Headspace 2 offer the possibility of putting the name title for each post. I am thinking that this is for a SEO hack – using a site name that is entirely relevant to the content of each page rather than the general site name. Of course I can see pros and cons in term of SEO. The pros: being found on specific searches more easily. The cons: less content directed under the proper website url.
Has anyone tried this and got good results, or has it damage your ranking? Thank you…
So far, it was still working but I recently discovered that it brokes the editor, probably due to some javascript issue (I didn’t try hard to understand the issue… It took me some time to discover which of the 41 plugins I use was guilty!)
]]>If plugin is active then Add Media in editor dont’t work.
]]>please update Compatible up to 4.1
]]>[11-Sep-2014 17:51:13 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method HeadSpace2::get() should not be called statically in /var/www/wpadm/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/headspace2/models/headspace.php on line 344
[11-Sep-2014 17:51:13 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of HSM_PageTitle::load() should be compatible with HSM_Module::load($meta = '') in /var/www/wpadm/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/headspace2/models/modules.php on line 83
[11-Sep-2014 17:51:13 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of HSM_Description::load() should be compatible with HSM_Module::load($meta = '') in /var/www/wpadm/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/headspace2/models/modules.php on line 83
[11-Sep-2014 17:51:13 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of HSM_Tags::load() should be compatible with HSM_Module::load($meta = '') in /var/www/wpadm/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/headspace2/models/modules.php on line 83
[11-Sep-2014 17:51:13 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of HSM_JavaScript::load() should be compatible with HSM_Module::load($meta = '') in /var/www/wpadm/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/headspace2/models/modules.php on line 83
[11-Sep-2014 17:51:13 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of HSM_Stylesheet::load() should be compatible with HSM_Module::load($meta = '') in /var/www/wpadm/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/headspace2/models/modules.php on line 83
[11-Sep-2014 17:51:13 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of HSM_Stylesheet::init() should be compatible with HSM_Module::init($args) in /var/www/wpadm/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/headspace2/models/modules.php on line 83
[11-Sep-2014 17:51:13 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method HeadSpace2::reload() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/wpadm/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/headspace2/modules/page/page_title.php on line 75
[11-Sep-2014 17:51:13 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method HeadSpace2::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/wpadm/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/headspace2/models/headspace.php on line 296
[11-Sep-2014 17:51:13 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method HS_InlineTags::replace() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/wpadm/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/headspace2/models/headspace.php on line 237
[11-Sep-2014 17:51:13 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method HS_InlineTags::replace() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/wpadm/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/headspace2/models/headspace.php on line 237
[11-Sep-2014 17:51:13 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method HS_InlineTags::replace() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/wpadm/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/headspace2/models/headspace.php on line 237
[11-Sep-2014 17:51:13 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method HS_InlineTags::replace() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/wpadm/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/headspace2/models/headspace.php on line 237
I was wondering if there is a php function to get the description.. Coz I wanna apply it to for facebook metatags <meta property="og:description" content="">
.. coz this only give the site’s description :
]]>Headspace works everywhere accept on the home page. I am using a theme called simple press and it used to work fine but at some point the reading settings has over-ruled headspace and the latest post meta data is populaing instead. I cannot change the reading settings to static page because the home page is not listed in the dropdown (it is managed by the theme).
Any help is much appreciated!
]]>This plugin does exactly what I need as far as setting a different theme depending on the page. The problem is, the plugin doesn’t save my theme setting if it is a custom theme – it always defaults to TwentyThirteen theme even when I change it and then publish. Any ideas why my themes won’t “take”? Is it because I’m using WP 3.7.1?
Thank you,
after latest update I’m not able to manage to work on “Page Modules” administration, there is JS error
Timestamp: 10/24/2013 12:57:04 PM
Error: Error: cannot call methods on sortable prior to initialization; attempted to call method ‘destroy’
Source File: https://www.twingz.com/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=1&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,jquery-form,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable&ver=3.6.1
Line: 3
Page setting of 404 is not working.
Reason for this is that using the array_merge in line 111 of “models / headspace.php”.
array_merge initializes the numeric indices.
$types = array(
'archive' => array (__ ('Archives', 'headspace'), __ ('applied when viewing the archives', 'headspace')),
'category' => array (__ ('Categories', 'headspace'), __ ('applied to category pages without specific settings', 'headspace')),
'post' => array (__ ('Posts', 'headspace'), __ ('applied to posts without specific settings', 'headspace')),
'page' => array (__ ('Pages', 'headspace'), __ ('applied to pages without specific settings', 'headspace')),
'author' => array (__ ('Author Pages', 'headspace'), __ ('applied to author pages', 'headspace')),
'search' => array (__ ('Search Pages', 'headspace'), __ ('applied when viewing search results', 'headspace')),
'404' => array (__ ('404 Page', 'headspace'), __ ('applied when viewing a 404 error', 'headspace')),
'tags' => array (__ ('Tag Pages', 'headspace'), __ ('applied when viewing tag pages', 'headspace')),
'attachment' => array (__ ('Attachment Pages'), __ ('applied when viewing an attachment', 'headspace')),
'login' => array (__ ('Login Pages', 'headspace'), __ ('applied when viewing login, logout, or registration pages', 'headspace')),
) + $types;
I recently changed my theme and I noticed google is showing the title text and not the meta description. Any ideas how I can get it back to the way it was? Am I missing a setting?
I discovered headspace2 few days ago and I enjoyed it a lot. So, as I have got some seo problems (duplicated metadescription) I decided to try headspace. When I activated it I recorded 2 kinds of problems:
1) java images gallery plugin, like
Tn3 lite
Slideshow Gallery
stopped working
2) Post tesxt formatting gave me some troubles.
