The error is:
get_bloginfo was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.2! The text_direction
option is deprecated for the family of bloginfo()
Fix is:
— admin-menu.php.orig 2016-08-08 16:47:26.160106167 -0400
+++ admin-menu.php 2016-08-08 16:48:09.823104866 -0400
@@ -183,11 +183,11 @@
echo ‘<input class=”check-field” type=”checkbox” name=”plugin_options[H5BP_html]” value=”true” ‘ .$checked. ‘/>’;
echo ‘<p>Replace standard <html>
with HTML5 Boilerplate IE-Conditional version.</p>’;
echo ‘<p>Selecting this option will replace your existing <html>
with the following code on all of your pages:</p>’;
– echo ‘<!--[if lt IE 7 ]><html dir="'.get_bloginfo('text_direction').'" lang="'.get_bloginfo('language').'" class="no-js ie ie6 lte7 lte8 lte9"><![endif]-->
– echo ‘<!--[if IE 7 ]><html dir="'.get_bloginfo('text_direction').'" lang="'.get_bloginfo('language').'" class="no-js ie ie7 lte7 lte8 lte9"><![endif]-->
– echo ‘<!--[if IE 8 ]><html dir="'.get_bloginfo('text_direction').'" lang="'.get_bloginfo('language').'" class="no-js ie ie8 lte8 lte9"><![endif]-->
– echo ‘<!--[if IE 9 ]><html dir="'.get_bloginfo('text_direction').'" lang="'.get_bloginfo('language').'" class="no-js ie ie9 lte9"><![endif]-->
– echo ‘<!--[if (gt IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--><html dir="'.get_bloginfo('text_direction').'" lang="'.get_bloginfo('language').'" class="no-js"><!-->![endif]-->
+ echo ‘<!--[if lt IE 7 ]><html dir="'.is_rtl().'" lang="'.get_bloginfo('language').'" class="no-js ie ie6 lte7 lte8 lte9"><![endif]-->
+ echo ‘<!--[if IE 7 ]><html dir="'.is_rtl().'" lang="'.get_bloginfo('language').'" class="no-js ie ie7 lte7 lte8 lte9"><![endif]-->
+ echo ‘<!--[if IE 8 ]><html dir="'.is_rtl().'" lang="'.get_bloginfo('language').'" class="no-js ie ie8 lte8 lte9"><![endif]-->
+ echo ‘<!--[if IE 9 ]><html dir="'.is_rtl().'" lang="'.get_bloginfo('language').'" class="no-js ie ie9 lte9"><![endif]-->
+ echo ‘<!--[if (gt IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--><html dir="'.is_rtl().'" lang="'.get_bloginfo('language').'" class="no-js"><!-->![endif]-->
endif; // H5BP_html_setting
@@ -484,8 +484,8 @@
// kill xml namespace
$new = str_replace(‘ xmlns=””‘, ”, $new);
// insert dir if missing
– if (!strpos($new,’dir=’) && get_bloginfo(‘text_direction’)) {
– $new = str_replace(‘<html’, ‘<html dir=”‘.get_bloginfo(‘text_direction’).'”‘, $new);
+ if (!strpos($new,’dir=’) && is_rtl()) {
+ $new = str_replace(‘<html’, ‘<html dir=”‘.is_rtl().'”‘, $new);
// insert lang if missing
if (!strpos($new,’lang=’) && get_bloginfo(‘language’)) {
There seems to be an inconsistency with your plugin when it comes to importing jQuery through Google’s CDN, as the local fallback always gets imported whether the request from Google succeeded or not. I fixed it by changing the condition on line 651 from || instead of &&, as described in the options panel in WP’s dashboard.
First let me say i am pretty much a newby,
I have used this plugin on my dev. site with great success.
Just one problem I am sure I can resolve on my sites Free QR Code reader.
The thing is I am a little ignorant on setup for the plugin.
Is there a link you could point me to that would give me more info on the options and the effects on WP.
Thanks for a Great plugin.
Have a look at my site its just begging for HTML5
For give me for my newbie question. Last 2 days I’m studying about boilerplate and I was amaze that all the best practices in front-end development is already in h5bp. And now here in wordpress. How to use this plugin? Would it automatically install the best pratices in to my theme or I need to make psd to html/css using h5bp template then convert it into wordpress?
Best Regards,
I’m confused about how or if this plugin crosses over with the Theme of the same name:
I’m currently using the theme and have a custom child-theme working ok, but I’m after the ability to include scripts in head that comes with this release.
Any info will help, thanks!
]]>As an HTML 5 enthusiast, website designer, and web developer, I want you to know how much I appreciate the work you have put into developing this plugin that only serves to enhance an already awesome word press engine.
I use WP quite often on some of my clients sites and am thrilled when I see work like this evolving to WP plugins. Although I prefer to write my own HTML 5 for my own websites using the awesome Boiler Plate Scripts available at the source of awesome HTML5. I am now using it on 2 WP installs without incident.
Keep up the great work with your contributions to WP & HTML 5!
Check out my latest WIP site. Although I’m only about 12hrs into development I build awesome websites out it in the open … unless the client objects or it’s just not feasible given the project. This one is mine so you know what the deal is. Visit Georgia Web Development for a sneak peak at some pretty swell HTML5.
I was unable to activate the plugin–it appears to conflict with the Gatekeeper plugin
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare admin_register_head() (previously declared in … wp-content/plugins/gatekeeper/gkfunc.php:87) in … wp-content/plugins/html5-boilerplate/admin-menu.php on line 60
(ellipses are because this is on localhost right now, removed the extraneous file path info).
]]>Great Plugin!!
I was wondering if you were planning to add the HTML5 Boilerplate version 2.0 goodness to your plugin (newer jQuery, Modernizr 2 etc.)?
]]>Backward comment in style.css (*/ should be /*) .. found it when I converted to SCSS.