I’ve just installed your gravity form analytics plugin and I am struggling trying to set it up. Can you please help me?
I’ve set the URL in the input fields of the admin area to “/new-designer-checkout” which is the location of the multi-step form. Every subsequent step I’ve set to “/new-designer-checkout/step-2”, “/new-designer-checkout/step-3”, etc.
I have a few questions:
1. Is this the way it needs to be setup in the backend of WP? If not what is wrong?
2. Am I supposed to see any change in the URL on the frontend? Or is it just supposed to show up in GA?
3. Am I supposed to setup anything in GA in order to complete the installation process?
Thanks in advance for your help.
]]>Keep getting duplicate confirmation messages when using multipage/step Ajax forms…
Also tracking doesn’t appear to pass through to Google Analytics…
are you able to update the plugin please?
it would be great if you would.
Thanks in advance
]]>I am optimistic about this plugin helping me, but sure need some help getting it to work.
I am using a Gravity Form with 8 pages and WP and GF are updated to the very latest.
We are hoping to send a pageview to GA so that we can follow the pages in the behaviour flow. Right now, all of the pages of the form look the same in GA. Your plugin’s description looks to solve this problem for me.
I have put my google code in the theme’s header.php file:
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-12345678-12', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');
When we login to GA, we see our traffic, but cannot distinguish between pages of the form.
I have also enabled your GA Addon Plugin and then went to the forms -> Google Analytics section and for each of the 8 pages of the form, I typed in a unique virtual URL that does not exist on my website:
I also have checked the “Use Universal implementation instead of ga.js implementation (_gaq)?” button.
As I page through the forms, and then go to ‘view source’, I see my code come through, and then later on, I see the code from the plugin also:
<script>var gfga_parent = window.parent; if (typeof gfga_parent.gfga_pageview == 'function') { gfga_parent.gfga_pageview('/zzyzx2','ua'); }</script>
<div class='gf_browser_gecko gform_wrapper' id='gform_wrapper_2' ><form method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' id='gform_2' action='/interview'>
<div class='gform_body'><div id='gform_page_2_1' class='gform_page' style='display:none;'>
<div class='gform_page_fields'>
<ul id='gform_fields_2' class='gform_fields top_label description_above'><li id='field_2_41' class='gfield guide-img gfield_html gfield_html_formatted gfield_no_follows_desc' ><img src="wp-content/uploads/2014/12/form_img1.png" alt="image description">
But I never see /zzyzx2 in Google Analytics.
I do see your description in the plugin about Text Confirmation, and really do not understand what you are trying to say. It says “Form <myforms name> doesn’t have a Text as Confirmation.” And sure enough, I don’t.
So, maybe you have some ideas on how I went wrong on this. And if I need to have a text confirmation, are there any particular details about the text confirmation that I should employ?
Thank you very much for your help.
First, thank you for creating this great plugin; keep up the good work. This plugin is something that I would love to have implemented; however, for me, it is not working correctly. I am using the plugin to keep track of multi-page pageviews. I have the plugin installed and active. My wordpress version is 4.1 and my gravity version is 1.8.22. Can you install the latest versions of gravity forms and wordpress to see if the plugin is still up to date.
I am using the Google Analytics Debugger add-on for Chrome to track the execution of any pageviews generated. However, I still cannot get virtual page-views to work on multi-page form setup.
Can You please look into this for me.
Thank you in advance. You help is much appreciated.
]]>WordPress and Plugins are all latest versions. The form has a text confirmation. We use the Google Analytics plugin by Yoast and have Universal analytics selected. The analytics was tracking form submissions perfectly as a Goal with the destination set as the confirmation URL.
For the last 4 days the tracking shows zero submissions, which is incorrect.
Any idea what happened?
Wonderfull plugin concept. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for me. 2 reasons.
1) I use merge tags in my conformation page. The tags are broken by the plugin.
2) I use different conformations. But it is nog possible to give more then one confirmation a GA name.
Hope you can manage this in the future. Keep on doing the good work!
]]>I have added a url for each page of a multipage form. When going to the front end of the site I don’t see anything added to the url when going through the form pages.
Is this a problem. I would assume the urls would need to display on the front end for this to work?
i want to use your plugin to see on which page of a multi page form people drop out. Can you please add very detailled descriptions or even step by step tutorials on how to achieve this goal, maybe even in the FAQ section as these should be a general questions for everybody who is interested in using your your plugin.
Please cover specifically these questions:
1. Where do I find the necessary GA code? Is it the javascript-snippet which I already use for GA in general or something else?
2. Where do I add the tracking code inside Gravity forms, as the URL does not change between the different pages on multi page forms.
Thank you. Nick
]]>I’m getting a javascript error:
ReferenceError: _gaq is not defined
When I view the source, only reference to “_gaq” is in this snippet just before </body>
var _gfga_gaq = _gaq;
function gfga_pageview(url,type) {
if (type == 'ua') {
ga('send', 'pageview', url);
} else {
_gfga_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', url]);
]]>Hi there
I added the tracking code in the dedicated page “Google Analytics” to Gravity Forms (eg : onclick=”ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘Contact’, ‘contact’, ‘Contact – validé’);”).
I have checked the box “Use Universal implementation instead of ga.js implementation (_gaq)?”.
But nothing appears in Analytics / Behavior / Events / Overview.
Any idea?
Thank’s in advance
]]>HI I have had a client ask me to add tracking code to a few forms. One of these forms uses ajax. I installed your plugin and am just wondering where I should drop in my GA tracking code.
I set the confirmation to a page and dropped the code into a template. As the form is usuing ajax should I use a text confirmation and should I simply add the tracking code to the text field within the settings area?
Help appreciated
]]>I got curious when I saw this plugin, so I installed it and inside the settings within Gravity Forms, for this plugin, it says
“You need Gravity Forms for this plugin to work properly.”
Any thoughts on how to get it working? ??