Hello infogurke,
we had some issues with your plugin, so we switched to Subscribe to
Comments Reloaded. We are having even more issues with that – the
import of your subscription status from wp_comments table is also
importing subscribed email for spam comments. So then it’s sending out
notification to these spammers. Terrible!
We are willing to fix your plugin and send you the fixes. That will
allow us to go on using your plugin on new sites. Some people
complained about the WP 3.1 compatibility, so we will see if we have
any issues. We noticed some interface problems, so I’m talking mainly
about that.
Let us know if you are willing to review these changes and put them
into plugin and perhaps leave a link of “thank you” somewhere on the
plugin page.
]]>I am in the process of moving our blog https://www.uxzentrisch.de to a new host europe server.
I get this strange bug that replaces all settings for “Gurken Subscribe to Comments” with “a”s.
See this small screencast to see the error: https://screenr.com/1re
It works fine for “asdf”-strings but breaks as soon as I put my old configuration “Du bist der Autor dieses Beitrags. Einstellungen ?ndern.” in the “Entry Author” field.
We testet unserializing the settings but this returned false. So at some point the serialized objects gets corrupted?
Any thoughts?
Those are my host europe php-settings:
Einstellung Status
PHP-Errors Im Browser ausgeben ?ndern
PHP-RegisterGlobals Off ?ndern
PHP-mbstring.func_overload Wert 7 ?ndern
PHP-allow_url_fopen On ?ndern
PHP-allow_url_include On ?ndern
PHP-Magic-Quotes-GPC On ?ndern
PHP-Zend-ZE1-Kompatibilit?t Off ?ndern
PHP-Register-Long-Arrays Serverstandard ?ndern
PHP-Session-Use-Trans-SID Serverstandard ?ndern
PHP-Allow-Call-Time-Pass-Reference Serverstandard ?ndern
PHP Suhosin Executor Allow Symlink Serverstandard ?ndern
PHP Suhosin Session Encryption Serverstandard ?ndern
PHP Suhosin Mail Protection 1 ?ndern
PHP Suhosin RPG Max Vars Serverstandard ?ndern
Thanks a lot
I keep getting a bunch of warning from PHP when I activate this plugin…
]]>We have a problem with the notifications that are send when someone entered an invalid email address – or rather: those mails are sent to the wrong address themselves, since we now use a different one as the “Sent”-address.
I already changed the mail address field in the plugin and also in the mysql-table newsletter_users. I am not sure why some mails are still returned to the old address. Are those old subscriptions/mail notifications being delivered in the name of the old address? Or did I overlook a field in the mysql-table?
]]>this line
<?php if ( $checked_status ) echo 'checked="checked" '; ?>
in your main gurken-subscribe-to-comments.php
is clearly meant to query if an option was set in the settings as to whether to check the checkbox by default, but it does nothing, as there is no option in the settings page. Thus, I removed the above code and replaced it with
to achieve my desired result.
Might want to fix that in your next update.
]]>Just wondering because it seems that it would be redundant to have them verify their email for each subscription.
Perhaps you can make a feature where if you’ve subscribed from one IP address, you don’t have to subscribe from it again (e.g. at home). But if you go to work or school, then you’d have to subscribe one more time for that IP address. That way once you’re subscribed someone won’t subscribe you from somewhere else. The email could say “You’ve subscribed from a new location, please verify by clicking the link…”
]]>I have an existing setup using Mark Jaquith’s plugin and Subscribe to Comments Now! by Daniel Fru?yński.
If I switch to this newer plugin, is there a way to migrate the existing subscription data? Will it still be compatible with StCN! (or I can just test it myself if there’s a migration method).
I was having problems with the previous “subscribe to comments” plug-in so starting using this one instead. Much better.
However, I have been getting notifications from my host that it’s generating too many emails (6000 a day) so I’m trying to decrease the number being sent.
I have a handful of posts that have 200+ subscriptions so I’d like to be able to unsubscribe everyone from those.
I’d like to unsubscribe everybody that was subscribed using the old plug-in so, from now on, I know that everyone has gone through the double opt-in.
Is there an easy way to do this sort of thing?
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer.