Rating: 5 stars
I have tried many other plugins to put video’s on my webpage (wordpress blog). This one is the best and easyest one I have tried. It solve the Gab for self-hosted video’s on your blog.
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It’s 2013, and stock WordPress still does not support self-hosted video blogs. This plugin fills the gap.
All of the other video.js plugins require you to write out a long shortcode, manually copying and pasting in links to your videos in several formats, and any other options you want–I don’t have time for that. This plugins does away with all that, and gives you a simple button to use.
I would like to see this merged with WP Video Posts, so that you could upload a video in a single format, have it automatically converted via ffmpeg with a thumbnail, and then have it served with video.js.
Also, it could use a responsive video size option that some of the other video.js plugins have. Additionally, you will have to install a MIME-type plugin to get WordPress to recognize webm video.
]]>Rating: 4 stars
Simplest video plugin to use i’ve tried..
However you will need to manually edit the mime types required for Smartphones etc.
Or to make your life easier download and FTP to plugins: PJW mine config V1.00 to enable for example “webm” uploads into your Media Library.
Used on a test site first and found no issues with editing mine types with WP 3.50
Tested 20MB ogv /20 + 200MB MP4 / 20MB webm & all worked.
Rating: 5 stars
OGV does not work on firefox and even mp4 does not work on IE i have something like this
`[video mp4="https://thewebsite.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/the-file-name.mp4" ogg="https://thewebsite.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/the-file-name.ogv" autoplay="false" preload="true" setup="auto"]
update 11-28-2012
I’ve recently checked with our server it seems that the ogv mime type was not registered. But I am still not seeing it on the iPhone