ErrorException: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
Notice: Undefined index: fields
Sentry traceback
Although I can see this plugin has been deadpooled, maybe it’s still worth it fixing it up, until people can migrate away.
]]>First, thank you very much, awesome plugin!
but please, allow to disable this log, is annoying, interferes with my local debugging:
function itsg_gf_list_field_sortable:
console.log(“gravity-forms-list-field-sortable-rows :: sortable_rows :: field_id: ” + s)
]]>First off, I’ve found this plugin very useful! Thank you! Along with the your snippets here, I’ve been able to make excellent use of this.
However, I did find it interesting after initially installing and activating that all my list fields (on all existing forms) have defaulted to have both Sortable Rows and Sortable Columns enabled. All of my existing lists do not need this feature, so I am needing to edit each field across 50-some forms to disable these settings. I would have expected these should have been set to disabled as a default. Can you check this and consider how this might be resolved for folks who install this in the future. Thanks!
]]>Hi there,
nice plugin.
In my multicolumn list I have a date field in first column and users can edit entries with gravity view. The list should be sorted according to this date field initially.
I tried to change this in jquery.tablesorter.js
sortList: [0,0],
But it does not work.
Is there any way to solve this?
Kind Regards
I am unable to sort the list fields on mobile phone. You can see the issue is present on the demo as well. Any ideas on how to fix?
]]>Is it possible to make a 2-column list sortable in each separate column? So rather than the entire row moving, it just moves the field within its column?
]]>Hi Adrian,
I left a notice in Dropdown plugin also, and I think it’s better to report the issue here.
Since last update is mainly about the fixed height, now the dorpdown list field cannot show the full choice when it comes to j-Query UI mode.
I think it’s a serious problem for users who install both plugin.
]]>Just looking for the option to create an orderable list, so that I can give the customer 4 options and ask them to rate them in order of importance… might be worth adding some time.
]]>Is it possible to get this to work with a list field create by a Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types Post field? It looks like I can combine your two plugins to create an ajax image upload that lets people sort the order. But if the list field is a post field, the sorting no longer works.
]]>Hi, I saw the code inside this plugin. I know that, if one can change sorting direction by adding some code modifying.
Here is how:
if ( '1' == itsg_gform_sortable_js_settings.is_entry_detail ) {
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
// bind sortable plugin to the list
jQuery( '.gfield_list_container tbody' ).sortable({
placeholder: 'ui-state-highlight',
helper: fixHelper,
axis : 'y'
in list-field-sortable-script.js file.
This code will allow users to move the rows only vertically.
Do you have any plan to make this change by filter from outside of plugin code editing?
It will be better if you make a filter for it. Thanks
]]>… in file:
after line 54 add this:
`add_action(‘admin_footer’, array(&$this, ‘sortable_javascript’));
]]>Hi there,
I could not get this to work, because I have made it possible for list fields to be of type custom field. Could this check be changed:
from this:
if ( 'list' == $field['type'] && true == $field['itsg_field_sortable'] ) {
to this:
if ( true == $field['itsg_field_sortable'] ) {
]]>Hello dude, really looking for it from long time. Fine & fantastic, awesome.
But one question, i saw that you have used file upload button on your screeshots. I have the codes to add file upload button, but it does not work at all. It browsing for the file but not uploading file on form submit. Please make another plugin on it…
Thanks again for all of your great plugin including this one…
Nice plugin. great work.
I need to know about some issue.
Can I sort Columns based on their value?
It is like sorting ASC, DESC or AtoZ, ZtoA with this plugin?
What will be the code for that?
Is it possible to sort rows upon submit or validation?
If I set some rules like AtoZ or ZtoA, and the rows will sort automatically on the time of submit or pre-validation/pre-submission.
Thanks for your works, all of the 10 plugins you have uploaded here, all are useful and much helpful.