I just downloaded your plugin and included it into my site that is build with Elementor. After doing some other work on the page I noticed that my full with footer was not full width anymore. After some searching I saw that when deleting your Elementor widget from the page the footer went back to full width.
]]>Good morning, we are users of Elementor in combination with Contact Form 7. By activating this plugin, we noticed that a series of unwanted assets linked to the block editor and the wordpress backend are loaded on the front-end.
For example /wp-includes/js/dist/block-editor.min.js or the wp-block-editor-js-translations script are loaded on the front end.
WordFence reporting:
Critical Problems:
* The Plugin “Contact Form 7 Widget For Elementor Page Builder & Gutenberg Blocks” has a security vulnerability.
Any ideas when this will be resolved?
]]>Hello I have a problem with your plugin which is autogenerating unminyfied /dist/data.js files on the frontend and it is influencing the SEO of the website.
Please help me to find a solution how to use a minify version of those files. Thank you!
I try to send my own message in a function contactform7_before_send_mail.
Can you please help how to do it?!
Thank you.
is there a way in elementor contact form widget to add an ID for the form?
Thanks for your plugin
input style not appear to dropdown
Aggiungendo il modulo alla pagina da me creata non viene visualizzato il modulo corretto ma vengono visualizzati i campi spezzati e incompleti.
Come posso risolvere?
Cordiali saluti
I have this errors:
wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/images/ajax-loader.gif 409
wp-json/contact-form-7/v1/contact-forms/12/refill 409
wp-json/contact-form-7/v1/contact-forms/780/refill 409