Any help would be very appreciated
]]>Hi, my header theme has got this kind of title line
<title><?php wp_title(‘|’, true, ‘right’); ?></title>
Do I suppose that this configuration allows headspace plugin the full control over my title?
and if it was like this:
<title><?php xxxxx_titles(); ?></title>
I imagine that I should change in this way for getting the same result
<title><?php xxxxx_titles(”); ?></title>
Thanks a lot
When I have Headspace2 installed and active it hides the Google+ input field on my user profile pages. How do I get it to not do that?
]]>Looking at sites that rank high, have their description and keywords loaded closely after the title tag. How can I load Headspace this way? Is their perhaps a way to load it manually with a code placed in the header.php file?
]]>Hello, the wordpress gallery does not appear with HeadSpace2.
Thank’s for help
]]>Hi everyone,
I know a lot of you guys are having this drag & drop problem on headspace. Trying to find a fix for days, weeks or even months! I understand coz I can relate to that! Anyway, I found a way to fix it. First, thanks to Michael for his post on downgrading the plugin to 3.6.39:
But that did not work for me. So what I did is after I installed 3.6.39 and activated it, I click the upgrade. And that fixed it..
1. Deactivate
2. Delete files
3. Install version 3.6.39
4. Activate
5. Upgrade to latest
Hope that helps everyone!
]]>Hello John,
I recently used the Theme Switching part of your plugin for a landing page for Google AdWords. Unfortunately, the query string at the end of the AdWords-generated URL made it so my alternate theme wouldn’t display for the landing page.
Changing line 45 of modules/page/theme.php from
$url = str_replace( get_bloginfo( 'url' ), '', 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
$url = str_replace( get_bloginfo( 'url' ), '', 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . strtok($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"],'?') );
Fixed the issue. I wish there was an easier way to open a pull request in Trac.
Thanks for everything,
Andrew Freeman
Assigning custom themes on a per page basis works great, but how do I assign the website menus to the ‘per page’ themes?
**If I go in and activate the ‘per page’ theme and assign the menu to the location, of course it works, but I loose that ability the moment I reactivate the primary theme.
]]>Hi, Upon reviewing my site, i realised that none of my SEO settings (From HeadSpace2) were being set in, just takes the global SEO From the theme, I want my depth in my SEO, but I do not wish to lose the theme.
So I done some searching around, to find that wp_head was not found in header.php & wp_footer was not found in footer.php
But of course these to snippets of code are in the top.php, and the bottom.php But HeadSpace2 appears to ignore the fact that this snippets are in those files(top.php & bottom.php), and only looks for it in header and footer files.
Initially thinking it’ll be as easy as adding the snippets into the two files, and removing it from the top+bottom files, this just lead to 500 error, the site would not load, or site to load, but content, and layout to be broken.
It appears that it does not matter, where or how I add the wp_head+wp_footer codes to there respective files. It always errors on site load!
The theme that is being used is called “theGame” By The Smart Magazine ThemesVersion 2.0 (https://smthemes.com/thegame/)
How do you suggest getting working SEO with the theme?
What code to add, or remove, (Included SEO with theme is very basic(site wide meta tags, and descriptions don’t work for me, needs to be better, with more depth and control)).
Plugin settings page through the admin panels says:
There are some issues with your theme that may prevent HeadSpace functioning correctly.
wp_head was not found in header.php (documentation)
wp_footer was not found in footer.php (documentation)
Despite being in the top.php, and bottom.php
I use j F Y as date format in wordpress (general settings), however the %%date%% special tag appears in different shapes:
– used on home page, appears as Y-m-d g:i:s
– used on archive page, appears as F jS, Y format.
Any thoughts? 10x
]]>I installed the plug-in HeadSpace to use a different template for e-commerce for which I used WooCommerce.
but, I find the following problem ..
I can handle the different template for all pages with the exception of individual products that use the default template.
how can I fix it?
I have installed HeadSpace, and it seems to be working — I can apply different themes to different pages and the layout changes. But the same header applies to all pages no matter what theme I try. I don’t know if it’s because I have a custom header uploaded? Is it not possible to have different custom headers for different themes?
Does anyone have any suggestions of how to fix this?
]]>Anyone know what’s going on?
]]>Hi guys head space has a problem with the new wp update, when you go into headspa\ce under page modules after updating wordpress and you try and move or modify the modules headspace wont allow you
]]>Hi , i have installed the latest version with wp3.5
i cant drag and drop . and thus cant select the page specific theme option.
can you please help me out , my blog is at https://www.dostmuhammad.com .I just wanna use the page specific theme option so if there is soem shortcut or alternative way to enable the page specific theme please let me know that . I would be greatful
]]>After re-installing a backed up database, headspace is giving this error site-wide. i googled it and all i can find are other sites with the same error.
the only other problem i had after re-installing DB on top of existing DB was that custom menus duplicated. Maybe the DB tables for headspace also doubled? disabling and reinstalling didn’t work. an old version of headspace dint fix it either. I don’t want to remove the tables and lose hundreds of pages of custom metas. thoughts?
]]>Headspace is over?
]]>Is there any way I can change the theme of a specific category?
Under Posts –> Categories, headspace gives me meta options, but I really need to change the theme of one of them.
If this isn’t possible in the plugin, is there some adjustment I can make in it’s code?
]]>I just upgraded to a new server so I could upgrade to the latest wordpress, then updated headspace too. Previously, my post title tags were
‘[Headspace Page Title] – Custom Text’
Now, I get ‘three odd special characters[headspace page title]’ and nothing I fiddle with in the settings seems to fix it!
Here’s an example post: https://www.therabbithouse.com/blog/2012/06/09/mini-rabbit-garden/
Any ideas?