]]>Great plugin, but I’m wondering if there is any way to add custom fields to a webhook. For instance, the action user_register only has certain fields, but I was hoping to use some of the custom fields like a phone number or address, that I’d like to hook. Is that possible?
]]>Is it possible to get a webhook from my appointments plugin do you know? (It’s Easy Appointments)
]]>Will there be a new update for this plugin?
Using wordpress 5.0
]]>I’d like a webhook to fire when a photo is added to the Media library.
As I understand it, the nearest available webhook via HookPress is add_attachment, which only fires when an already-uploaded image is saved to a Post.
Anyone know a way to get something firing upon wp_insert_attachment, which is the relevant WordPress hook?
]]>Great plugin!
Any chance you can fix your plugin to work with php 7+?
Cause it does not work with anything php 7+ and above. I see Internal Server error messages in the console. When I drop down to php 5.6 it works.
]]>Hi guys – I’ve activated Hookpress trying to take user data from WP member registrations on my site into my CRM using Zapier. The Zap works but Hookpress is not showing the user first or last names to select as data to pass, so I’m only able to get email and site ‘username’ which is really different in most cases. Any suggestions what I’m doing wrong?
]]>I’ve been using HookPress to integrate with another system. For many weeks it was fine, and then suddenly publish_post is no longer working. I can’t see where my blog is sending the POST request at all.
But publish_page continues to work. I can’t find related system changes that might have caused a problem, I didn’t update WordPress or my operating system beyond some small unrelated tools installed. (I’m running Ubuntu 14.04.) I’ve tried watching the outgoing traffic with tcpdump, and I don’t see anything when there should be a POST to the other system.
I’ve tried the official HookPress version, as well as several updated forks from github. They all behave the same. I tried reverting to an earlier version of WordPress, which I had updated but before this started. A different blog on behaves as expected.
Has anyone seen a problem like this? Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks.
]]>I have custom post type with slug ‘video’ when I publish post I don’t receive webhooks.
When I add simple post everything working great.
I use a plugin to run all WordPress generated emails through SendGrid. Primarily for post notifications to subscribers.
SendGrid will notify a URL of my choice via HTTP POST with information about events that occur as SendGrid processes my email.
QUESTION: How do I receive that HTTP POST in WordPress?
When someone enters an email address in my form (along with other form fields) and submits it, I want to send a test email to that address and receive the HTTP POST from SendGrid regarding the email I sent. Such as, did it get delivered.
If the HTTP POST reveals the email was delivered, I will accept their form submittal. Otherwise, I’ll reject it and advise the user.
In relation to some other topics that have started, I would like to know if the plugin is gonna be updated to support php7? Would also like to know if it’s not gonna be updated somewhere soon?
This plugin is used on a site I’m working on. But, I see it hasn’t been updated in quite a long time. Has it been abandoned or is someone still maintaining it?
]]>This is a php issue but not everybody has options on which php they get to use. With php 7, the function ereg is removed and the plugin no longer works (it can’t show the arguments for a webhook). There’s already a topic on it in the support column.
]]>Hi there,
Great plugin, but looks like you’re using a deprecated function ‘ereg’ in services.php hookpress_ajax_get_fields()
This function has been deprecated since PHP 5.3.0 and is now removed in PHP7.
Currently due to this the plugin doesn’t work on PHP7 environments…
Hope you can fix it on the next release.
I was super excited to discover this plugin, but unfortunately can’t get it working. When I try to create a new webhook, all the fields are missing. See:
Any ideas? Thanks so much, in advance.
]]>Does this plugin work with Zapier and IFTTT yet?
]]>In order to use this with Zapier and to be able to filter categories/tags HookPress needs to be able to pull Terms Name. Is this in the works?
I’m using the user_register action so whenever someone registers, I want to add that user to my crm using zapier zaps.
However, I only want to do this only for the people who are labeled as “Subscribers” and not everyone else. I found that hookpress does not send this type of field.
It would be nice if it did because this way I can simply use “filters” in zapier.
Any suggestions on how I can make this work with hookpress?
]]>Hi There
I am really after a web hook that will fire after a user has updated their password. Using the profile_update hook results in the user seeing a blank page after they have submitted the new password.
Is there a better hook to use than this?
i am working in a local wordpress site.
first i added a hook on post_edit, selected all the fields and in url gave another localhost site url, in the target site i am saving the incoming data in a text file, but after trying many times the webhooks are still not working.
Is it possible to trigger the creation of a new user / password with this plugin?
I’m looking to use the Zapier trigger for Stripe “New Customer” to trigger the creation of a WordPress user.
Any guidance is much appreciated.
]]>What would you suggest the best way to include a custom post’s customfiekds in the data sent when the hook is triggered?
Is there a recommended way to do that?
Also is there a hook that works on create or update instead if just one?
]]>Hi Team,
I see the code in hookpress plugin as, they are providing a filter to add custom action to predefined action in hooks.php.
They are coding like this:
global $hookpress_actions;
$hookpress_actions = array(“bla-bla”);
$hookpress_actions = apply_filters( ‘hookpress_actions’, $hookpress_actions );
I am adding my custom action like this.
function my_webhooks($hookpress_actions){
$hookpress_actions[] = “my_save_post”;
return $hookpress_actions;
But looks like its not working. Anyone , please suggest.
I would really like to have the data posted as JSON and also for each webhook to add the following fields.
– username of active user
– URL of the website
my password reset webhook is not working
I tried to add a new webhook but the Action or Filter dropdown and Fields are all empty which prevents me from adding it.
]]>Whenever I create a new zap to get NEW_REGISTRATION / EMAIL_ADDRESS and subscribe them to a 3rd party email newsletter service my hook doesnt work at all and fails to send data back to zapier.
Called Wp-Engine and told me to ask plugin developer which folders to exclude from caching in order for the plugin to work properly.
]]>Is het possible to make a new user with the info from the email with a Zap?
For some reason the webhook send the username as the display_name too… I am trying to get the display name as per the database table to send however it sends the username instead??
]]>How well does hookpress integrate in a multi site setting?