Email field does not ask for icon, so looks quite different from the other fields.
Also the paragraph field shows the title of the field twice.
Thanks, Dave
I use filters that this plugin seems to ignore. The most important is changing the week to start on Sunday.
gform.addFilter( 'gform_datepicker_options_pre_init', function( optionsObj, formId, fieldId ) {
optionsObj.firstDay = 0;
return optionsObj;
A secondary is no dates prior to today, less important.
gform.addFilter( 'gform_datepicker_options_pre_init', function( optionsObj, formId, fieldId ) {
if ( fieldId == 5 ) {
optionsObj.minDate = 0;
return optionsObj;
How can I achieve this with Gravitizer?
]]>Great that someone create a simple way of improve design of Gravity Forms!
But this plugin does not seem to be ready yet. It does not work for my price fields (Checkboxes) and the switches are not well aligned with the text and have a strange circle that mess up the design.
The textfields gets strange as well. Might be that is mixes things up with other plugins or some of my own css rules.
I did not have time to try all the fileds but the idea here is great, but it does not do it all the way for me. Yet ??