Thank you again for developing such an amazing plugin, it works perfectly in wordpress 6.5 and php 8.1.
Recently I noticed the url pattern of gravatar has changed (I don’t know when it changed) and I can’t generate correct gravatar images:
// invalid url
instead the dash-size
should be removed:
// valid url
I changed the code in two places, and the plugin works correctly:
Would you consider updating this repository? Thank you!
first of all, congratulations for this amazing plugin.
I only have a one problem.
In my own gravatar have a specific filename. Well, is cached fine and showed without any problem in the all post or author page but in the frontpage not.
In the frontpage, I reviewed that before enabled the plugin are calling the same gravatar on all site.
After I enabled the plugin, only in the frontpage call to other gravatar instead the correct. Why????
How can I solve this? I’m using the theme NewsPaper 11.5 and nginx.
best regards,
I have just disabled version 2.0.2 of the Harrys Gravatar Cache plugin because it was using the admin account’s gravatar for all users on the account page of my WooCommerce WordPress site.
Can you please fix this?
This has happened just after updating to version 2.0.0 (from version 1.7.3).
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘else’ (T_ELSE), expecting end of file in /path/to/wp-content/plugins/harrys-gravatar-cache/harrys-gravatar-cache.php on line 1480
Tried installing in a test site with no other plugins too. Same error. Could you please look into it?
Tested Environments:
PHP Versions 7.0 and 7.4
MySQL 8.0
MariaDB 10.1
Can you add support for various sizes? Currently it always loads the same, and when more sizes are used on other pages, it is small and pixelated…
]]>Hi Harry,
Have run into a plugin conflict that clears when I deactivate the Gravatar Cache plugin.
We use the Zapier plugin to connect our staging site with Zaps that do various things.
When all plugins are deactivated apart from the Gravatar Cache plugin and the Zapier plugin, Zapier itself is unable to communicate with our site. When we deactivate Gravatar Cache, Zapier is able to connect as expected.
When Gravatar Cache is enabled, we get the following communication error from Zapier:
“authentication failed: Got 401 calling GET https://stage.neurolanguagecoachnetwork.com/wp-json/wp/v2/users/me, triggering auth refresh.”
Not sure if anyone else has reported this.
Thanks for any help you can give.
for me the plugin works pretty good…
as WP 5.5 is now supporting native lazyloading i do miss this feature in the plugin, would be nice to implement it (optional). I did write manually into line 1136 – 1142 in the imag tag… loading=’lazy’…
now its working with lazyload, til the next update (-;
the plugin generates images with the appendix _2x additional to the base image. But both images have the same size. This am I doing something wrong or is there no support for retina images?
]]>I tried all three gravatar cache plugins and this one was definitely the easiest to configure, and worked right out of the box with no changes… The other two had much more complex settings, and I could not get them to work on my site. So, congrats on this accomplishment!
There does seem to be one small bug though. When a WordPress commenter does not leave an email (i.e., the address is empty), then that comment should use the default (mystery) gravatar. Right now that doesn’t happen, but hopefully it is just a small/quick fix.
Thanks for a plugin well done!
]]>I have installed this plugin for SMTP.
and it is causing the conflict with Harrys Gravatar Cache
Postman: wp_mail has been declared by another plugin or theme, so you won’t be able to use Postman until the conflict is resolved.
More info that may help – PATH/public/wp-includes/pluggable.php:173
Thank you
]]>Hey there,
It is working for users who are not logged in but is not working for Logged users. Could you please help me to make it work on is_user_logged_in() condition.
Thank you.
When using “Harrys gravatar cache” with wp-Foro, all members show the same gravatar (of the first member=admin).
Thanks for your help!
]]>I am trying to understand and clean up my web server error log. The following error is occurring there:
PHP message: WordPress database error Unknown column 'active_theme' in 'field list' for query SELECT active_theme FROM wp_harrys_gravatar_cache WHERE ID = 1 made by require_once('wp-admin/admin.php'), do_action('settings_page_harrys-gravatar-cache-options'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, Einstellungen, referer: https://www.mysite.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=harrys-gravatar-cache-options
It apparently occurs only in the settings page for the plugin, but I cannot determine what or when.
Since the table does not contain a column named active_theme, what is the point of this query? Is there something incorrectly installed on my site? Something incorrectly configured? How can this error be avoided?
]]>I note that the cache URL is shown in the settings as https://www.mysite.com/wp-content/uploads/gravatar-cache/
Certain gravatars are thus displayed using http, whereas the site as a whole uses https. How can I change the cache URL to use https ?
]]>Hello, I have use this plugin, and I already have a cached gravatar images. But, the problem is the plugin doesn’t rewrite it to gravatar cache URL and takes a long time to Copy All Gravatar Image (it is caused by gravatars are hosted in secure.gravatar.com?) and I use PHP Copy for method. How to fix it?
