I’ve just found this plugin – exactly what I’ve been looking for..but as t’s so old and the url given for the documentation doesn’t exist, is it dead? Will it be updated and supported in the future?
I’ve installed Iconic Navigation, and I’m very happy with it.
However, I have a little problem with icons. Iconic Navigation swapped some of the icons: for example, the WooCommerce basket icon (icon-shopping) has been swapped for icon-reorder.
How can I change this?
I use this plugin. This is a nice plugin. I want to created a folder in theme directory, where located in menu icon plugin folder. when user install theme, that time this plugin automatically install. I write a function in function.php. but the problem is that plugin not install properly. the reason is that plugin folder path is define in plugin directory. so how can I change all the path in my theme directory? I think that if theme directory path added properly, that will work.
Please help me which file need to change path. suppose my theme path is “theme/riju/test-plugin/”.
thanking you.
I’ve just migrated my wordpress to another server and I’m getting this error (you can see it on the link above)
https://trieurostudio.com/ .
If for example I change your plugin folder name from iconic-navigation to 0iconic-navigation so WP can’t find it, I’m able to access to wp-admin and see the website.
So I’m quiet sure something get’s wrong during the migration.
I tried to delete it and reinstall but I’m getting the same error.
Have you ever see an issue like this?
For me would not be a problem to be able to delete all mysql or anything to let the plugin run again, are only 3 pages ??
Just need some help for this.
Many thanks in advanced.
Best Regards
In the Settings > Image icons size for this menu what code do I write to make the icon smaller (ie.75%)? Tried a few things without success.
Thanks in advance.
]]>I downloaded the plugins, I’ve installed and it causes an error, the message will describe acontinuacion throws on screen with a screenshot. Appreciate indicate how could solve the problem.
]]>Hi Indybook, I tried to get this plugin going, but somehow the settings are not accessible in wp/admin. The link simply does not work properly.
Help is really is appreciated here!
I try to add my own icons to menu without any desciption. But when i put blank in options, icons don’t appear. Is there any possibility to put only icons in the menu without text?
Screen.css makes my minifier (BWP) choke, and takes a while to load regardless. It would be nice if it were optional.
As a developer I use Iconic Navigation for its back end, on the front end all I need is the img tag. Not the entire base64 code there ??
And please add direction: ltr to the admin page, an rtl admin flips the options (puts the wrong radio buttons on the wrong option. This happens in many plugins actually)
Great plugin otherwise!
]]>And impossible to make any operation.
I get an error of “Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::actions() in /home/outdoor/public_html/wp-content/plugins/iconic-navigation/classes/cadreu_plugin_options.php on line 332” when I try to activate the plugin.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.