I use the widget same time with the site origin page builder and it work fine.
On a different website I would like to use it without the page builder in the Gutenberg editor.
I tried to use the shortcode block:
[icalendrier type=”wide300″ language=”de” /]
The Chorcode ist placed on top of the page, and I get the following errot message:
“Aktualisierung fehlgeschlagen. Die Antwort ist keine gültige JSON-Antwort.”
What am I doing wrong? How to use the shortcode on a page?
Thanks for help
There is a missing CSS file in the plugin.
The Chrome inspector tells me the following file tries to be loaded but is not found : /wp-content/plugins/icalendrier/css/themes/icalendrier-alt-1.css.
Lovely presentation and easy to use – but thinks today is Monday, March 11 when it is actually Monday, March 10. No way to reset that I see.
]]>The widget shows today (12.12.2016) in the german version the phase of a full moon, but the full moon is at the 14. of December.
That′s not so good, because I want to use it on a website seriously.
Wrong math …?
Est-ce que votre plugin supporte une activation réseau?
Lorsque nous ajoutons le shortcode [icalendrier] dans une page, il ne s’affiche rien.
Je pense que le problème viens de la valeur par défaut de l’attribut “type” Ligne 48 du fichier icalendrier-widget.php
En effet, $calType est comparé ligne 56 et ligne 59 avec des valeurs “comp175” et “wide300”.
Je propose comme correctif en ligne 48 :
$calType = isset($atts[‘type’]) ? $atts[‘type’] : ‘comp175’;
JF Gatineau