME Embed For YouTube', 'IFRAME Embed For YouTube', 'manage_options', basename(__FILE__), 'iefy_settings_page');
This doesn’t seem to be working in WordPress 3.1.2. I’m inserting this code:
[yframe url=’https://youtu.be/yX4IWfRre18′%5D
But nothing is showing up.
This plugin needs some more work.
#1: why does the icon to insert the code appear only in visual mode when to need to have the code in HTML mode?
#2: There are no options to allow the user to set width, height, and other options.
#3: Using Network (MU) and the code doesn’t appear to render any video at all.