this question was asked before, and @maciej007 posted a solution. I am a novice and don’t really know where to paste this code, have tried all sorts of variations and occasionally it works, but mostly not. Pleeeease could you provide some more clarity on this solution? I really like this plugin!
I’m wanting to change the colour of the font for title and subtitle to white from dark.
Is it possible to open a link from the image in a new window?
I tried: target=”_blank” but that did not work.
Can the transition effect of title and subtitle be a little smoother?
I downloaded this plug-in today and the hover effect is working well. However, the images are blurred for some reason. This does not happen normally when I add images in.
I used a text editor to enter this shortcode: [hover-image-button link=”https://localhost/wordpress/needle-felts/” image=”https://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/2wwwwwwwwwwwww-222×300.jpg” ]
When you put this next to an image inserted using the “add media” button or using <img/>, it is obvious that the image with hover effects is blurry without hovering the mouse over it.
Is there any way to resolve this or does the plug-in decrease the image quality automatically?
How can I change the spacing between buttons when using the [hover-image-row]? On my installation (WP 4.5.3 with Illustratr theme) the buttons go to the different ends of the page, and (most surprisingly) each new button is a bit lower than the previous (stepwise from left to right).
Is there wny way to align left or right without the spaces (or with specified space) between buttons, and in one row (not in a ladder-like fashion)?
Thank you!
The layout of the buttons change on safari browser. Is there a way around this?
It works fine on chrome (haven’t tried any other browser).
]]>We can’t figure out why there are thin borders around each of the images.
Would love to get rid of them!
Here’s the page:
Thank you so much!
]]>Wondering if it’s possible to make the images zoom in a little bit when the mouse is on hover – going to mess with the custom css to see if i can get it to work but would be nice to hear from the dev if he knows if this is natively possible in the plugin,
thanks, great plugin btw ??
]]>is there a way to adjust the margins or padding around the image?
]]>When I add more than one image-hover-button within a hover-image-row
two xtra <p></p> are added in between the <div> tags so the images are not aligned.
Is it possible to open a link from the image in a new window?
I tried: target=”_blank” but that did not work.
]]>Do you have some suggestions to add an icon to the buttons?
Please check here how they look wonderful with an icon on the top, with a half way to a infobox:
Hi, coould you please give me some CSS suggestions to change the color and ype of fonts of the hove image button texts? Because I don’t like it black and I would like it white and a different font, similar to Roboto, etc..
]]>This is the result
using this code:
[hover-image-button title="Ristoranti" subtitle="- Prenota il tavolo - Prenota i cibi che desideri pronti al tuo arrivo - Consegna a domicilio" link="#" image="" width="300px" height="250px"] [hover-image-button title="Pizzerie" subtitle="– Ordina la consegna a casa o ufficio – Prenota con ritiro in pizzeria" link="#" image="" width="300px" height="250px"]
I would like to inssert multiline subtitles… is it possible to wrap the text with
or </p> or create a list?
Here’s my page. It’s all in development.
I’m loving this plugin!! Whoopppeeee!
Can I not have the text show until the mouse over occurs?
Thank you so much! Will be sending $ soon!
]]>How can the Hover Image Button plugin be hidden on mobile devices?
]]>Hi Ignacio Perez,
very clear and light plugin!
I would ask to you if is possible to set the button image size from the plugin code here:
[hover-image-button title="Section 1" subtitle="It's and amazing section" link="https://my-section-link" image="https://my-image-link" ]
many thanks!
]]>I use this plugin the first version is fine everything work perfectly
However, In version 1.1.0 it change every font of my website could you fix that thank you.
Hello dear
Thanks for the plugin
I like me know it is possible show only images with hover and not texts.
Thanks for support