You can visit my blog for inspecting ??
Thank You ^_^
I have noticed that when I keep activate this plugin, for the first time TTFB increases. Second time automatically gets fixed for the same URL.
If I keep deactivate this plugin, for any unique URL this issue never happens.
Ps. I don’t use any Page cache plugin. All tests has been performed by me step by step in normal mode.
Thanks & Regards,
Hallo Harry,
ich habe gesehen, dass Du ja auch Deutsch sprichst ??
Nachdem ich dein Plugin aktiviert habe, sind bei mir alle Cores auf 100% gelaufen.
Jetzt habe ich mir mal deinen Code angesehen und ein paar komische Sachen gefunden:
1. Wieso wird bei jedem Aufruf von get_avatar nochmal das Bild geladen und mittels @imagepng neu geschrieben? Reicht doch die Datei einmal zu cachen
2. Wieso fragst Du den User Agent ab und passt darauf hin, deinen Output an (richtig kacke f��r gecachte Seiten)
3. Wieso wird eine _2x Version erstellt, die die identische Bildgr??e hat?
4. Wieso machst Du eigentlich PNGs aus den JPGs, die von gravatar kommen?
LG Kai
]]>Hi Harry,
I am using your gravatar cache plugin along with wpdiscuz.
The Gravatars are being cached, but still loaded via secure.gravatar.com like:
Maybe this is an issue in wpdiscuz? Or can you help?
Thank you!
Hello. Today I noticed that the plug creates a black background instead of a transparent one. Until now, everything was working normally. Any tips on how to fix this without changing the original image in gravatar?
Thanks for this plugin, it’s great. I’d greatly appreciate if you consider keeping the same image for a blank avatar like WP User Avatar plugin. It will reduce HTTP requests.
Another thing is a bit annoying for me, suddenly I notice that it ask for permission. I am tired of contacting host team again, and again. They fix, next day something happens, again comes. Not sure what’s happening.
Thanks & Regards,
I found it conflict with a popular plugin of postmen with the reason WP_mail, would you please have a check.
]]>Installation ging, netzwerkweites Aktivieren nicht. Es erscheint folgende Fehlermeldung:
Das Plugin kann nicht aktiviert werden, da es einen fatalen Fehler erzeugt.
Nutze aktuelle Version von WP und PHP7.
Image is in cache, but source in page maintain old avatar gravatar url nothing is changed!
after updated and grant permission still permissions for the caching folder 0755. appear in red
clicking “correct permission” and “check the server for available copy options” button do nothing
I have a question before trying this plugin. If visitors are not logged in, will the gravatars still be cached? Or does this work only for logged-in, registered users?
]]>Hi there, first of all: Thank you for doing this plugin. I really appreciate your work, especially due to data privacy reasons ??
But, I’m afraid, it doesn’t work in my case. The writable folder is correct and has the right 0755-setting. I also tried both copy-options (file_get_contents/fopen), but with no effect. Even new comments with a new mail won’t get cached.
The avatars are still from the Gravatar-URL, not from my cache folder. (Sorry, I have no link… The website ist not ready for public.)
Hi Harry,
your plugin is a great idea! But it has some litte backdraws.
– the author avatar of a blog posting is not beeing recognized correctly in any loop
– gravatar “new url” doesn’t work on our server
I’ve modified your script a little bit, so that it’ll work for us on https://www.gamerz.one. I use https://www.gravatar.com/avartar URL for every request – only this works on our server (Linux Ubuntu 14.04, Apache 2.4, PHP-FPM 7.0).
Also I modified the lines 810 to 822 so it looks like this:
if(empty($mail)) {
if(in_the_loop()) {
$mail = get_the_author_meta( ‘user_email’ );
} else {
if(in_the_loop()) {
$author = get_the_author();
I do not know, if this is the best way to fix the author image within the loops, ist just a quick fix, that works for me.
Just as an idea: Why not build a funktion which theme developers can call manually if necessary? This might also be a performance consideration because the filter runs on every loop as default even if its not necessary…
Or did i miss something?
]]>Hiya Harry,
I was wondering why do you use a separate DB table (wp_harrys_gravatar_cache) to store plugin options? Isn’t this an overkill for storing a single record with 10 values?
I’d say a single entry in wp_options table with serialized data makes more sense, doesn’t it?
Great plugin, worked for me out of the box (unlike the popular FV one).
One issue though – I can’t change cache time to 8 weeks. It remains 4 weeks no matter what option I select and save.
I had installed this plugin and I saw huge increase in my server load. My website which takes 0.5 server load was showing upto 40 load. Uninstalling the plugin solved the issue.
]]>Hello, ! noticed that last version of the plugin breaks my theme in Webkit and Safari. Comments fields and footer were not loaded. Theme in action https://www.li-an.fr/blog/zolies-images/nicholai-ustinov/