Probably due to blizzard changes on developer portal and api, this plugin needs updating before we’re able to use it again.
Thank you for your time.
]]>Hallo, leider funktioniert der Import der Charaktere nicht. Ich bekomme leider auch keine Fehlermeldung, welche ich hier nennen kann. Wenn ich “Hole Charaktere” anklicke, l?dt die Seite neu und es passiert einfach überhaupt nichts.
Gibt es hierfür eine L?sung, oder wird das Plugin nicht mehr aktualisiert?
]]>Hello Guys,
why i get every time in the secend line only white color?
I have check background and setting and cant find my error. Anyone can help me?
Auf Deutsch w?re ich auch sehr dankbar :p
I am trying to install on current wordpress and it tells me it hasn’t been tested so not sure if that is the source of my woes. I can’t get the addon to load anything and when I turned debugging on it is telling me wow_armory_table_chars doesn’t exist. (On my initial install)
If I ignore that (since I am not sure when the table is created in the process) and store my settings for my guild and do my first character poll, I get an error: Notice: Undefined variable: lang in /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/guild-armory-roster/WoWArmoryTable.php on line 295
and then I get a wow_armory_table_chars’ doesn’t exist for what looks like each character in the guild
If you have any ideas, I have thought about manually creating the tables to see if that helps
]]>got it working
Is there any way we can make this plugin work with private servers?
If it’s possible with few changes please let me know.
I’m epicly in need of this.
I get this error when i use Update Guild Progress function
wp-content/plugins/guild-armory-roster/WoWArmoryTable.php on line 414
Yet another topic from me, but this is more of an issue then a suggestion.
The problem with getting the server data from the armory guildpage is that realms that are merged will only have 1 realm assigned to the guildpage, so lets say the gm of the guild is on defias brotherhood, the guildpage will show up as defias brotherhood.
But Defias Brotherhood is merged with several other realms like, scarshield legion, ravenholdt and so on.
This means that on the roster page it will show up as Defias Brotherhood on all players, even though some of them are on ravenholdt or Scarshield Legion, which makes the links to the player armory page not work.
Would it be possible to also make it show what spec a character is playing and item level?
]]>Hey there!
thanks for this great plugin.
Is there any way to make it possible so if, lets say we got no demon hunters, then it wont show the demon hunter class section using the [wow-arsenal-characters display=”class”] shortcode.
]]>I am trying to run 3 columns across like the plugin host website but it will not let me, it keeps running them horizontally please help
Thank you
]]>I am having lots of issues in 0.5.1 not working
$lang is undefined
lang is hard coded to de_DE
$guild is not used
$members could be null, need a check before you try foreach on it
$raids could be null
$bosses could be null
$boss is not used
$args is not used
Lastly, and I can tell this is leftover from the older version
Class methods should be declared with an access modifier
I suggest making a method like this
function getLang($lang) {
return empty($lang) ? get_locale() : $lang;
and using $this->getLang() or $this->getLang($lang) whenever you need the language string
]]>is it possible you could make this link to the characters on battle net?
]]>hiho thanks for your plugin. Iam using it currently and could find the demonHunter als colorpicker.
you may need to add the folowing lines at line 261 in /php/class.settings.php
‘<input type=”text” name=”wow_arsenal_table_options[classcolors][11]” id=”classcolors[11]” class=”classcolors” value=”%s” data-default-color=”#A330C9″ /><br />’,
isset( $this->options[‘classcolors’][11] ) ? esc_attr( $this->options[‘classcolors’][11]) : ‘#A330C9’);
echo ‘<p class=”description”>’.__(“Demon Hunter”, “wowarmorytable-plugin”).'</p><br />’;
if someone will help me with the addon it would be nice ?? I don`t have so much time.
]]>Are there any plans or is there any current way to make this more mobile friendly? The table itself isn’t responsive so after a certain size it just gets cut off, viewing on an iPhone is not very good looking. I could hide the element altogether but I would like it to be seen on mobile as many people use it on the go.
]]>Hi, sorry if this has been addressed already but the armory links in class view for characters from zul’jin don’t work, the link stop at zul and the apostraphe causes an issue within the plugin. Is this issue possible to fix?
]]>Seems like my theme and your addon are colliding…
though in my css i cant find any definition for tables so i don’t know why your plugin seems like it can’t “override” some default color.
basically its the even rows which stay in some grey-tone whether i change colors in settings or “dirty” inside addon-css.
