can create#tag-name
can not create
People may want to create tags with more meaning: #tag_aa-ab_cc-cd #tag-name_more-detail
Development, maintenance and support of this plugin has been retired in october 2023. You can use this plugin as long as is works for you.
There will be no more updates and I won’t answer any support questions. Thanks for your understanding.
Feel free to fork this plugin.
Post tags can include spaces and they are converted to hyphens on the backend / in slugs, so it feels intuitive to be able to hashtag with hyphens to generate tags with space.
(Thanks so much for the awesome plugin!)
]]>The plugin disables my default WP tags from showing in the tag cloud and in backend admin POSTS. I would appreciate it very much if it works well with WP tags, such that one can create tags with both the HASHTAGGER and the WP TAGS – and both ways should display well in the tag cloud and in the backend POSTS. Thanks
]]>I love hashtagger but it’s not working anymore on wordpress 5.9. Can you please fix it?
Thank you so much
]]>Interesting dilemma, only 1 in every 5 tags get linked – if I use regenerate, then 1 in every 3 gets linked properly. This is getting bit annoying, any suggestions?
Some of my hashtags contain two words, like this: #two_words
Can it be automatically converted to “two words” when it being converted to WordPress tags?
]]>I havnt used this tool for awhile but i was sure there was a way to get it to take a “tag” and add it as a #hashtag in the post.
Is that not possible anymore?
I am trying to use it with DW questions and answers plugin
If you’re using post_tags on media attachments, how hard would it be to add another post_type option? I played around in the source code a little but no dice.
]]>Looking to implement hashtagging in Buddyboss. Can this be used in BB posts?
I downloaded and tried hastagger on my Asgaros forum plugin, but it did not work.
I checked that hashtagger did work on regular posts or pages, so I do not think the issue comes from my recent update to WP 5.7. Or maybe it does?
Do you support hashtagging Asgaros forum posts, or will you?
I want to use the plugin on a researcher website but his Tags are quite important to keep the exact sentence.
For exemple +#Balivernes_educatives_(pléonasme)
it is actually not working because of the ( )
but it’s very important to have them in the Tag as it’s adding informations
Can I make an exception on special caracters so it would work ?
i hope it’s possible.
Also.. do I really need to put _ instead of spaces in every tags in order to make them work ?
I thought your plugin would provide a way to add a sentence as a hashtag (I know it’s not the normal usage in hashtags) but I imagined I could put the sentence between quotes and it would work the same.
Like +#”Balivernes educatives (pléonasme)”
or +#*Balivernes educatives (pléonasme)*
Not diplaying the quotes of course in the front-end.
I also wonder how I will do for sentences like #L’hiver .. it’s gonna be pretty ugly to put #Lhiver in my language (french), it sounds like a spelling mistake and for a researcher that doesn’t fit well.
What I really wanted is a quick tag link with a nice css display. Your plugin sounded just perfect and easy for that.
Maybe it can give you some perspectives to improve the plugin for multiple usages.
]]>I tried using this awesome plugin with the hashtag function in the peepso plugin but could not get them to work together. I would appreciate if you could possible attempt to integrate this with peepso.
]]>Hi, I’d pay for the option for the plugin to create buddyboss/buddypress forum discussion tags instead of wp tags. /wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=topic-tag&post_type=topic
]]>Hi Peter,
Have you considered the possibility of adding a “follow hashtag” option for the plugin? It’s functionality that’s used in Instagram very effectively. We’re currently using another hashtag plugin on our live site and as we’re redeveloping the site, “follow hashtags” is functionality we’d be keen to include.
Kind Regards
When I first activated the plugin it converted tags to hashtags but after creating new posts hashtags are not automatically created for new tags. Only previously created tags are automatically converted to hashtags. The only way to generate them is to run the Regenerate option (by the way it is misspelled in the plugin).
After a recent plugin update, my tag archive page H1 title looks like this –
Tag Archives: ###president
Instead of –
Tag Archives: #president
After I disable, plugin H1 title reverts back to WP default –
Tag Archives: president
]]>Hi, I use ajax on my site, and noticed that there are no hashtags in posts uploaded via ajax.
