I am on PHP7 and I get the message:
The same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Widget_hCard_vCard has a deprecated constructor in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\hcard-vcard-generator-wordpress-plugin\hcard-vcard-widget.php on line 7
Does this plugin compatible with latest version of wordpress?
]]>Hello. thanks for the plugin. I have a note on a Vcard. I would like to hide the note as it shows up on front end currently with my Vcard link that I have showing through short code. Thanks.
]]>Dear Developer(s),
I need to remove all of missing author error in google webmaster, Now i have some question:
1. If i use your function as invisible css , What’s google reaction?
2. Do you have any solution for your function without invisible css use? Because When i use your function in single.php my decoration of template will be dirty…
Just wondering if there were any plans to make this work with BuddyPress? It works perfectly pulling info from the WP user fields but I’m looking at integrating this with a BuddyPress site I’m building. Thanks!
]]>Can you please add additional classes to differentiate the different types of tel. e.g.
]]>Is there anyway to simply display the word “vCard” as a link to download the vCard as opposed to also displaying all the information along with it?
]]>Hey There,
I have added an image to your hCard & vCard Generator plugin, under Additional Information (vCard & hCard) Photo URL settings. However, when I test out the vcard download, the image is not added to my address book (though all other information is).
Is there a way to have the image transfer over with the rest of the information?
]]>I’m sure it’s just a single variable change, but I’d love for this to automatically grab the author of the blog as my site is multi-user.
]]>I found a bug – second address is not added to the vCard properly, and extended address and PO Box semicolons are missing. I posted the code below.
I also think it is unnecessary to generate a file for the vCard – php is capable of generating the code/headers to create a vCard – see https://www.troywolf.com/articles/php/class_vcard/. I try (for security purposes) to minimize the amount of files that are generated outside of uploads.
From what I’ve read/tested out, the address line for a vCard requires semicolons for certain fields even if they are not being used. Two are missing, and the second address field is missing – I’ve attached some code which fixes this issue:
// Generate the vCard and save as a file
$fileContents = 'BEGIN:VCARD
N:' . (!empty($user_info->last_name) ? $user_info->last_name : '') . ';' . (!empty($user_info->first_name) ? $user_info->first_name : '') . '
FN:' . (!empty($user_info->display_name) ? $user_info->display_name : '') . '
URL:' . (!empty($user_info->user_url) ? $user_info->user_url : '') . '
PHOTO:' . (!empty($user_info->user_photourl) ? $user_info->user_photourl : '') . '
ORG:' . (!empty($user_info->user_organization) ? $user_info->user_organization : '') . '
NOTE:' . (!empty($user_info->user_note) ? $user_info->user_note : '') . '
TITLE:' . (!empty($user_info->user_job_title) ? $user_info->user_job_title : '') . '
TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:' . (!empty($user_info->user_phone_work) ? $user_info->user_phone_work : '') . '
TEL;TYPE=CELL,VOICE:' . (!empty($user_info->user_phone_mobile) ? $user_info->user_phone_mobile : '') . '
EMAIL;TYPE=PREF,INTERNET:' . (!empty($user_info->user_email) ? $user_info->user_email : '') . '
ADR;TYPE=work:;;' . (!empty($user_info->user_street_address_line_1) ? $user_info->user_street_address_line_1 : '') .
(!empty($user_info->user_street_address_line_2) ? '\n' . $user_info->user_street_address_line_2 : '') . ';' .
(!empty($user_info->user_locality) ? $user_info->user_locality : '') . ';' .
(!empty($user_info->user_region) ? $user_info->user_region : '') . ';' .
(!empty($user_info->user_postcode) ? $user_info->user_postcode : '') . ';' .
(!empty($user_info->user_country) ? $user_info->user_country : '') . '' . '
]]>Nice plugin!
Wonder if it might be possible to add a feature to this plugin. Interested in creating a “Contact” to show vcard for an individual that doesn’t have a user account. Basically, have a vcard download for each person of a company (for a company website) on their profile page. And not set up a user account for each person.
I’m sure I can just create a user account for each person, but thought this might expand your plugin to use for other things.
Similar to this plugin – Contact vCard, but something that actually works, this one is full of bugs.
Just a thought. Thanks.
]]>debug report: wp-content/plugins/hcard-vcard-generator-wordpress-plugin/hcard-vcard-widget.php:37 – get_userdatabylogin is deprecated since version 3.3! Use get_user_by(‘login’) instead.
NOTICE: wp-content/plugins/hcard-vcard-generator-wordpress-plugin/hcard-vcard-widget.php:42 – Undefined index: inline
]]>The plugin installed correctly and I’ve been able to add the code to see the link. Using WP 3.4.1. However, on two phones so far doesn’t work, click Download vCard on:
– LG Optimus: just get a page that displays info similar to below (but no info saved in contacts)
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 N:Gump;Forrest FN:Forrest Gump ORG:Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. TITLE:Shrimp Man TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:(111) 555-1212 EMAIL;TYPE=PREF,INTERNET:[email protected] ADR END:VCAR
– Iphone 4: got to a page with vCard icon but nothing happens when you click on it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
]]>I set up the plugin and placed a widget in my sidebar. Yet when I try to download the vCard, it refers to a file on my own C Drive (?) and says “Business Card was only partially imported.”
Do you know how this can be fixed? Thanks.
]]>Google Webmaster Tools “Rich Snippets Testing Tool” doesn’t see the hcard.
Would it be possible to add an image(e.g.companylogo, avatar) to the vcard(download) ?
Kind Regards,