It would be great thanks if you can upgrade.
]]>This plugin takes over all file uploads called ‘file’. This breaks numerous other plugins.
if (isset($_FILES['file'])) {
is run directly on the admin_init
action. The field should at least be prefixed with hypeanimations_
or ideally happen in a different context then the admin_init
action, e.g. a separate wp_ajax_hypeanimations_files
Also, the plugin defines global variables like $version
and $table_name
– which are quite generic names and will most likely cause issues somewhere.
Getting the following error on plugin activation:
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
prefix . 'hypeanimations'; ?>get_charset_collate(); $sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name ( id int(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, nom varchar(150) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, slug varchar(150) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, code text NOT NULL, updated INT(11) NOT NULL, container ENUM('none','div','iframe') NOT NULL, containerclass VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) $charset_collate;"; require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' ); dbDelta( $sql ); if ($installed_ver=='') { add_option( 'hypeanimations_db_version', $hypeanimations_db_version ); } else { update_option( "hypeanimations_db_version", $hypeanimations_db_version ); } $update = $wpdb -> query("UPDATE ".$table_name." SET container='none'"); } $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); if (!file_exists($upload_dir['basedir'].'/hypeanimations/')) { mkdir($upload_dir['basedir'].'/hypeanimations/'); } if (!file_exists($upload_dir['basedir'].'/hypeanimations/tmp/')) { mkdir($upload_dir['basedir'].'/hypeanimations/tmp/'); } } function hypeanimations_install() { global $wpdb; global $hypeanimations_db_version; global $table_name; $charset_collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate(); $sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name ( id int(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, nom varchar(150) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, slug varchar(150) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, code text NOT NULL, updated INT(11) NOT NULL, container ENUM('none','div','iframe') NOT NULL, containerclass VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) $charset_collate;"; require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' ); dbDelta( $sql ); add_option( 'hypeanimations_db_version', $hypeanimations_db_version ); } register_activation_hook(__FILE__,'hypeanimations_install'); ?>
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting end of file in /srv/www/sentient/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/hype-animations/includes/functions.php on line 16
The error (as seen in message above) is:
expecting end of file in /srv/www/sentient/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/hype-animations/includes/functions.php on line 16
This plugin does not work. Animation is blank on front end.
Also this is what shows up when short code is inserted
: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/content/64/11634464/html/wp-content/plugins/hype-animations/includes/adminpanel.php on line 35
Warning: scandir() [function.scandir]: (errno 2): No such file or directory in /home/content/64/11634464/html/wp-content/plugins/hype-animations/includes/adminpanel.php on line 35
]]>Error at upload of OAM
“Warning: scandir(): (errno 2): No such file or directory in /home/mikesimpson/public_html/learn/wp-content/plugins/hype-animations/includes/adminpanel.php on line 35
Also after inserting short code the animation cannot be seen on the page.
]]>The plugin uploads a hype animation exported as .oam and decompresses to a subfolder of /wp-content/hypeanimations. (3 .js files and a .plist). It also places a shortcode on the current page. Seems like it is working, BUT no animation is displayed when the page is saved.