Gravity Forms Placeholder Add-On work with WP 4.4.2
i have a problem with this add on that it works only when i log in to the web site.
We’re trying to use this plugin (awesome plugin, by the way) in conjunction with ‘Bootstrap Select’ :
However, when we apply the ‘Bootstrap Select’ to a Gravity Forms select field, we get the following error in the console:
Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: label[for=]
....value:null},ga.error=function(a){throw new Error("Syntax error, unrecognized ex...
jquery....=1.11.3 (line 2, col 12730)
When we remove the ‘gf-add-placeholder’ class from the select field, the error goes away. So, this is an obvious easy fix, but I just wanted to mention this situation just in case.
]]>FYI, I noticed today that this plugin (which I realize has been replaced by default Gravity Forms functionality) breaks IE9 and IE8 (didn’t test any lower).
Those browsers throw out an error which prevents Gravity Forms from even showing a form with conditional logic in the first place.
]]>Correction: It’s a slow loading script.
When I add css class to list field, gravity form disappears.
]]>On my client’s site,, we’re getting the placeholder doubled up twice.
As in — the field label is being written twice in the field, and then it’s done again. So instead of a single entry of
Your lens type* we’re getting
Line 1: Your lens type*Your lens type*
Line 2: Your lens type*Your lens type*
Line 3 and onward are the fields and they are fine.
If this isn’t resolved in the next couple of days, I’ll need to find another solution. I would appreciate advice on alternatives.
Seems like the placeholder is not available for captcha field? Any workaround?
]]>A bug in IE 11 with select menus. The placeholder does not appear as the selected option when the page loads.
]]>I like the look of your planned future developments – with custom settings for each placeholder text, etc. I was going to ask when this would be developed, but I see that you haven’t resolved support requests for the last month.
That’s when I found this alternative plugin that does exactly the extra things you’ve mentioned: Gravity Forms HTML5 Placeholders.
If you want to avoid further development, maybe just point people to that plugin.
]]>Everything worked fine up until the last GF update.
After the update I got a weird behavior:
I have several simple fields in my form (name, email, tel, message).
The first field is a Simple Name field type.
For this field only, which is the first field in the form, the placeholder doesn’t work and the label is placed outside the field.
I think that the bug is related to the field type (which is a Name type) because in another site that I have that I updated to 1.8.12 the first field is a Single Line type and everything is ok there.
Thank you
]]>Hi – Is it possible to append the ‘gf-add-placeholder’ class to all fields across all forms via PHP?
it seems there was a bug with this addon and GForms non-ajax submit-mode. Because the placeholder-option gets always inserted on top and has “selected” set, previously selected options got ignored (e.g. in case of a form error).
I took the liberty to “fork” the plugin code on github and added a patch – please see
The previous commits on this repository are just code formatting and CRLF related.
]]>Since the First and Last name field in Gravity Forms is a more complex First/Last combination, the asterisks don’t show up for the fields. The labels DO show properly as placeholders, but since the asterisk is on the main NAME label, the asterisks don’t exist by default for the First/Last labels. Is there a way to get that to work?
]]>I created a form with required fields, is it possible hide asterisk * and keep field required?. I tested:
body .gform_wrapper .gform_body .gform_fields .gfield .gfield_label .gfield_required {display: none;}
but don’t works with this plugin (Gravity Forms Placeholder Add-On) running.
Please help!
]]>My form disappears when I use the gf-add-placeholder.
I’m using it on a drop down list.
When I accidentally typed gf-dd-placeholder it appeared again but obviously it wasn’t working.
Oh, and I don’t really understand what I’m supposed to do to get it working anyways. All I understood was that I had to fill in the css class with gf-add-placeholder.
I made another test form where I just had one drop down list, applied the gf-add-placeholder and it did nothing at all. I don’t know what’s going on
Please help!
]]>Suddenly there are some weird things happening to my form and I think it has something to do with this plugin. The output of some fields do not appear in the confirmation e-mail. When disabling the plugin everything is fine.
The form is located here:
I’m getting this error in my console:
Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: label[for=]
Any suggestions?
]]>Sorry for the double post.
I believe there may be a bug with the validation fix here or elsewhere.
It lies in the placeholder text for drop down selectors.
The issue with them is that if anything fails validation at all, once the pages reloaded with error fields highlighted, all other normal fields have the placeholder text restored if nothing was entered, but in a drop down list, since the selection has already been made and the top most “li” element has been removed, the drop down box defaults to using the top most possible selection, but as is mentioned in the description of this plugin. one cannot use that top most selection because it is supposed to be the appended, label field as a placeholder, so if you try selecting the top most selection in the drop down box, it will continue to fail validation saying you must select something. can select any other field under the top one and it will pass validation though.
The code should check if a selection has already been made here, and if not, it should restore the label again as a placeholder in the topmost spot and function as if the page wee freshly loaded. If a selection has been made, it should not place the placeholder in again, and remove the blocking of the top most selection .. in case thats the one they’ve selected.
thanks for any help. ??
]]>My WordPress automatically updated to 3.9.1 and the placeholders disappeared. I updated Gravity Forms plugin to 1.8.8 and that didn’t fix it. The class is still there and I don’t know what’s wrong. Please help.
Site is at
]]>My placeholders are gone after the form gets validated, they are reset to the default labels.
]]>Hi there:
This excerpt from the installation instructions has me very confused. Judging from the comments left on the original plugin off which this one is based, I know I’m not the only one:
“In order to use the plugin you need only add the class of “gf-add-placeholder” to any of the fields you wish to have a placeholder on.”
I’m sorry if I sound stupid but I’m a little confused about how I add a class to an html tag which is created dynamically by Gravity forms… Do I wrap the class within a ‘label’ tag? And that goes where? Here’s what I tried to do. This did not work. I know you didn’t write the original plugin but one vast enhancement you guys could make would be clarify the use of the plugin and maybe include a screenshot?
Anyway; here’s my bungled shot at this; if you could clue me in, I would be grateful…
Select the first answer on the first two questions to get to the form with the drop-down. The text fields work perfectly but the label still exists on the drop down.
]]>I can’t figure out how to target place holder text with css? Otherwise a very simple and easy to use plug in.
]]>Please consider wp_localize_script for adding script variables. Just echoing a script tag can cause issues with plugins and themes.
]]>“The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found. Plugin install failed.”
Can you please fix?