Odd rows work fine.
Maybe you can have a look at it (reinstalled to default settings):
And is there a way to hide ranks? e.g. in our roster its enough to have the names and so on but the ranks could be hidden – or further right.
thanks in advance
shortcode used for upper table:
[wow-arsenal-characters title=”Gildenleitung” ranks=”0,2″ orderby=”rank” id=”1″ nosort nolength nodetails]
Hi There,
I am a bit struggling with the odd and even colors.
Looks like it isnt working for me. Tried looking in the css but cant seem to find it or to overwrite it some how.
With my current template the white is really horrible to look at.
Hope you can lead me in tnhe right direction to resolve this.
Thnx in advance
Hi all,
Will there be a update for legion? I looked into the css and php to add it myself but rather have an official update.
I already created the icon:
Thanks in advance!
]]>hey mates,
first: great work. 1 thing is missing in my opinion:
if i choose sort by class, it would be really nice to have shown the Names of the Charakter in the depending class-color (like yellow for rogues e.g.)
my skills in php are about ZERO. i watched out for the code, but tbh i can’t find the the things i’m talkin about.
]]>I downloaded and installed version 0.4.3.
I went to settings and filled in the following information:
Warriors of Destiny
Then went to the Armory Table and click first poll.
No Data
So I tried the shortcode on the page linked below and it was an empty table. What must I do to pull data?
Screenshots here:
]]>Hey bchristopeit,
der Letzte Ausweg den ich jetzt noch sehe ist der Entwickler des Plugins ich versuche nun seit drei Tagen das Roster auf meiner HP erscheinen zulassen.
Jedoch will er ums verrecken die Charaktere nicht laden ich bekomme folgende Fehlermeldungen:
Warning: file_get_contents(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in /var/customers/webs/ni359852_1/wp-content/plugins/guild-armory-roster/WoWArmoryTable.php on line 309 Warning: file_get_contents(): Failed to enable crypto in /var/customers/webs/ni359852_1/wp-content/plugins/guild-armory-roster/WoWArmoryTable.php on line 309 Warning: file_get_contents( failed to open stream: operation failed in /var/customers/webs/ni359852_1/wp-content/plugins/guild-armory-roster/WoWArmoryTable.php on line 309 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/customers/webs/ni359852_1/wp-content/plugins/guild-armory-roster/WoWArmoryTable.php on line 316 Warning: file_get_contents(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in /var/customers/webs/ni359852_1/wp-content/plugins/guild-armory-roster/WoWArmoryTable.php on line 294 Warning: file_get_contents(): Failed to enable crypto in /var/customers/webs/ni359852_1/wp-content/plugins/guild-armory-roster/WoWArmoryTable.php on line 294 Warning: file_get_contents( failed to open stream: operation failed in /var/customers/webs/ni359852_1/wp-content/plugins/guild-armory-roster/WoWArmoryTable.php on line 294 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/customers/webs/ni359852_1/wp-content/plugins/guild-armory-roster/WoWArmoryTable.php on line 332
und ich wei? mir einfach nicht zu helfen ich habe soviel rum versucht und gegoogelt und es will einfach nicht.
Am Plugin liegt es nicht da die Tabelle geladen wird jedoch ohne Charaktere siehe:
Ich hoffe du kannst mir bei meinem Problem helfen.
Da ich sehr gerne ein Roster auf der Homepage h?tte ??
Und dein Plugin einfach Super aussieht ich hab es auch schon auf anderen Seiten gesehen.
Mfg Ben
I was looking for a way to exclude levels and ranks and managed to do it with the following code change in class.characters.php:
Replace on line 33:
if($excluderanks != "")
if($excluderanks = "3,4,5,6,7,8,9")
Replace on line 36:
if($fromlvl != "")
if($fromlvl = "100")
This will exclude ranks 3 to 9 and only display level 100’s.
Maybe features like these can be added to the settings in the future.
]]>Jeder Arsenallink zeigt auf den Hauptserver der Gilde, seit der Realmverknüpfung ist das ein wenig doof ??
]]>Checked network tab on Firebug, the page is not loading any css-files.
Also another (possible) issue is that “jquery.dataTables.Character.js” seems to be empty.