I looked at the plugin code. In /inc/class-hashtagger.php:268, remove the_content, the_title, the_excerpt, and get_term filters from the condition.
add_filter( 'the_content', array( $this, 'process_content' ), 9999 );
if ( $this->settings['sectiontype_title'] ) {
add_filter( 'the_title', array( $this, 'process_title' ), 9999 );
if ( $this->settings['sectiontype_excerpt'] ) {
add_filter( 'the_excerpt', array( $this, 'process_excerpt' ), 9999 );
if ( $this->settings['display_add_symbol_to_tag'] ) {
add_filter( 'get_term', array( $this, 'add_hash_to_single_tag' ), 9999, 2 );
if ( is_admin() ) {
add_action( 'admin_head', array( $this, 'admin_css' ) );
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'admin_style' ) );
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'admin_menu' ) );
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'admin_init' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_hashtagger_regenerate', array( &$this, 'admin_hashtagger_regenerate' ) );
add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'admin_notices' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_pp_hashtagger_dismiss_admin_notice', array( $this, 'dismiss_admin_notice' ) );
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'admin_js' ) );
Thanks for plugin, good luck o/
]]>I was wondering whether this plugin works with comments. Also, does this work on frontend post forms?
]]>Dear all,
I have just activated this plugin, but it doesn’t run.
I inserted an hashtag in an article, but when I launch the preview the website reports this error:
Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /web/htdocs/www.mysite.it/home/wp-content/plugins/hashtagger/inc/class-hashtagger.php on line 597
I have an old WordPress release (4.4.22) and I cannot update that for some reasons now.
The plugin searcher reported this plugin as compatible with my WordPress version.
Could it be due to my PHP version? I use PHP 5.5.38.
]]>I appreciate your putting this plugin out there – but it deleted tags from all of my posts. Unfortunately, I had done a lot of work on my site the same day and don’t want to lose all of that or I could restore my backup database. I am not sure why it functioned that way, but you might want to look into it or make the documentation clearer. Anyhow, thanks for your work.
]]>I am trying to find something compatible with WP Automatic and Jetpack Publicize feature.
I want to take my automatically scrapped articles and have a hashtag or hashtags added before jetpack publicize sends it to twitter..
Will this accomplish this function?
]]>I’ve got a strange behavior since yesterday. Hashstagger was installed and worked properly, also created clean tags on pages. Three minutes later I created a new post and the hashtag was no longer converted. Now nothing works anymore. Neither pages nor posts. Also the option “Erneuern” doesn’t work.
When i write an article i add hastags but they are not listed at right, i need to clic “preview” before post the article
]]>Hello !
When i copy past hashtags into a bloc, i loose the “#” of the first hashtag and the line pasted become a title.
I just want to paste my hashtag simply but i need to change bloc style, and re-put the # of the first hashtag
1 – copy a line with some hashtags ( #example #wordpress #bla )
2 – past it in a bloc
3 – i see that : ( example #wordpress #bla )
If i passe lines in my hastag list, it’s create another bloc …
]]>As described in title:
Breadcrumbs and Tag Archive Titles appear to show Two ##Hashtags before the tag name.
This is on a Genesis powered website using Yoast breadcrumbs if that impacts anything.
Otherwise this is an awesome plugin, exactly what I needed!
]]>Dear, I get the following error message “NaN @undefined”. What can this be? Thanks, Rick
]]>Dear Peter,
First of All, thank your this great Plugin – it is awesome and absolutely perfect working.
I have kind of the same Problem like smb. 3yrs ago:
We’re using Frontend Publishing Pro and need to manually save re-save posts via Dashbord, because automatically posted posts from the frontend are kind of ignored.
Could you please help me? – Do you need any further information?
Thank you & best regards from Vienna,
I feel I have done every combination of settings so far but what I am saying is that if even if you turn off #hashtag creation in titles or turn on “process only pages containing a single post” it does not matter.
If you create a #hashtag in the content of the post and also place the same #hashtag in the title of the post. The #hashtag from the content of the post turns the #hashtag in title into a link even if #hashtags as links in the title are turned off in the section type.
Also, I would like to be able to have #hashtags in the title but when turning them on in the section type and turning on “process only pages containing a single post” it still screws up the link in buddypress activity posts.
]]>Can anyone tell me how the ignore list words should be separated ?