Hi there,
My website loads on 1.5 seconds. This plugin adds 0.15 second which is 10% of total load.
Is there any way to make it faster?
I asked cursor.ai about it and it suggested some caches.
but I am not expert.
function get_exluded_cats($ids = false) {
// Cache the result to avoid repeated database queries
$cache_key = 'excluded_cats_' . ($ids ? 'ids' : 'terms');
$cached_cats = get_transient($cache_key);
if ($cached_cats !== false) {
return $cached_cats;
remove_filter('get_terms_args', array($this, 'term_filter'));
$categories_setting = get_option('wchc_hide_products_from_cat');
$cats = array();
if ($categories_setting) {
foreach ($categories_setting as $cat => $value) {
if ($value == 'yes' || $value == '1') {
if (false != $term = get_term_by('slug', $cat, 'product_cat')) {
$cats[] = $term->term_id;
} else {
error_log('hide-categories-and-products-for-woocommerce: term not found: ' . $cat);
add_filter('get_terms_args', array($this, 'term_filter'));
// Store the result in a transient
set_transient($cache_key, $cats, HOUR_IN_SECONDS);
return $cats;
Due to having to have all products assigned to a classification (for a separate product filter on the homepage to work correctly) it means the default sidebar product filter on my shop page is essentially listing every single product which is far from ideal.
What I need to do is remove most of these classifications from the sidebar, so its just literally the brands (BMW, Honda etc) that are visible. Does your plugin allow me to do that? It’s important that is doesnt affect the other filter on the homepage as this is ok – but this is driven by a different plug in anyway (WooBeWoo).
]]>Hi, as already mentioned in a previous ticket, we also see a blank page on the WooCommerce Analytics page, in particular the products analytics.
]]>This plugin, and the use of the “post_search” filter, breaks the REST API call to “/wp-json/wp/v2/media” when searching for a file name with file extension.
If I upload an image called “image-001.jpg” and I call “/wp-json/wp/v2/media?search=image-001.jpg” without this plugin active I get one response (as expected). But with this plugin active I get 0 results. I can search for “image-001” but this would give me multiple results if I also have an image called “image-001-b.jpg” for example.
]]>There is a Javascript error when accessing WooCommerce Analytics->Products and WooCommerce Analytics->Categories when this plugin is activated. These pages are showing blank.
Please help to fix. Thanks!
]]>With this plugin, you can hide on the store products from a chosen category and hide a category itself, in list or on single page.
]]>I have created a category “Contains Alcohol” and allocated relevant products to it. I have hidden it because I don’t want it to appear in my categories sidebar.
I do want to be an able to link the category to a heading in a product list, so I went to Categories and clicked View on “Contains Alcohol” so I could copy the url for the link to the heading, but got a page not found error.
Is this not the way to go with hiding the category but still accessing it via a link?
]]>There was a post, on support forum, with similar request (if not the same) titled as “move settings under the settings menu?”. It was locked and I decided to open the new topic on the same issue.
So, I quote you:
We have an evolution in the roadmap : in addition of the current setting, letting toggle visibility from the category list.
Is there any progress? I think it was brilliant idea.
Hi. The plugin works great, thanks. But I have a problem.
I have a physical store which sells all items, and in our online store we do not sell some items which are available in store. We are using Yith POS plugin to handle sales in the physical shop.
When I hide products and categories they disappears from Yith POS. If I only hide categories then the products still show on the website.
Is it possible to hide the category and its products from customers but allow us to see them in our Point Of Sale??
I asked it to hide any product from the cateogry “donation” on the shop page and its still there. What did I do wrong?
]]>Hello, can you please advice how to proceed with the numerous db requests that prolonged upon Woocommerce categories deleting. Here is the example of error logging:
‘[26-Mar-2024 05:19:59 UTC] hide-categories-and-products-for-woocommerce: term not found: -category term-‘
I’ve tried clearing the WP and Woocommerce transients, de-activating and reactivating plugin.
Should i browse database table “term_relationships” and remove the references to the removed categories terms?
]]>Hi there,
I have read an article in here and checking each options now. https://kinsta.com/knowledgebase/wp-options-autoloaded-data/
It seems your plugin have around “250” options to autoload.
And keep increasing if I hide more categories.
1. do we really need them to be autoload?
2. Which of them should be make autoload=no?
Hi! We have categories that we have thrown but they do not disappear in Hide Categories and Products for Woocommerce but become a lot of PHP Message Term not found in the log. How do we remove it when there are thousands of error messages from the plugin in the log.
