How can I remove the link to the song title?
Please tell me.
]]>I’m getting an error.
Notice: Trying to get property ‘nodeValue’ of non-object in
/public_html/wp-content/plugins/icecast-now-playing/icecast-now-playing.php on line 115
I really want to use it, so please fix it!
]]>In response to the Curl errors.
The widget was written for use with computers running some flavor of linux or compatible system.
The server name should not include http per the example in the widget.
For example. When a WordPress website is sharing the same computer as your IceCast server your server setting should look like this.
Confirm your settings by accessing your IceCast status page. This page is retrieved by way of the IceCast widget. If you cannot open the page with your computer’s web browser neither can the widget.
Note:The Icecast statistics status page is protected with a password. From a computer other than your Icecast server, open a web browser and try to access your IceCast status page. Confirm your password in the form matches the password required to access the admin status page.
Working with WordPress 5.3.2 on Debian.
]]>After a ERROR: cURL error 6, now comes a ERROR: cURL error 7
What does that mean and how can I solve this problem?
I get the following error when I try to use the icecast now playing widget.
ERROR: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: http
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this error?
I’m using BUTT encoder with the latest version of icecast to stream audio to the site witch is hosted on a separate server
Hey there.
Is this plugin working? I can’t figure out how to use it at all.
Before I start hacking in the editor, any recommendations on how to remove the hyperlinks and listener count?
I have two mount points, but I just want the “currently playing”.
]]>Hi. I have the Now Playing function working, but it keeps showing the song that was playing when you first visit the page…it doesn’t refresh after the next song starts playing. Any advice? Thanks.
]]>hi there
don’t know if you still working on this or not but i have run into a small snag
set it up ok and shows up fine, but when i click it to play it wants to go to localhost instead of the url
any help would be appreciated as i really like this plugin
Not sure if intended or not, but the plugin seems to only display song title, not artist. If the artist should be displayed, does anyone know where to look for the cause of this? If the artist is supposed to not be displayed, then it would be great if the developer of the app could add this functionality ??
]]>So, it looks like it’s been a couple of years since anyone posted a question, but I’m trying mightily to get an Icecast “Now Playing” feature to work on the revised website I’m trying to cobble together.
No matter what, I always get:
Error reading Icecast data from xx.xx.154.211:8080
I’m sure there must be an easy fix, but I’m way too much of a WordPress noob to know what to do.
I wrote a patch for icecast-now-playing to make request to icecast server via ajax. This significantly increase page generation if icecast server is not on the same host as web server. And it also make it easy to periodically refresh the information (every 30 seconds).
Everything is there:
]]>Too bad, I thought I found the plugin I was looking for but unfortunately, the widget remains empty and isn’t displaying anything.
]]>Does not work with WP 3.1.2. No errors/hints given by options widget or live widget. No unambigious error reported to httpd log.
Might be related to 404 with referrer from WP admin page.