Is there a way to change the graphic design price according to the amount of pages in a booklet?
It’s obvious that you have to pay more for the design for 48 pages then for 8 pages…
All products (on all of my websites with the plugin) stopped working (some time ago) as they should. You can select one option and then the other options disappear / are not selectable. A lot of products are not available while they should be . Also there is a error “DISABLE_WP_CRON config setting set to true, please change to false otherwise some features may not work as expected” when i want to bulk add products.
]]>We would like to change the text next to the “design costs” so we can clarify we will only check existing designs if they are print ready for this cost, not design things ourselfs
]]>Hello, I have the hello print plugin for woocommerce. The prices I get on my product page and when I add to cart are different, can you help me please?
]]>It seems I can’t translate the sentence: “No thank you, i’ll supply print ready artwork.” My site is in Dutch, but I think this could be with every translation.
When I change the sentence to: ‘No thank you. I will supply print ready artwork.’ (So removing the comma and changing the ” ” to ‘ ‘) at line 208 in product-template.php, I can translate it.
I can do it myself now, but when the plugin is updated it will remove itself. Can you please look into this? Thanks in advance!
]]>I noticed that your plugin does not support non Latin translations. I try to insert in translations section Greek letters and show it in website as ?????? . Could you please advice.
]]>[helloprint_product_attributes] doesn’t work anymore.
We had to turn off the single product template for this.
It happened since version 1.8.4
]]>Items aren’t showing with the correct TAX rate on my store. Do we have to manually input whether it’s standard or 0%?
Booklets for example are trying to charge VAT on my site and I know I can change the VAT rate in the backend but didn’t know if this should be automatically fed through the API whether its a Vattable product or not?
it’s not possible to find the variant key of many products (like t-shirts) on the dutch version of the site with the ?showme=data command,
is it possible to get this fixed? Now we cannot make pre-defined products.
Would it be possible to automaticly link the tracking link we get in the email to the customer? Now we have to do it manually and that’s quite annoying.
is it possible to make a product (say a t-shirt) and turn off the “upload your design” option and only sell one design for that t-shirt?
So that way the specific design is already pre-loaded in the woocommerce product and doesn’t have to be uploaded in the backend before sending the order to helloprint.
Would be nice to also lock down the other options like color, placement, print technique etc so the customer can only select the sizes and amounts.
Would it be possible to use the plugin in combination with Divi ? I tried to achieve this after I found the video in wich you explain how to use the plugin with Elementor. If I use the divi-builder it seems like it does not display the [helloprint_product_attributes].
]]>Hi. What has happened to the artwork templates? They were showing in a previous version of the app but now I see no option for users to download them which is a problem. Will they be added again soon?
]]>Ik probeer met de bulk artikelen toe te voegen maar werkt maar 1 keer, daarna doet hij het niet meer, wie weet de oplossing?
I try to add articles in bulk, but it only works once, after that it doesn’t work anymore, who knows the solution?
]]>The dimensions for the different size posters are showing as 74x105mm. How do we get about this please?
At all the products in our store the clients now see a “upload your files here” button even if those are not “helloprint” products…
This makes the emails very messy and the button also doesnt seem to work as well
Hello, When I use the bulk product uploader, it’s not adding the images. Please see image of media library below. The images you can see I have manually imported and the images tht are grey are from the bulk product uploader. Does anybody have any ideas why they aren’t importing?
Installed your plugin and set up the api for a client on my test server, website is built using the Flatsome theme that has created a problem using your plugin as the pricing of the products is not being displayed, Image and description are being shown. Switched to Storefront and can see the pricing form, please advice.
This plugin looks really useful
Many thanks for your help.
]]>How do I add modals to the page – size, paper weight, price etc…
Do you have any other documentation?
I am using Elementor and the Hello Theme
]]>Using the woodmart theme the modal to show size guides doesn’t work.
]]>Will there be a feature to get all products?
It’s a little bit of a hassle to make the products one at a time.
If this plugin is activated I get a “an critical error has been detected” screen whenever someone tries to add something to a cart from a product page . (this might be fixed with the api code which im waiting for still). I can email a video showing the problem.