]]>If you hide a category using this plugin, it hides that category from being used by the Flexible Checkout Fields plugin in the admin panel. The hide functionality should only be affecting the category display in the Shop, not in the admin panel?
]]>Is it possible to hide the categories from search so they arte not visible on the main shop home page but still keep all links to products active?
We have various category lines that are going out of stock and would like to hide the categories but still keep the links to the products active.
he issue with currently hiding is that it breaks all links to the products that intern create broken links on the website. It would be much better to still be able to hivage to the product wthin the category where we can then recommend alternative options. I know I can do this to products by making them hidden to search. But is it also possble to hide the category in the same way?
]]>I noticed my Product Add-Ons were not being added to the cart. To be more specific, I think it’s when I have both a global and a regular one on a product. I went through and deactivated all plugins and narrowed it down to this one causing the problem. I rolled it back and the Product Add-Ons worked again.
]]>Hi, Can you please keep the option to hide brand also especially on product meta at frontend in the same way we are hiding categories using this plugin.
]]>Hi there,
Is this database entry from this plugin please?
I removed your plugin a while ago as I no onger needed it, but have noticed this option in my database and it’s quite large and is autoloaded.
If it is from this plugin, how can I remove it please?
]]>Is it possible to hide the category but still allow access to any products within that category?
]]>I use another plugin to display cart messages (as well as per-product messages) that populate based on the category of the product.
To explain with my real-world example:
I have cuts of meat that are categorized under Pork, for example.
So lets say I have Pork Chop Steaks, and Pork Bones for Example.
I have a category for Pork with a sub-category of “Steaks” and another sub-category of “Bones”
Not all products under “Steaks” or “Bones” are created equal, so we have some items which are priced “Per Pound” – meaning we won’t know the exact weight or price until the item is weighed on a scale (when we fill the order later)
The other items are packed “Per Package” with a known price. (We don’t need to weight it to know how much to charge)
I want to use a “hidden” category called “Priced Per Pound” so I may group products together from various different parent categories, and use THAT hidden category to trigger the Shopping Cart Messages that the other plug-in displays.
I don’t want customers to see that category “Priced Per Pound” but I do want them to see the products and the message that the 3rd party plugin produces.
The issue I am having:
When I mark the category “Priced Per Pound” as “Hidden” the popup messages from the 3rd party plugin stop working.
If I un-hide the category, then the 3rd party message appears as expected.
Is there a way to resolve this?
Thank you so much!
I saw the other post about the plugin conflict with search but this still isn’t solved in the latest release. For example:
This product should be found at least:
https://www.carpwhisperer.com/voorslag/ (word voorslag is in the product description)
When I disable the Hide Categories and Products for Woocommerce plugin search for ‘voorslag’ will result in 4 results which can be seen here on clone of the site:
No categories or products are hidden in the plugin settings.
Can this be fixed please?
Hi there,
Woocommerce is preparing High-Performance Order Storage for scalability.
When I try to use?High-Performance Order Storage, I saw that this plugin is not compatible.
Do you plan to make your plugin compatible?
]]>Is there a way to hide a product category based on the condition of the visitor? We’d like to hide products of a product category based for guest users using a certain device.
If your plugin is active a search on the admin Coupons page is not working in description only in the title.
Please see the attached screencast:
]]>The plugin works well–it hides products as it says it will. However, we are still able to find a link to our hidden products/categories if we do a Google search. Is there a way to hide it from that as well? That is important to us.
]]>Hi there,
I have shop managers and I don’t allow them to reach woocommerce settings.
Since your settings are under woocommerce, they can’t reach there.
Can you move settings to main settings?
Hello Team
After install plugin categories are not hide. I tried to uninstall the plugin but it didn’t help. My site is under construction mode. I can show for a request. Please just a send me a message.
Thank you:)
I want to keep the hidden categories available by their URL. Are there any way to do that?
I have been using yuour plug in for a while with no problems.
Suddenly my search didn’t work and the support fot the theme said to deactivate all plugins and put them on one by one.
I’m afraid that it was your plug in that caused the conflict.
I have deactivated this plugin on the main site, but hoping that you can find a solution.
It is still on the staging site that I used to figure it out.
Thank you
I kinda have an urgent problem, because I need your plugin to work by two days for a big event.
I ran some tests and it turns out categories a well hidden, but not products! Even if I selected the categories in the two lists. I still have the ability to see the products if I have their URL.
Please provide me your email so I can send you admin credentials.