The plugin throw following error:
PHP Notice: Trying to get property ‘comment_status’ of non-object in /Users/robinferrari/Documents/web/Perso/auberceaudor/.www/wp-includes/comment-template.php on line 1244
This is due to hwwa_css_comments_wordpress function
instead doing
it should be
if ( function_exists('comments_open') && function_exists('get_post') && get_post() && comments_open() ) {
Here is a patch function to place in theme or plugin:
function patch_hwwa_css_comments_wordpress() {
if ( function_exists('comments_open') && function_exists('get_post') && get_post() && comments_open() ) {
<style type="text/css">
.hwwa_field {
display: none !important;
<?php }
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'hwwa_css_comments_wordpress');
add_action('wp_head', 'patch_hwwa_css_comments_wordpress');
Hi! I noticed that under some circumstances your plugin throws following PHP notice (according to Query Monitor):
Notice: Trying to get property 'comment_status' of non-object in \wp-includes\comment-template.php on line 1244
the notice is triggered by 58th line of honeypot-woocommerce-wordpress-antispam.php
if ( comments_open() ) {
As far as I understand there should be some check to exclude the situation where you get null, see here –
In my case I get this notice when I open WooCommerce store page with filters applied in a such way that zero products is shown.
]]>Does this plugin add a honeypot to the woocommerce product reviews form?
]]>Much more secure if the tagname is editable. So bot can’t regonize.
]]>Hi, how I can check if the honeypot is added?
After activating plugin spam registrations haven’t stopped.