Are you still maintaining this plugin? Does this plugin have malware?
10 months ago WebENFA asked why this plugin was linking to external files… i.e.
links to… and
He didn’t mention it but there is also a Prefetch to
However, the IP address for is blacklisted and there is no site there any more. There are also many questionable and dangerous sites on that same IP address.
Please let us know what’s going on!
]]>Is there any way to remove the gap that appear between the last and first announcements in the loop? Thanks.
I tried this plugin but the shortcode has given on the website is not working on my theme. I need to make a list of posts in this plugin. But no shortcode is working. Kindly look into my issue
Is it possible to loop the text?
We have added 3 announcements but after that it stops and you don’t see anything anymore. Normally you can edit a marquee and set loop=”2″ for example.
I used to have Nirvana theme on the site and placed HSA shortcode in the “Before content area” field of this theme.
I switched over to another theme and forgot to remove widget/shortcode. The new theme has no “Before content area” field.
So.. I ended up with “Please specify the group” leftover message before post title all over the site.
How can I remove the above message? I want to use some plugin to put shortcode back into its place but first I have to get rid of old stuff.
]]>I have loved Horizontal scrolling announcement for years. I have never had a problem with it until today. After updating to WordPress 5.0, updating my theme (Bridge) and Horizontal scrolling announcement plug-in, I noticed that when I cleared my site cache with another long used (and updated) plug-in, WP Fastest Cache, the cache would time out when it was cleared. Since I am not educated regarding computer coding, I used the tried and true technique of turning off my plugins and adding them back one by one. The long and short of it is that Horizontal scrolling announcement was the plugin that tripped this problem.
Is there anything I should do to try to fix this? I love Horizontal scrolling announcement.
Many thanks.
With the plugin activated and working, I am receiving some extra wording at the bottom left of the page saying:
No announcement available or all announcement expired.
How do I stop this appearing please ?
Thank you for the help.
]]>Hey, why is the plugin calling to external css and js files ?
In horizontal-scrolling-announcement.php :
Pls Update Short code and PHP code
I’ve tried using the shortcode [hsas-shortcode group=”GROUP2″ speed=”10″ direction=”left” gap=”50″], however this doesn’t work. All that showed on my web page is this code. What is the correct shortcode for pages/posts?
Just wondering what is the difference between the 2 Horizontal scrolling annooumcements plugins…
]]>We have version 8.7 of the horizontal scrolling announcement. If I deactivate the plugin, our entire site goes down. The only thing that is displayed is the header. All menus, pages, and other functions are not displayed. What should we do? Thanks.
]]>Does this plugin have a developer that’s actually active?
I emailed Gopi and he referred me to the other contributor but can’t find any kind of contact info for him.
I’m wondering if they could add a few hooks to the plugin to make it more customizable.
]]>I’ve been trying to add a ‘title’ for all announcements that appears static and to the right hand side of all notifications when used on a page.
I’ve been trying to use ::before pseudo element with
But this just places it above the anouncements. How would i alisgn to left?
]]>Dear friend,
I put the php code in my child template and as you can see in the link (under main menu)
https://goo . gl/ EtxfyK – please delete spaces –
Even if the html is correct and show the right tags, the link is not working in those 2 texts scrolling but it works when I delete the second text. How can I solve? Where am I wrong?
I create two text adding both to GROUP1, as shown in this attachment >
thank you so much for your help!!!
]]>How do you stretch the scrolling length so your message is in one continuous line instead of two? Emailing the developer is a waste of time. I’ve sent several emails and never a reply. Anyone on here have an answer?
I ‘ve noticed that your plugin is being installed under the settings section. This causes an issue in my case because i am using User Role Editor Pro, and i want to allow this plugin to a user that belongs to the editor category. But i am not allowed to display any settings area to the specific user role.
Please advice.
]]>With the marquee code deprecated and now not displaying correctly in Safari, no doubt this will follow in other browsers. Will this plugin then become deprecated too?
]]>Is there a way to remove the long gap that appears between the last and the first messages?
For the next version, would you please consider adding the ability to create custom group names?
It would be much more user friendly to be able to choose ‘Announcements’ from the group list when setting up a message, so that instead of having to remember that the shortcodes on all announcement pages were written with ‘group=”GROUP3″‘ you could set them to ‘group=”Announcements”‘
Many thanks.
I’m using this plugin for a while now, and since shortly, the text shadow isn’t working anymore on displayed text message.
Before it worked great when I added code in front of text:
<span style=”text-shadow:1px 1px 1px 1px #000;”>
How comes please?
I have noticed that the scroller does not accept/display shortcodes. I am looking to display text from a very simple RSS feed. Is this possible? How would I do this?
I have installed version 8.7 of horizontal scrolling announcement plugin successfully to my wordpress site (a multi-site). When I attempted to add new announcement from Settings->Horizontal Scrolling page, after I clicked Submit button the announcement was NOT added to the list of announcements, and hence nothing is shown in the page.
Could you advise any fix or troubleshooting steps to assist me resolving this issue?
Please fix the scroller so that it works consistently in IE (11).
In Chrome the scroller is beautifully smooth and stays that way, in IE11 though it’s a bit jerky but bearable when the page it’s on first comes up, but over the course of a few minutes it gradually gets more & more jerky.
The tab the page containing the scroller is on also takes longer & longer to switch to/from and to kill.
If you open up another instance of the page it starts off smooth again & gradually gets rougher.
After several minutes it gets to the point where there may only be two position updates for the text to move across the whole page.
This only seems to happen if the tab is active though. If I open the page and immediately switch to another tab I cvan come back ages later & it’s still the same as when I left. Leave that tab active though & it gradually slows down.
Hope you can sort this – The place I’m using your plugin have a policy of IE being the only installed browser.
Other than this issue – Excellent work!
Many thanks
want to ask if anyone of you has also issue on iphone 6s or lower that the words are being show in 2 lines o all the texts are being shown line by line. Thanks
]]>Two quick questions:
1) Is there way to make the horizontal scrolling announcement are fill the entire width of the browser window?
2) Is there a way to keep the vertical position of the horizontal scrolling announcement fixed, similar to this CSS?
background-attachment: fixed;
]]>We have installed this plugin and are trying to add the php code you suggest to the header file. Can you tell me what line or area it needs to be placed in the header file? We want the scrolling to appear under our Header area (and not as a widget).
Thank you.
Having an issue with the plugin on iPhones and safari. Chrome and firefox are working fine.
It’s displaying the message on two lines, not one like it should be? Read through your website comments but couldn’t see an answer there. Help much appreciated. Screenshot attached.
When attempting to add scrolling text to the Description of a menu item using the Shortcodes in Menus plugin, I get the “No announcement available or all announcement expired.” alert.
The above alert shows that the announcement plugin is being called/placed in the menu description box, but can you tell me why it won’t load/process the actual announcement in a menu item when said announcement is working properly on a page?
]]>Can I use this to display menu on the content of some pages?
I want something like
<- scroll menu ->
page content
the <- and -> are arrow to go to previous and next menu item.