• Resolved mehdiway


    I’m using Worona plugin to transform my wordpress website to an Android app. I did all the steps required for this to work but it keeps showing me this error :

    Internet connection is available, but cannot connect to: 'https://serverip/blogname/'. Please check your WordPress site configuration.

    I installed and activated both Worona and JSON REST API plugins.
    https://serverip/blogname/wp-json/posts is showing all of my posts, so the JSON api is working fine.
    Any help would be appreciated.


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  • Plugin Author Worona Team


    Hello Mehdiway,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Can you please try to write ‘https://serverip/blogname’ (without the final / ) in the main.lua? This may resolve your problem.

    If the App doesn’t work after that, then we also have a problem with “serverip”. Worona needs an url, not an IP. You can try to force your hosts file poniting an url to your “serverip” and the simulator will work without using a real domain. (here you have a link explaining how to force your host file). But remember that you’ll need a real domain to build your final App.

    If you have any doubts feel free to drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thread Starter mehdiway


    Didn’t work x_x
    I replaced my server ip with the name of the server (vpsxxxx.ovh.net) so the url becomes https://vpsxxxx.ovh.net/blogname Tried with/without the last / still not working

    Plugin Author Worona Team



    It will be easier if you send us by mail your blog’s url so we can try with our simulators and see what’s wrong.

    I close the topic, and we continue by mail.

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