Hi! This is a great plugin!
I’m trying to use it in the loop, though, on a page listing all the terms of a custom taxonomy. Since you can’t use a function inside a loop, I’ve tried get_term_meta and get_post_meta with just about any key I can find. I even tried manually setting the taxonomy_image_link attribute to the URL of the image and access that through the meta key — it didn’t work.
I just need a key that has the same value I get by using your handy function “hmk_taxonomy_image_url()”.
What do you recommend?
]]>After a page update the image is lost, and I have to set it again. It seems this bug was already reported 2 years ago, but it’s still there. I don’t understand the “solution” presented in the previous thread. Is there any proper solution for this bug|
]]>To add the image to Taxonomy.php I use:
<?php if (function_exists('hmk_taxonomy_image_url')) echo hmk_taxonomy_image_url(); ?>
and its perfect.
But I want to display the image on Post.php
for example If I have category call “Movies” and I choose 123.jpg for this category. In “Movies” category I have posts like “Star Wars 1”, “LOTR” and more.
I want to display 123.jpg on THE POSTS, I mean: “Star Wars 1”, “LOTR” etc.
How can I display this category-image in the category-posts?
]]>Can a Default image be set
I’m using a theme with a “latest news widget”.
I want to show the icons i’ve linked to my categories using this plugin.
example: https://dev.verzekeringen-portaal.net
The icon showing in front of my news-item on this widget is programmed in the “Class-framework-widgets.php” file as the following:
echo $image;
When I replace this code by the following, I’m not getting an icon as you can see:
if (function_exists(‘hmk_taxonomy_image_url’)) echo hmk_taxonomy_image_url();
even though I’ve linked an tiny image (48×48) to each category and my news items are assigned to these categories.
Any advice?
Thanks in advance!
I just installed this plugin and having error – Attempt to modify property of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\demo\wp-content\plugins\hmk-add-images-for-categories-and-pages\hmk-adds-images.php
I just installed fresh wordpress and this is the first plugin I installed
]]>When I used the php code, only the images URL shows up, not the actual image. And I can’t figure out where to put the shortcode. The php is showing something, it’s just not the actual image. Please help.
]]>Hi, this seems almost perfect, except subcategories show the parent category’s image.
And the parent category isn’t showing its own image.
How can I have each category show its own image?
many many thanks
]]>hi, i can see the category image in my costume texanomy term. but when i try to present it on the front page of my site – i don’t get the url at all…
this is some of the code:
$categories = get_terms( array('taxonomy' => 'question_category'), array( 'hide_empty' => false,'include' => '' ));
echo '<ul class="ap-term-list">';
foreach($categories as $key => $category) :
if($category->parent == 0){
echo '<li><div class="ap-taxo-inner">';
echo '<a class="taxo-title" href="'.get_category_link( $category ).'">'; ?>
//////////// this is your php shortcode
<img src="<?php echo hmk_taxonomy_image_url(); ?>" />
please help !
]]>I’m using this plugin to show featured images for categories.
But when i try to show the categories featured images on a page, they don’t show up.
Is there a way to exclude the plugin for header image on pages, and use only for categories?
]]>I have downloaded and installed this plugin (with great hope of it doing what we need.)
I have set all items in the fields and saved.
How do I get it to show the image with the category page?
This plugin is great, simple and does exactly what it says. However, if I go back and edit a post, then save it, the header image is removed.
I assume this is because the Upload Image text field is blank when going in to edit a post/page, even tho the image is displayed above it.
]]>I tried to install the plugin HMK Featured Images for Categories and pages and I stack in the below instruction:
The image can be displayed o front-end by using shortcode [‘header_ads_image’] or Use <?php if (function_exists(‘hmk_taxonomy_image_url’)) echo hmk_taxonomy_image_url(); ?> to get the url and put it in any img tag in header or any page template.
Could you please give me more detailed instructions since I am newly introduced in this area?
Also, I can upload an image in category but it cannot displayed in the website. Could you give me a hint?